Vestry Minutes: January 17, 2021


January 17, 2021

Present:  Bob Bess, Bob Garrity, D.J. Mitchell, Kristy Pemberton, the Very Rev. Ron Pogue (Interim Rector), Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Julie Sutton, Christopher DeClerk

Absent:  Ben Taylor, Christopher Mullaney, Keen Haynes

Also Present:  Paula Jefferson, Sue Mitchell, and Gary Wilkinson

This special meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Field Episcopal Church was held Sunday, January 17, 2021 virtually via zoom meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 12:30 p.m.

Consideration of Vestry Minutes from previous meetings:

Minutes from the December 20, 2020 meeting were approved as distributed, no revisions. 

Treasurer’s Report:

All were given copies of the drafted 2021 budget and treasures report prior to the meeting.

  • Thankfully, we ended 2021 on a positive note, $52k ahead. If we had not received the PPE loan we would have ran out of money in November.
  • Expenses were under budget overall, the only are that was above budget was in the worship ministry, up $6k and that was 100% due to an increase is costs during the pandemic as previously as reported from all of 2020.
  • The Christmas offering was almost $7k
  • Snell asked the question about maintenance costs in 2021. What is the plan going forward when the church re-opens?  Bess confirmed that we will be able to stay within the budget as planned and that 2020 was a good opportunity to catch up on much needed projects including changing out the light fixtures.  The light project will be an ongoing effort in 2021.  Bess also noted that Zander is doing a great job of assisting with the lights, this is helping our costs as well. 

Treasurer’s Report Approved:

  • All approved the reports as presented. 

Finance Committee Report:

The committee met on January 16, 2021

  • Gary Wilkinson personally thanked the Vestry for watching every penny in 2020 and expressed how important the donations were to get us through a tough year. The Vestry agrees, we are all so thankful for everyone!
  • Copies of the budget were presented to the Vestry.
    • So far the pledged budget for revenue is $475k and the budget is $472k, we will also be carrying over the surplus from the 2020 budget. The pledge revenue includes $344k pledges and $64k in other pledge income. The other income is based off several years average for this revenue stream.
    • It is important to note that there is no money in the budget for a youth minister or a financial manager. We currently have a volunteer financial manager and for that we are thankful.
    • Gary Wilkinson also noted that our 2020 financials are un-audited at this time. The final budget will be ready by the annual meeting January 31st.
    • Julie Sutton asked if the surplus school items can be sold, like furniture that is no longer needed and books that other schools may be able to use. We all agreed that items that can be filtered into the children’s ministry should be and then anything else that is needed can be sold. The money earned from this sale will be used for 2021 Children’s ministry only.

Financial Report Approved:

All approved the reports as presented. The budget was approved, motioned by Linda Seeber, seconded by Becky Snell. All approved. 

Rector search committee:

Sue Mitchell reporting

  • The final profile was submitted to the Bishop on Tuesday January 12th and is awaiting his review and subsequent approval. Canon Waggoner confirmed receipt via email. Sue Mitchell shared our eagerness to see this approved so we can move to the next step.

Endowment update:

  • A committee will need to be established now that the paperwork and processes are in place. Some gifts come with very specific requirements for usage and we need a team to decide ahead of time if the gifts and requests line up with the guidelines of the fund.

DJ Mitched moved to accept this recommendation, Bob Bess seconded and all approved.

Senior Warden update:

Keen Haynes had excused absence, no report given.

Father Ron said the only thing he would add here is that the litigation is under consideration by the U.S. Supreme Court and we will report any updates as they are given.

Junior Warden update:

Bob Bess reported

  • The roof is complete and the ring doorbells are still working great.
  • The Fever Soccer League added markers on the side of the driveways hoping to deter people from driving into the ditches.
  • The buildings and grounds committee still needs to be organized.

Curate Report:

Paula Jefferson reporting.

  • Human Flourishing adult class is going really well. They finished the book and have entered into a two-week lecture regarding homosexuality which was spurred on by Bishop Curry’s book. Some attendees are not affiliated with St. Martins and that is exciting.
    • The next book will be Not in God’s Name and will be facilitated by DJ Mitchell.
  • The visiting Eucharistic Visitor is thriving. At Christmas over 130 people were served.
  • Calls to our community are continuing and Morning Prayer is going great.
  • Jefferson asked that during lent that all vestry members write a Lentin reflection to be shared with all. A schedule was set for the members to help. Rev. Jefferson asked that all submissions be to her by the end of January.
  • Linda Seeber suggested a drive through pancake meal this year since Covid limits our getting together. There were no objections from the vestry, we just need to figure out the logistics. 

Interim Rector’s Report:

  • Stations of the cross will be virtual this year and planning is still in the works for ashes for Holy week.
  • Annual Parish Meeting discussions:
    • It will be via zoom this year and each qualified member will be sent a link on the day of the meeting and can be voted online.
    • The vote counting committee, Leslie Pemberton, Becky Snell, and Christopher DeClerk will verify and monitor the voting and Anika Rinker will report results back to Father Ron before the meeting adjourns.
    • Father Ron asked that all vestry members stay online after the meeting to elect new officers for the 2021 year and set up all the meetings as well.
    • A new clerk will need to be elected, please keep in mind it does not have to be a member of the vestry, but can be. 

Adjournment and Closing Prayer:

The Meeting was adjourned with prayer by Linda Seeber. 


Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Pemberton
