St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting – February 26, 2023
For a pdf of the full vestry packet, including all reports and financials, please click here.
Present: Alan Bentrup -Rector, Bob Bess – Senior Warden, Rick Schultz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber –
Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Amanda Alvarez (via Zoom), Mary Anderson, Mary Beth Butler, Jen Duncan, Bryan Hedrick, Liz Jordan, Melissa Kurkul, Becky Snell-Bolerjack, Glenda Morehead – Clerk.
Also Present: Gary Wilkinson, Finance Committee Chair, Logan DeClerk – Eagle Scout Candidate.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, February 26, 2023, in the West Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector at 12:10 PM.
Eagle Scout Project – Logan DeClerk
Logan DeClerk came before the vestry to present his proposed project. The project includes construction of 5 picnic tables and weather sealing them and the 12 benches currently on site. If any of the old picnic tables are salvageable, they will be refurbished and weather sealed also. He plans to complete the project over Spring Break. DJ Mitchell moved the vestry approve the project as presented. Mary Beth Butler seconded the motion and the project was unanimously approved. The Rector suggested that DeClerk come to services next Sunday to introduce himself to parishioners and get their support.
Consideration of Minutes
DJ Mitchell moved the vestry approve the minutes of the January 15, 2023 meeting, the Parish Annual Meeting and Called Vestry meeting both held January 29, 2023. Rick Schultz seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved.
Finance Committee Report & Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report
Committee Membership to Change: Gary Wilkinson reported that the membership of the committee will be changing. A number of the members serve ex officio; those who serve at large are appointed by the Rector. Wilkinson hopes to announce the new membership of the committee at the March vestry meeting.
Outside Auditor Search: Wilkinson stated that finding a CPA to do an outside audit of St. Martin’s records is taking longer than he had hoped. He intends to be able to recommend a choice at the next vestry meeting.
Treasurer’s Report Accepted: Dick Seeber moved the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Rick Schultz seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Master Plan Update
DJ Mitchell and the Rector are working with an engineering firm regarding relocation of the air conditioning units. Members were reminded that the Master Plan will be changed as necessary. The plan as it stands is not final.
Jr. Wardens’ Reports
Maintenance Items Completed: The Jr. Wardens reported that among the maintenance work that has been done are the following: church pews repaired, aumbry latch repaired, bulbs replaced, locks replaced at the top and bottom of the red doors, new mats installed inside and outside of all outside doors. Grubby Sunday Planned: A Grubby Sunday is planned for March 26. Parishioners will be given the opportunity to choose the jobs they want to do. Vestry members shared various maintenance items they have noticed that need to be addressed. The JR Wardens will alert the Green Teams they need to begin again.
Janitorial Check List: The Jr. Wardens will create a check list of duties for use by the janitorial service to ensure the campus is clean and ready for use.
Senior Warden’s Report
New Documents Required by Episcopal Diocese of Texas (EDOT): The original documents related to the calling of the Rev Alan Bentrup do not satisfy EDOT requirements. DJ Mitchell moved the vestry acknowledge the calling of the Rev Alan Bentrup as required by EDOT. Becky Snell seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The new letter to Bentrup was signed by the current senior warden, and the revised Letter of Agreement was signed by all current vestry members present and attested to by the clerk. The documents showing today’s date will be sent to the diocese electronically and copies returned after signing by the Bishop.
VPiC Duties Update: Senior Warden Bess reviewed the duties of the VPiCs for vestry members and requested members sign up to provide snacks for vestry meetings.
Rector’s Report
Diocesan Council Update: The Rector reported the following were elected to diocesan positions: Keen Haynes to to the Executive Board, Ed McGlaston to the Commission on Ministry, he himself to the Nominating Committee. Council 2024 will be held in Waco. He reminded vestry members that St. Martin’s will pay no assessment for 2023 and that in subsequent years the assessment will be much lower than it was previously. One of the highlights of the Council gathering was the procession of the new congregations joining the diocese.
Curate Update: Bentrup stated that he should receive the names of those who will enter the curacy program in March, with the individual chosen to come to St. Martin’s to start in July as deacon and be priested in a year.
Tarrant County Lynching Memorial: He reviewed the events that led to the building of the memorial. Rick Schultz moved the vestry vote to declare St. Martin’s support of the building of the memorial. Dick Seeber seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Summer Worship Schedule: The Rev Alan Bentrup stated that he is contemplating making changes to the worship services for the summer – possibly from Pentecost until Labor Day. He is soliciting input. DJ Mitchell moved that the vestry vote that while they acknowledge all aspects of worship are the responsibility of the rector in the Episcopal Church the vestry supports his decision. Dick Seeber seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Dishwasher Referred to Jr. Wardens: Recent large gatherings have made those preparing food to be aware that St. Martin’s produces a great deal of garbage by using paper products., and clean up involves a great deal of time and energy of volunteers. The Rector asked the Jr. Wardens to research the matter to determine the best dishwashing machine(s) for the Parish Hall kitchen.
Photo Updates in Breeze
Jen Duncan recommended that parishioners’ photos in St. Martin’s database be updated. The matter will be referred to the Parish Administrator.
Emergency Help Available
Senior Warden Bob Bess emphasized that anyone feeling uneasy at the church, especially after dark should call 911. The Southlake Police Department has made it very clear that they are available at any time and respond very quickly to requests.
Capital Needs List
The Capital Needs list is in the planning stage and should be ready by the March meeting. It is possible that a diocesan grant would be available.
DJ Mitchell moved the meeting be adjourned, Bob Bess seconded the motion and the motion carried. The meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup at 1:35 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead