July 21, 2013
Present: Bob Bess, Gary Grant, Pat Hollifield, DJ Mitchell, Joe Panther, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Not present: Steve Anderson, Annette Duff, Aubrey Hardman; Amy Haynie, Associate Rector.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, July 21, 2013, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Senior Warden.
Minutes of the May 19, 2013, meeting were approved as distributed. Minutes of the June 18, 2013 were approved as distributed.
Communications Committee
Susan Kleinwechter provided an update on the parish website. Her technical report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Christian Education
The written report of Corrie Cabes, CE director, is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker announced that 18 people from St-Martin-in-the-Fields attended the ordination of Jordan Haynie.
He stated that nominees are currently being solicited for potential candidates to stand for election or be considered for appointment at the 2013 Diocesan Convention. Information and applicant form will be on the diocesan website beginning July 29 and closing at the end of the day September 9, 2013. St. Martin, as the 3rd largest parish in the diocese, has an obligation to be well represented on the diocesan level. He distributed information to those present. (See attached copies.)
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reported that the clergy benevolence funds have been audited and found correct. She reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) DJ Mitchell moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Associate Rector’s Report
The written report of the Associate Rector is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Senior Warden’s Report
Thank You from Annette Mayer: The Senior Warden read a note from Annette Mayer in which she thanked the Vestry and all the members of St-Martin-in-the-Fields for their support during her progress toward ordination. She will be interning at another parish during the next step in the process.
The Rev Lauren Gough: He stated that the Rev Gough’s announcement of her leaving St. Martin came during a meeting he had with the clergy of the parish. She gave no explanation of her decision at that time, and he has no further information.
Security Assessment: A letter has come from the diocese listing the causes for concern they found during an assessment of security. The assessment was done before the recent installation of our video security system. Joe Panther will evaluate the list and report back to the Vestry. Joel Walker offered to assist him if necessary.
Stewardship Update: Aubrey Hardman, Stewardship chair, will be using the Episcopal Network for Stewardship for this year’s campaign. He requests that Vestry members check out the program with feedback to go to the Senior Warden.
Interim Rector Search: The Senior Warden invited anyone interested to serve with him on a “mini search committee” for an Interim Rector. He plans to hold interviews in late July and early August. He intends to have the work of the committee finished by the August Vestry meeting. Vestry members DJ Mitchell, Becky Snell, Joel Walker and Jim Wilson volunteered to serve on the committee, as did observers Eloise Frye and Joy Malmgren.
Rector Search: The Senior Warden announced that Richard Cabes will head the Search Committee for a new Rector. Cabes plans to do a “history dinner” as part of the process.
Consideration of Canon Waggoner’s List
Prior to this meeting the Senior Warden distributed to Vestry members a list of questions from Canon Waggoner. She has asked for the information in order to better assist St. Martin in finding both an Interim Rector and a Rector. Vestry members present, acting as a committee of the whole, provided answers, and suggestions were solicited from non Vestry members present. The Senior Warden will organize the list and share his document with Vestry members before sending it on to Canon Waggoner later this evening. (See attached copy of the final document.)
Licensed Lay Ministers Licenses
The licenses of the members of the Licensed Lay Ministers Guild need to be updated. The licenses of those serving at present will be located to see which ones need to be renewed.
The meeting adjourned at 2:10 PM with prayer by Glenda Morehead.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Communication Development Report to Vestry on July 21, 2013
- Vestry clerk had pointed out missing vestry minutes, web team has remedied.
- Plan to publish minutes in non-pdf format so it’s readable without a pdf reader program.
- Not planning to make our website the digital repository of minutes for records management under The Episcopal Church’s Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs.
- Automatic weekly backup of calendar –
- Since calendar details appear on front of website, it needs consistency.
- Calendar style guide/instructions created/emailed to staff.
- Noticeable – Link to article about event will be used rather than long paragraphs.
- Working on existing entries to make them reflect the new guide.
- Will necessitate descriptions of Rite I and Rite II worship.
Sermon audio
- Amy is uploading MP3 to PodBean account.
- Web team wants to also put on our website (not just link to PodBean).
- Ran into snag with file size upload to WordPress, starting to investigate.
- Discussed with parish admin using Mailchimp vs. Constant Contact; Michele is in favor. Michele has used MailChimp before, likes it.
- MailChimp would let us have one place for website and email marketing subscriptions (the “sign me up” stuff).
- Expect no disruption of email delivery in the transition.
- Susan had already created account, achieved nonprofit approval from MailChimp. Cost will not increase over what SMITF is currently paying Constant Contact.
- Michele will choose timing, website will follow.
- Still need to promote website subscription in our print media.
Other absent content
- Still trying to chase down contributions in some areas, notably stewardship, preschool.
From the vestry:
- Website needs more photos, more people in action.
- Website has navigated people through the red doors of the physical church.
Christian Education Report
Summer 2013
Vacation Bible School was a complete success this year at St. Martin’s! Over 130 participants, crew leaders and volunteers flooded the Kingdom to proclaim that all should “Stand Strong for God!” Our theme, “Kingdom Rock” involved a mighty fortress where children learned about the strength and depth of God’s love. One of the most memorable highlights occurred when Jacob Tiemann, one of our youths, portrayed Jesus coming into the midst of all the children at Vacation Bible School. He was greeted by Ian Neilson, who helped lead daily performances with the music leader, Alison Zukowski. Children were in awe of the performance as Jesus carried a wooden cross and took all of the “sins” away.
Many hands were at work to bring Vacation Bible School to St. Martin’s. I would especially like to thank vestry members Linda Seeber, Jim Wilson, Joel Walker, Steve Anderson and Pat Hollifield for their generous donations of time, talent and supplies to make VBS possible.
VBS School Supply Drive
One of the goals of VBS is to reach out into the community and be the hands of Christ. This year St. Martin’s is partnering with Whitley Road Elementary, a local Keller ISD school that has many low income families. Julia Bishop, head of VBS Philanthropy, led the call to provide complete school supply kits to help children have the best possible start to the school year. After connecting with Jaynie Smythe, the Whitley Road School counselor, it was determined that we would also challenge the parish and VBS participants to provide “teacher classroom kits”, which are items that teachers normally buy with their own money, such as tissue boxes, glue sticks and hand sanitizer. I am so proud to announce that this has been a wonderfully successful program. We have supplied over 30 school supply kits (that can run from $35-60 a pack) and 30 teacher classroom kits ($10 a piece). Thanks to St. Martin’s parish family and VBS participants for reaching out to others in the name of Christ. **Look for us to continue the partnership with Whitley Road Elementary as our youth helps them spruce up their teacher’s lounge this year.
Children’s Chapel: Children’s Chapel began at the 10:30 am service on Sunday, May 26th and it has been very popular with our children, youth and families. The average weekly attendance has been 25 children and youth chaplains who have loved learning their own prayers and creeds. It’s been a time to take a deeper look at the Gospel and what the message really means to young people. Fun, contemporary Christian music, Godly Play stories and bible drama are all part of the weekly mixture that has kids coming back each week! The teens love to read the Gospel and help with the younger children. Children’s Chapel will continue through the summer until Sunday School begins on Sunday, September 8th.
EfM: Education for Ministry, a program through the University of the South, equips lay-persons to be informed and knowledgeable in their daily ministry. This program kicked off this week, led by the Reverend Judy Upham, an experienced Fort Worth EfM Mentor. She will meet with this group each week at St. Martin’s as they start the journey of a very thorough Christian Education.
“Same Kind of Different as Me”-A six-week Friday night study group, led by The Rev. Henry Penner, takes a closer look at this popular book and its life changing message.
Security Update: The security system has been purchased and the installation process has been completed. Thank you for funding and approving this project. I feel that this is a good start to addressing our building security.
Art Camp: Susan Vanderlaan has painted a wonderful world of fun for children with two art camps this summer at St. Martin’s. Check out artwork created by St. Martin’s own children at the Kid’s Art Show on Saturday, July 27th from 1:30pm-2:30pm in the West Parish Hall.
Labyrinth Planning Meeting: A meeting to talk about the possibility of creating a labyrinth at St. Martins’ will be held on August 8th in the West Parish Hall and will finish with prayer outside in the fields.
St. Martin’s Academy and Preschool Blessing and Potluck: Join us as we celebrate the start of another great school year for our school. The Saturday 5pm service will invite the teachers and staff to receive a blessing. Following the service, all are invited for a potluck dinner in the East Parish Hall.
Sunday School Teacher Breakfast and Training will be held on Sunday, August 25th and will continue with a teacher blessing and installation of Sunday School volunteer staff.
Sunday school for children ages 4-12th grade begins on Sunday, September 8th during the 10:30 am service!
In His Service
Corrie Cabes
Director of Christian Education
Vestry Report – July 2013
I am sorry to be missing the meeting today. This week begins my month of getting two teens off to college. This Monday-Friday, I am in Boston with Sam for his registration and orientation. On Saturday, August 17th, Henry will lead the 5pm service in Evening Prayer; I will be assisting my niece with her dorm move-in in San Marcos. I will be at church on August 18th for services and the Vestry Meeting. August 26-30 I will be back in Boston to move Sam into his dorm. Then I will be free of the 18 year olds in the house. I will still have the 14 year olds to keep me young, never fear!
The office is running smoothly thanks to Corrie and Michele. I am very thankful to have them as colleagues. They are each fantastic at their jobs and they free me up to do my job.
I have brought the Ministry Schedule into my realm of duties. Richard Cabes has done a wonderful job with it over the last year, but he is ready to move on to different ministry. I am looking for ways to streamline the scheduling process. We are in need of more Worship Leaders and chalice bearers. I will begin recruiting more people. As we begin to think about Stewardship, I really want to do a “Gifts and Talents” inventory this year.
Corrie and I have been talking about some of the Formation options for the parish. Several people in the weekday studies have expressed a wish to explore the Enneagram as a spiritual tool. I am looking into either having a facilitator come to SMitF, or a group of us going over to Dallas. I am doing a continuing education course in January on it, so the class may be after that. I do not know how far out the facilitators will be scheduling. If we are able to host a class at SMitF, we could publicize it to the diocese also.
I officiated my first marriage with Heather Neilson and Jeremy Ripple on July 11. I have another one scheduled on September 1 with a couple who are not members at SMitF (the bride’s mom is another priest in the diocese). Our next Baptismal date is September 8, which is also the first day of Sunday School.
Thank you all for your support through this time. I really love serving at SMitF and with you all. Please call, text, email, face-to-face with me about any questions or concerns (214-695-2627 or
Below are questions from Canon Waggoner about our interim position. I would like to discuss these at Vestry so I can forward our answers Sunday afternoon.
What is St. Martin’s average Sunday attendance?
200 to 250, we have three services, Saturday 5:00pm 30-40, Sunday 8:30am 20-30 and Sunday 10:30am 150-180.
List of full-time staff and part-time staff and their job titles?
Reverend Amy Haynie, Associate Rector, Full Time
Reverend Henry Penner, Deacon, Part Time non-stipendiary
Christi Hardy, Choir Director/ Organist Part Time
Corrie Cabes, Director of Christian Education, Part Time
Catherine Stehlik, Director of St. Martin’s Pre-school, Full Time
Michelle King, Church Secretary, Part Time
What are the top 5 ministry areas of importance at St. Martin’s right now?
1. Christian Education of children and adults. (Sunday school, Vacation church school, book studies, Godly Play, Children’s Choir…)
2. Youth Ministry; Bringing youth together in a setting which will strengthen connections with each other and Christ. (Mission trips, youth camps, Happening….)
3.Inreach and outreach; (Support of Community Storehouse, Al-Anon, Hope NA Group, Festival in the Fields, Support of Whitely Road Elem School, Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts, Union Gospel Mission, Presbyterian Night Shelter, Angel Tree Ministry…)
4. Radical Hospitality; an organized effort to welcome and embrace newcomers, an effort to create a welcoming culture.
5. Worship Services;(music programs, acolytes, choir, readers, chalice bearers, supporting and training candidates for ordination, message from the pulpit…)
What are the top 5 challenges in ministry for St. Martin at this time?
1.Attraction and retention of new parishioners.
2. Stewardship
3. Engaging parishioners in ministries.
4. Communication-getting the word out – how can we do this better.
5. Conflict resolution, how we handle disagreements.
What key characteristics are you seeking in an interim?
Leadership and energy. Willingness and interest in getting to know the congregation. The ability to deliver memorable and meaningful sermons.
What MUST the person be willing to do?
Maintain continuity. Work hard, provide pastoral care, attend meetings and make personal visits to parishioners. Continue to help us keep St. Martin’s as a church that is welcoming to everyone.
What MUST the person be able to avoid doing?
We are not looking for someone who wants to make changes just for the sake of making changes.
What is the salary package you’re looking at?
Under our 2013 budget we are able to offer $40,000 per year total package.
Is there housing? If so, what are the general details of that?
No we do not have a rectory.
Is St. Martin willing to pay moving expenses? What would an approximate budget be for this?
We do not have a budget for paying moving expenses, however we would be open to discuss this with a candidate in order to try and negotiate a fair moving allowance.