Present: Bob Bess, Linda Seeber, Jim McManic, Melissa Kurkul, Joe Stark, Bob Garrity, DJ Mitchell, Mary Anderson, Melissa Kurkul, Julie Sutton, Amanda Alvarez, Chris Mullaney
Absent: Keen Haynes, Bob Bess
Also Present: Fr. Alan Bentrup, Paula Jefferson and Gary Wilkinson
Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Field Episcopal Church was held Sunday, July 18, 2021 was held in the west parish hall and also virtually.
The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 12:33 p.m.
Vestry Minutes from June were approved without any corrections
Treasurer’s Report: DJ Mitchell
- DJ made three points going forward – Stay on budget for the remainder of the year, focus on pledges and encourage pledging from non-pledging parishioners.
- DJ will be sending out a mid year report to the parishioners this week.
Treasurer’s Report was approved:
Finance Committee – Gary Wilkinson
- Echoed the thoughts from DJ in the Treasurer’s Report
- July 31st is the scheduled audit. Gary announced the names of the audit committee. Phyllis Bess, Jack Bailey, Kristi Pemberton, Jan Reese, and Gary Wilkinson
- Next meeting will be August 14th.
Personnel Committee will have a report in August by Christopher DeClerc
No Liason Reports – Ron did remind liason members and others to start having meetings with reopening happening in the month to come.
No Senior Warden Report – Keen is absent
Jr. Warden: Bob/Chris
- Reported a good turnout for the July workday with another one planed.
- Continue to replace lights throughout the church.
- Painting of the east parish hall
- Restriping the parking lot is being considered because of city mandates.
Pastoral Care – Paula Jefferson
- Reported they have been busy with funeral plans and people in the hospital to visit if possible Parish prayer list is always reporting.
- Morning Prayer is still online
- Christian Formation is working on 7 different groups to meet in the fall for all ages.
- Godly Play Training is July
- Will be sending out announcements to hire nursery workers.
Father Alan spoke about the transition for his family and getting moved into his office. Thanked everyone for the gift basket and all the support.
Closing Prayer – Joe Stark
Adjourned at 1:30
VPIC for August
8-8- Bob Bess
8-15 – Jim McManic
8-22 – Linda Seeber
8-29 – Joe Stark