Vestry Minutes for January 20, 2019

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Minutes

January 20, 2019
Present:  Mary Beth Butler (member & clerk), Christopher DeClerk, Sharon Dudek, Keen Haynes, Brandy Heckel, D.J. Mitchell, Treasurer; Christopher Mullaney, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Linda Snow, Scot McComas, Rector; Ben Taylor, Christopher Thomas, Assisting Priest Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden.
Guest: Susan Kleinwechter, Communications Director
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, December 20, 2019 in the East Parish Hall.  The meeting opened with prayer by the Assisting Priest at 12:21 PM.
Bible Study
The Assisting Priest led the Vestry in a Bible study using Romans 12:1-13.
Breeze Software Update
Communication Director Kleinwechter reported that 55 non-staff Breeze accounts have been activated to date. Less than ten new gifts have been made online. All data has been transferred from the previously used ICON CMO system and its use will be ended as of end of year 2018. Kleinwechter asked Vestry members attending the Parish Meeting on January 27 to bring laptops and walk parishioners through the sign-up process. Snow, Mullaney and Heckel offered to do this.
Revision of Questions for New Vestry Members
Mullaney asked that the questions asked of potential Vestry members be revised for clarity. A committee chaired by Mullaney and including Butler and Kleinwechter will address this via e-mail.
Junior Warden’s Report
The written report submitted by Linda Seeber was accepted with thanks for her service.
Senior Warden’s Report
Linda Snow reflected on her two years as Senior Warden. She reported to the group that the Invite-Welcome-Connect effort will need to be a major project championed by the entire congregation. She recommended serious effort be turned to this in 2019. The group thanked Linda for her excellent work.
Consideration of Minutes
Minutes of the December 16, 2018 meeting were approved as distributed. 
Treasurer’s Report

  1. The Treasurer reported on the December 2018 financials. Mullaney moved acceptance and the motion carried.
  2. The draft 2019 budget was presented. Snell moved approval and the motion carried.
  3. Snell moved that the Vestry fully utilize the resources of the Diocese of Fort Worth and the National Episcopal Church Foundation to review and further develop our ministries, individual spiritual gifts, and financial activities. The motion carried.

Rector’s Report

  1. Butler will not be attending the annual meeting. The Rector requested a volunteer to act as substitute clerk for that event.
  2. A new tenant will be using the East Parish hall on Sunday evenings: La Iglesia de Keller, a Pentecostal group. Their references are excellent and their contribution will add $2600 to the budget.
  3. Ballot counters were identified for the Parish Meeting: Seeber, Snow, Walker, Wieden

Announcements/Upcoming Events
January 27, 2019        Annual Meeting and Potluck 12 pm
February 12, 2019      New Inquirer’s Class (Episcopal 101) begins
February 24, 2019      Ministry Fair
March 5                       Shrove Tuesday. Pancake Supper, 5:30, talent show at 6:00
March 15-16               Parish Rummage Sale – Fundraiser
September 8, 2019     Ministry Fair
The meeting adjourned at 3:43 pm with prayer by Heckel
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Butler, Clerk
Please note:  Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, FEBRUARY 17, EAST Parish hall.  
Lunch AND CLOSING PRAYER provided by: Christopher Declerk