St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting – February 20, 2022
All Members Present except Amanda Alvarez
Meeting was called to order/Opening Prayer
A Motion was made by Bob Bess to approve the 3 sets of minutes that were presented. DJ Mitchell seconded.
All voted to approve the minutes.
DJ Mitchell – Treasurer’s Report
- See attached document for a detailed report
- The vestry discussed the deficit in the budget and DJ agreed to write a letter to the parishioners and ask if they would be able to increase their pledges for 2022-23.
- Keen Haynes made a motion and Joe Stark seconded it to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All voted and agreed.
Gary Wilkinson – Finance Committee
- Gary outlined the duties and responsibilities of the committee to the new members of the vestry.
- Announced – City of Southlake will be sending a check to SMITF for an easement. The Finance Committee recommended that the deposit be put into the Emergency Fund. Vestry voted and agreed.
- Committee was notified that a parishioner’s employer will be sending a matching contribution to SMITF. The Finance Committee also recommended that any such deposits be deposited into the same fund as the parishioner’s contribution. Vestry voted and agreed.
- Gary announced the next meeting will be held March 19, 2022.
- Rich Schulz made a motion and DJ seconded it to accept the finance report. All voted and agreed.
Senior Warden Update – Keen Haynes
- Discussed the Deanery Meeting and the changes of officers
- VPIC assignments were made
Jr Warden Update – Joe Stark
- Good News Garden wants to build more planting beds if money is available.
- Had a discussion about the choir loft and some ideas in the future for the choir placement.
Paula Jefferson
- Discussed the continued success of:
- Harry Potter series
- Human Flourishing on ZOOM
- Pastoral Care
- Announced the Lenten Series that will begin on ZOOM @ 7:00 pm
Alan Bentrup
- Discussed the upcoming vestry retreat
- Fever United Proposal is in the works to allow them to take over the lawn care for continued support of the teams and their ability to use the church fields for practice
- Announced
- we will be using wine again
- no masks required at 10:30 but masks will be required for 8:00.
- During Lent there will be no music at 8:00 and at the 10:30 – no words on the screen to the hymns.
Closing Prayer
Respectfully Submitted – Mary Anderson, Vestry Clerk