Vestry Minutes for February 17, 2019

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting

February 17, 2019
Present:  Bob Bess, Mary Beth Butler (member & clerk), Christopher DeClerk, Sharon Dudek, Keen Haynes (senior warden), Brandy Heckel, the Rev. Scot McComas (rector), D.J. Mitchell (member & treasurer), Christopher Mullaney, Linda Seeber, Julie Sutton, Ben Taylor
Absent: Becky Snell; the Rev. Christopher Thomas (assisting priest)
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, February 17, 2019 in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector at 12:08 PM.
Bible Study
The Rector led the Vestry in a Bible study using Philippians 4:4-9.
Consideration of Minutes
Minutes of the January 20, 2019 meeting were approved with correction.
Treasurer’s Report

  1. Treasurer Mitchell reported on the January 2019 financials. Dudek moved acceptance and the motion carried.
  2. A piano was donated to the church and school at a cost of $300 for moving. The gift policy (11/17/13) was included with the Vestry packet and is made a part of these minutes.
  3. Mitchell said that per usual at the beginning of the year, next month’s meeting will include a resolution for consideration as follows:
  • “By affirmative vote of the Vestry, the Church’s Financial Manager is directed to no longer process any payment that does not have with it a fully executed check request form, signed by the person who is responsible for the cost incurred, except as follows…” The statement will go on to identify persons with signature authority for budget items in 2019.

Fundraiser Updates & Calendar Information

  1. Heckel reported on planning for the March 15-16 rummage sale. A planning committee is meeting on Thursday afternoons at 2:30 in the chapel and all are welcome. Donations will be accepted on Friday, March 8 from 4-6 pm; Saturday, March 9 from 3-5 pm; Sunday, March 10, after services until 2 pm; and from Monday March 11 – Friday March 15 from 10 am – 2 pm. VPICs will announce collection dates and ask for volunteers in their pre-service comments. Plans were discussed for sale of hot dogs, drinks, and availability of a bounce house.
  2. DeClerk moved that Cub Scout Pack 937 be allowed to sell camp cards (discount cards for local businesses) at the rummage sale and at church. The motion carried.

2019 Calendar Information: Mitchell suggested that at March meeting, a subcommittee be formed to plan and schedule other fundraisers in 2019. McComas said that the school fundraiser is planned for April 27 at 6:00 p.m. He encouraged vestry members to attend.
Welcome Ministry Initiatives (Invite-Welcome-Connect)
Mitchell suggested a procedure for the Connect initiative that has been discussed for several months: Each vestry member will contact someone who has filled out a Contact Card since January 1 to welcome them and help them explore ways to meet their needs at St. Martin’s. The idea was expanded to include the entire list of active members, with each member taking 1/12th of the list and reporting back (generally, not specifically) about needs, questions, and other issues that arise from the conversations. Members are invited to send Mullaney emails with items that they believe should be addressed in the calls, and he will prepare a set of general talking points. A committee will be formed to proceed with this at the next meeting.
Sutton suggested and offered to write a brief survey of parishioners. The Vestry accepted with thanks.
Junior Warden’s Report

  1. Office Copier discussion: Parish Administrator Anika Rinker’s recommendation on copier update was discussed, and a copy is made a part of these minutes. Bess indicated his appreciation of the thoroughness of Rinker’s work. The Vestry concurred. Mitchell moved acceptance of the proposal presented by Rinker and the motion carried.
  2. Eagle Scout Project: DeClerk said he has an Eagle Scout ready to do a project who wishes to do it at St. Martin’s. His suggestion is improving the perimeter of the labyrinth with weed cloth and edging. Mitchell moved that the project be approved. The motion carried.
  3. Junior Warden Election: The vestry elected Bob Bess and Chris Mullaney to serve as co-Junior Wardens.

Senior Warden’s Report
Haynes tabled his report until the March meeting. 
Rector’s Report

  1. Parochial Report Approved: The annual Parochial report was presented for review. Mitchell moved approval and the motion carried. The report will be filed with the national Episcopal Church.
  2. Cabes’ Application for Candidacy Approved: Corrie Cabes application for Candidacy was presented. Mullaney moved approval and the motion carried, with all members present signing their agreement.
  3. Vestry Liaison Assignments: Members who are not also serving as officers are asked to send the Rector their top three choices for assignments.
  4. School Board Vestry Representative Elected: Butler nominated herself to serve. The motion carried.
  5. Vestry Retreat information is to be announced.

Announcements/Upcoming Events
February 22                Setup Parish Hall for Vestry Leadership Training (Diocesan)
February 23                Vestry Leadership Training 9:30 – 3:00.
Vestry members, please arrive at 9:00 and wear nametag to help host.
February 24                Ministry Fair 9:30 and 12:15 (vestry requested to bring food items)
March 5                       Shrove Tuesday. Pancake Supper, 5:30, talent show at 6:00 (Megan Grant handling talent show)
March 6                       Ash Wednesday
March 15-16               Parish Rummage Sale – Fundraiser
The meeting adjourned at 2:55 pm with prayer by Taylor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Butler, Clerk
Please note:  Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, March 17, west parish hall. Lunch & closing prayer provided by: Christopher Mullaney