January 26, 2014
Present: Bob Bess, Bob Blomstrom, Annette Duff, Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, Gil Kleinwechter, DJ Mitchell, Joe Panther, Elizabeth Mason, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; the Rev Michael Wallens, Interim Rector; the Rev Amy Haynie, Associate Rector; Glenda Morehead.
A called meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, January 26, 2014, in the Godly Play Room immediately following the Parish Annual Meeting. The meeting opened with prayer by the Senior Warden, who chaired the meeting.
DJ Mitchell moved Glenda Morehead be elected Clerk of the Vestry for the coming year. The motion was seconded and carried.
Jim Wilson moved Diana Panther be elected Treasurer of St-Martin-in-the-Fields for the coming year. The motion was seconded and carried.
Joel Walker moved Joe Panther be elected Jr Warden for the coming year. The motion was seconded and carried.
The Senior Warden announced that the Interim Rector and Jr Warden concur that the parish will benefit from having someone from the newly elected Vestry members serve as Associate Jr Warden with the understanding that that individual would be willing to serve as Jr Warden the following year. With that plan in mind DJ Mitchell moved that Bob Blomstrom be elected Associate Jr Warden for the coming year. The motion was seconded and carried.
The Interim Rector announced that the Vestry will be installed at services next weekend. At each service the Vestry members who are present at that service will be introduced and installed.
The Senior Warden announced that the Vestry Person in Charge duties will be changed for the coming year. Each weekend every person serving will serve as VPiC at only one service. Vestry members volunteered to serve as follows: Saturday service – Bob Blomstrom, Aubrey Hardman, DJ Mitchell and Jim Wilson; early Sunday service – Bob Bess, Gil Kleinwechter, Joe Panther and Cyndy Sulots; late Sunday service – Annette Duff, Pat Hollifield, Elizabeth Mason and Joel Walker. The Senior Warden will send out the schedule as soon as it is prepared.
The Clerk announced that the schedule for lunch and closing prayer at regular Vestry meetings will be distributed as soon as it is complete.
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 PM with prayer by Joe Panther.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, February 16, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall. lunch by Pat Hollifield, closing prayer by Aubrey Hardman