Vestry minutes – July 19, 2015 meeting

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting
July 19, 2015
Present: Gregory Anderson, Charles Busey, Jack Bolerjack, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Courtney Mullaney, Cyndy Sulots, Jim Wilson; the Rev Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Doug Watson, Treasurer.
Not present: Bob Bess, Annette Duff, Pat Hollifield, and Gil Kleinwechter.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, July 19, 2015, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall.  The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector.
Consideration of Minutes
Courtney Mullaney moved the minutes of the June 28, 2015, be approved as distributed. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports.  (See attached.)  DJ Mitchell moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented.  Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The treasurer reported that the Rector’s medical insurance which is purchased through the diocese does not include vision coverage. His vision insurance coverage will be billed and paid separately by the church.
Finance Committee
Year End Expectation: The Finance Committee has determined that barring any major problems, St. Martin’s is on track to end 2015 in a positive position financially.
Audit: The committee believes that the audit of 2014 financial records in August should go smoothly. The Rector announced he has appointed Jane Smith to the Auditing Committee in place of Meagan Timmons, who is unable to serve.
Replenishment of Benevolence Funds:  At St. Martin’s the 3rd Sunday plate offering traditionally goes to the clergy benevolence funds. The need for financial help from the benevolence funds frequently depletes the funds before the 3rd Sunday. There is no process in place at this time to replenish the funds when this happens. Elizabeth Mason moved the Vestry establish a process which would authorize the Vestry to vote via email to transfer money from the operating fund to the benevolence funds with a cap of $1,000.00 per vote. Such a vote would be recorded in the minutes of the next regular Vestry meeting. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Investment Committee
The “Investment Goals and Risk Tolerance Assessment” agreed upon by the Investment Committee and presented to the vestry by committee chair, DJ Mitchell, is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Gregory Anderson moved the Vestry approve the committee’s plan to request proposals from three investment advisors. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The results of the consultations with the advisors will be reported at a later date.
Stewardship Report
The Rector announced that one of the visuals used during the fall stewardship campaign will be a thermometer which will rise as pledges come in. Vestry members were reminded that their forms reporting ministry needs and goals are due at the August 17 meeting.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The Rector reported that 47 students have been registered and have paid for the fall term. Elizabeth Highsmith will be working with Director Cindy James. He has appointed Charles Busey to the school board and Meagan Hickman, a school mother, to chair the school board.
Christian Education Reports
The Rector announced that 24 attended the first session of his World Religions class and 36 the second session. There have been requests for an evening version of the class.
The written report of Corrie Cabes, Children Youth Minister and School Chaplain is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Communications Committee
Gregory Anderson announced he is working on creating vector art for St. Martin’s logos. The school website update is in process and should be finished by the first week of August. Carl Snow is the new chair of the committee. Linda Snow will be working in the church library to prepare for the 50th anniversary of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church.
Radical Hospitality
Flo Lowrey reminds everyone of the September 19 party for newcomers. It will be held after the Saturday 5 PM service. Four ministries will be highlighted. She asked once again that everyone remember to call the blue cards that come in “Communication Cards” and not “Newcomer Cards.”
Junior Wardens’ Report
Buildings and Grounds Committee: The committee met for the first time last month. They will be meeting monthly on the fourth Saturday at 2 PM.
Lighting Update Bids: The Vestry received the bids from Daniel Fails for lighting changes. Further study is needed to determine the best way to provide the desired lighting of the altar and the area surrounding it and the choir loft. Before the next Vestry meeting two more bids will be solicited for replacing the fluorescents in all buildings with more modern technologies.
Roofs and Gutters: Parishioner Don Sulots continues working to find the best solutions to correct continuing problems. He is currently consulting with the Roofs and Siding Company.
Rector’s Report
Fall Festival in the Fields:  The Rector announced there will be a Festival in the Fields on October 24, 11 AM to 3 PM. The Festival will be greatly scaled back from previous years, and Fever United will take a larger role. More information will be forthcoming in the future.
Susan Slaughter as Assistant: With approval of the Vestry the Rector plans to bring in the Rev. Susan Slaughter as an assistant priest, helping with pastoral, preaching, celebrating and other priestly duties as needed. He requested approval for the following compensation for her: 8 hours per week at $1200.00 for the month of August 2015 and 12 hours per week at $1500.00 per month September through December 2015. DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry allow $7200.00 to hire the Rev Susan Slaughter through the rest of 2015 beginning August 1. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Jim Wilson moved the Vestry adopt the following resolution:
Whereas the Reverend Susan Slaughter, an ordained minister, is employed to serve St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church as an Assistant Clergy as of August 1, 2015; and
Whereas St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church does not provide a residence for its appointed ministers:
It is hereby resolved that the compensation to be paid to the Reverend Susan Slaughter for the calendar year 2015, and subsequent years unless amended, shall include an annual payment of $7,200.00, which is designated as housing allowance, within the meaning of the term as used in Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
DJ Mitchell seconded the motion, and the resolution was adopted.
Flo Lowrey Steps Down: Flo Lowrey has decided it is time to step down as leader of Radical Hospitality. Anika Barbarito will be entering all information from the communication cards into ICON, and Becky Snell will take over other portions of the work Lowrey has done with Radical Hospitality and Newcomers. As the church grows, so grows the job of welcoming and integrating people.
Remedial Work Continues: The Vestry took a tour of the classrooms that have required remediation. All the work being done is covered by insurance. The work should be complete in time for school starting.
Playground Changes and Additions:  School Director Cindy James has received a bid from one landscape company for the work needed to bring the playground up to code. At least 2 more bids will be solicited from other landscape companies. The work needs to be completed by the beginning of school.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker reminded Vestry members that the canonical changes that will be voted on at diocesan convention are available for comment on the diocesan website. The Bishop has appointed the Rev. Scot McComas to the Constitution and Canons Committee.
New Additional Hymnals
The choir is purchasing new copies of Lift Every Voice and Sing II for use by the congregation. The hymnals will be purchased from the choir monies.
Barriers for the Fields
There is no current information on plans for closing off the fields to traffic.
East Deanery to Meet
The Fort Worth East Deanery will meet at St. Stephen’s in Hurst on Monday, July 27 at 7 PM.
The meeting closed with prayer by Courtney Mullaney.
Gregory Anderson moved the meeting be adjourned. Jim Wilson seconded the motion, the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 3:11 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead, Clerk
Please note:  Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, august 16, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.

Children and Youth Minister/School Chaplain Report July 2015

Service Sundays Stats (Lunches Made/Delivered to Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County): June-100, July-100
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
A Few Highlights:

  • EYC will continue to meet during the summer months on every second Sunday for Service Sunday (sack lunches for UGM). In August, we will work on a special project involving custom pillowcases for residents at UGM. We will roll up the pillow cases, tie on a ribbon and attach a tag that says, “Sweet dreams from St. Martin’s Episcopal Youth Community.”
  • Teens meet on the fourth Sunday for Sunday Funday, a time for fun and fellowship.

Summer Children’s Chapel Invites Special Guests
The children and teens of St. Martin follow the cross to the chapel during the summer months. Our young people read the Bible readings aloud and are actively involved in a children’s sermon by asking great questions or acting out a scene from the Bible. We are enjoying special guests from various ministries, ranging from ushers to the altar guild. It is so inspirational to hear how each person became involved in their current ministry and children are pausing to think and consider where they may be called to serve in the church.
Vacation Bible School Wrap Up Meeting
A meeting to discuss Vacation Bible School 2015 will be held on Sunday, August 9 from 12:30 pm-2:30 pm in the education building. This meeting will help us look toward the future to offer the best program possible.
Sunday School Sneak Peek
This year, children and teens will meet “Benny” and learn all about St. Benedict and ways to respond to God’s love “on purpose.” Benny will pop up in the education building with a different “rule of life” to help guide our young people to live with intention. This is an introduction to Benedictine spirituality, presented in a simple way that is easy for the youngest child to the oldest teen to understand. Our young people will be challenged to “Be like Benny.” In addition to this Sunday School theme, children will have age appropriate classes using curriculum of Godly Play and Re:form  (Augsburg Fortress).
Children and Youth Ministry Monthly Giving Projects to Union Gospel Mission
Children and youth ministry will continue with monthly giving projects that help children, teens and families respond to God’s love in meaningful ways that enhance our Sunday school theme, create opportunities for prayer and reflection and serve the greater community. We are excited to partner with Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County again this year. It is a blessing to see children understand that small acts of kindness, caring for others and responding to the Gospel are ways to walk closely to Jesus. Our monthly giving campaign for August will be pocket folders and thumb drives. These are much needed items for the children and teens at Union Gospel Mission. Campaigns through May 2016 are available on the church website.
Corrie Cabes