St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2018
Present: Mary Beth Butler (member & clerk), Christopher DeClerk, Sharon Dudek, Brandy Heckel, Christopher Mullaney, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Linda Snow, Ben Taylor, Scot McComas, Rector; Christopher Thomas, Assisting Priest; Nancy Wieden.
Not Present: Keen Haynes, D.J. Mitchell, Treasurer, Joel Walker.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, November 18, 2018 in the West Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector at 12:36 PM.
Bible Study
The Rector led the vestry in a bible study using Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.
Consideration of Minutes
Minutes of the October 21, 2018 meeting were approved as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report
- The October 2018 Financials were reviewed. Dudek moved acceptance. The motion carried.
- There was further discussion of the draft budget for 2019.
Breeze Software Update
Volunteers (including Vestry members) will be asked to help with coaching parishioners in setting up Breeze accounts and using the system.
Rector’s Report
- School Report: The Rector indicated that, both nationwide and locally, there is a trend toward public schools offering pre-Kindergarten, transitional Kindergarten, and classes for even younger children. This has caused a downturn in private and parochial school enrollments. Discussion brought forward some ideas for other revenue streams: Offering before and after school care; offering our own camps; expanding VBS and raising tuition for VBS.
- Cub Scout Endeavor: DeClerk said that due to LDS churches withdrawing from Boy Scouts of America (now known as BSA), other churches are being asked to sponsor troops. He is exploring whether our parish would be interested in starting a Cub Scout Troop, in addition to our current Boy Scout Troop 937. Bob Garrity, a parishioner who is a Unit Commander in the Lakeview District, is supportive. DeClerk said that to start a Cub Scout troop we must have a Committee Chair, a Cub Master, and a Chartered Organization Representative. Mullaney moved that DeClerk continue to explore the option with the Vestry’s thanks. The motion carried.
Stewardship Report
- Pledge Campaign Update: An update was given on the 2019 pledge report. There are 76 pledges received with $252,220.00 committed thus far.
- Division of names for vestry calls to non-pledging members: Heckel distributed a suggested script & bulleted list of items to include in calls. Names of non-pledging members were divided among Vestry. There will be a brief special meeting after the 10:30 service on December 9 to discuss the 2019 Stewardship Campaign.
Junior Warden Report
There was no written report. Thanks were returned to Seeber for her diligent work.
Senior Warden Report
Snow said that the History Committee, which she chairs, meets at 1:00 on Thursdays and needs more assistance. The group is preparing for the 50th Anniversary of the church on January 18, 2020.
Announcements/Upcoming Events
December 2 Prayer Shawl Boutique between services & after 10:30 service
December 9 Special Called Vestry Meeting to review pledge calls
December 16 Regular Vestry meeting
January 13, 2019 Regular Vestry meeting (12:15 pm)
January 20, 2019 Special Called Vestry meeting to accept December 2018 Financials 12:15 pm
January 27, 2019 Annual Meeting and Potluck 12 pm
The meeting adjourned at 3:17 pm with prayer by Butler.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Butler, Clerk
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, DECEMBER 16, WeST Parish hall.
lunch provided by Mary Beth Butler closing prayer: Mary Beth ButleR