Vestry Minutes – July 17, 2017

July 16, 2017
Present:  Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, MaryBeth Butler, Ike Ogbue, Linda Seeber, Linda Snow, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden, Kathy Wilkinson; Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
Not present: Norma Barbier, Jim Bedell, and Courtney Mullaney.
Also present: Gil Kleinwechter
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, July 16, 2017 in the East Parish Hall.  The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector at 12:25 PM.
Presentation on Stained Glass Windows for the Church Room
At the request of some vestry members Gill Kleinwechter is looking at the possibility of creating stained glass enclosures for the side windows of the church room (the nave) much like those he made for the narthex and those he has been asked to create for the choir loft. He gave information on the framing and installation process required. He is in the process of creating an overall theme for the windows and is accepting ideas for theme and individual windows from various sources. No vote was taken, but vestry members agreed they are interested in having Kleinwechter return with further information on the matter at a future meeting.
Consideration of Minutes
Kathy Wilkinson moved the minutes of the June 25, 2017 be approved as distributed. Joel Walker seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Bylaws Being Prepared
DJ Mitchell announced that several months of diligent searches have found no previous or current bylaws for St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church. That being the case new bylaws must be created. Mitchell is in charge of preparing new bylaws in the proper form and bringing them to the next vestry meeting. The vestry must approve proposed bylaws in order for them to become effective.
Financial Matters
Baird Update: Treasurer DJ Mitchell reported that information has come that for bookkeeping purposes our two funds with Baird – Capital Funds and Endowment Fund – must be placed in separate accounts. As capital gains and interest are recorded for each fund, that can be done only if they are in two different accounts. Baird does not charge a fee for any accounts St. Martin’s has with them.
Financials Reviewed and Approved: Mitchell reviewed the monthly financial reports and his notes relating thereto. (See attached.)  Joel Walker moved the financials be accepted as presented. Nancy Wieden seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Salary Increase Approved: A review of employee duties and compensation has shown that since becoming employed by St. Martin’s, Amy Pirk has consistently started on and worked to develop and improve more programs that were originally planned. Such dedication should be appropriately compensated. Ike Ogbue moved that beginning August 1 and continuing through the balance of 2017 Amy Pirk’s salary be increased $300.00 per month. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Historian File Cabinet Purchase Approved:  Linda Snow reported that in the search to find a fire proof file cabinet of the size needed to preserve important church documents, she has determined that the amount budgeted for the purpose ($1,000.00) is not sufficient. Jack Bolerjack moved the vestry approve the purchase of the fire proof file cabinet as described and direct the Financial Manager to determine the source of the necessary additional funds for the purchase. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Financial Manager Resigns: Kristen Kosla announced that she will be leaving her position at St. Martin’s to re-enter the corporate world. Although she has enjoyed the relationship she has had with St. Martin’s and the flexibility the part-time structure has provided her and her family, circumstances have changed. She has been offered a wonderful opportunity for a full-time position and has accepted. Her last day at St. Martin’s will be July 25. She was given a round of applause and thanks for her service.
Financial Manager Candidate Search Begins: The rector stated that Sue Mitchell and Jan Rees have agreed to cover the duties of the financial office during the transition period. Diana Panther has agreed to head the search for a new Financial Manager once more and has already begun reaching out through her contacts. Kristen Kosla has provided Panther an updated job description for the position.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
Fifty nine students are enrolled for the fall term. Extended care 2 – 4 PM will be offered on Tuesdays and Fridays of each school week.
Diocesan Information
Nothing new to report. No report submitted.
Junior Warden’s Report
Labyrinth Update: Jr. Warden Charles Busey reported that the concrete base of the labyrinth is in place, and the stencil work will probably be done by mid September. A possible Eagle Scout Project to work on completion of the labyrinth area will be presented at a vestry meeting in the near future.
Water Usage Update: Busey discovered that Fever United had turned on the sprinklers that cover the fields and they were scheduled to run 3 times every week, whether the fields needed water or not. Fever has refunded 90% of St. Martin’s water bills and will continue that policy into the future. Busey has been advised that the most cost effective long-term solution for water usage would be to dig a water well for irrigation purposes only. Water for the buildings would continue to be supplied through City of Southlake. Cost of digging a water well would be around $35,000.00 plus the necessary fees and permits from the City.. Officers of Fever United have expressed interest in covering a portion of that cost. Busey will be soliciting 3 bids for the well and will report back to the vestry on the matter.
Playground Update: Borders have been ordered and will be put into place after which pea gravel will be spread. The work is to be finished by the time school starts.
Update on School Building Doors: The surface on the newly installed doors on the west side of the building is already peeling and the doors themselves are rusting. Vortex, the company contracted for the doors and their installation, agrees that both the doors and the installation were not as contracted. Vortex has ordered replacement doors from the manufacturer and will install and paint them as soon as possible.
Senior Warden’s Report
Photo Directory Update: Sr. Warden Linda Snow stated that the photo directory is almost ready and should be available by the end of August.
VPiC Instructions: The VPiC instructions need to be updated showing all the thermostat locations and settings. The clerk will send out new instruction sheets to vestry members and Anika will replace the laminated copies that are kept on her office door.
Coffee Hour Responsibilities: Snow reviewed the instructions for those serving as hosts for the coffee hour following the 10:30 service. In the future doughnut holes will be served, rather than whole doughnuts to cut down on waste.
Rector’s Report
Book Discussion: The rector led the vestry in a discussion of the book “Who Moved My Cheese.”
Announcements / Upcoming Events
Audit of 2016 Financial Records – July 22  9 AM
Adjournment and Closing Prayer
The meeting adjourned at 2:10 PM with prayer by MaryBeth Butler
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead, Clerk
Please note:  Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, august 27, 2017, 12:15 PM, East parish Hall.