Vestry minutes – February 20, 2016 meeting

February 21, 2016
Present: Gregory Anderson, Jim Bedell, Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, Courtney Mullaney , Linda Snow, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden, Kathy Wilkinson: Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
Not present: Cyndy Sulots.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, February 21, 2016, at 12:30 PM in the Chapel. The meeting opened with prayer by the rector.
Consideration of Minutes
There were three sets of minutes that needed consideration by the vestry. Jack Bolerjack moved the minutes of the January 17, 2016 vestry meeting be approved as distributed. Jim Bedell seconded the motion and the motion carried. Linda Snow moved the minutes of the January 31, 2016 vestry be approved as distributed. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion and the motion carried. Gil Kleinwechter moved the minutes of the January 31, 2016 Parish Annual Meeting be approved as distributed. Charles Busey seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Reporting Change Approved: In order to more accurately show the financial position of the parish, Treasurer DJ Mitchell asked that the vestry approve the following changes to St. Martin’s financial reports going forward: show an opening balance of Other Facility Expenses – School of $13,794.00 and add an additional $13,794.00 to Other Income. The change is explained fully in the notes which accompany the financial reports attached. Courtney Mullaney moved the vestry approve the change as outlined by the treasurer, Elizabeth Mason seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Financials Accepted: Gil Kleinwechter moved the January financial reports be accepted as presented. Jim Bedell seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker, who is a member of the diocesan standing committee, reported that the bishop will be on sabbatical beginning in July. During his absence eccliastical authority in the diocese devolves to the Standing Committee.
Consideration of Written Reports Distributed
Vote to Accept Reports for Today: The following reports were distributed to vestry members prior to the meeting and included in their printed packets: St. Martin’s Episcopal School, Communications Committee, Junior Wardens and Senior Warden. There was a typo in the School Report; 41 students are pre –enrolled for the fall term, not 31 as shown on the report. Courtney Mullaney moved the written reports be accepted with the necessary correction to the school report. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion and the reports were accepted.
Acceptance of Reports Going Forward: Joel Walker moved the vestry continue the process of accepting the written reports in the future without requiring a vote. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Junior Wardens’ Addition
Bradford Pear Tree Removal: It has been determined that in order for a labyrinth to be built on the front of our property, the three Bradford Pear trees along the front sidewalk must be removed. Linda Snow moved the trees be removed as recommended, Nancy Wieden seconded the motion and the motion carried. The junior wardens will get at least three bids for professional removal of the trees and go with the lowest bid received. The junior wardens will research and bring recommendations for replacement trees to the March meeting.
Rector’s Report
Vestry Liaison Duties: The rector reminded vestry members that with the exception of the wardens each of them has agreed to act as liaison to the various ministries of St. Martin’s. As such they are to act as a conduit to the vestry for the ministry, to report on how they are doing, their plans and their needs. Liaison reports will be due quarterly – iat the vestry meetings April , July, October, and January. Written reports should be emailed to the clerk in time to be included in the electronic and printed packets provided for members. The first liaison reports will be made for the April 17, 2016 meeting.
Letter of Support for Ayo Omoniyi: Vestry approval is necessary on every step a candidate takes on the pathway to ordination. Ayo Omoniyi has completed his discernment period, having received the endorsement of the parish discernment committee and the rector. Gil Kleinwechter moved the vestry sign the Congregational Nomination for Postulancy to the Diaconate for Ayo Omoniyi. Elizabeth Mason seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The letter was signed by all vestry members present. The rector will ensure the written acceptance of the nomination from Omoniyi is received before forwarding the letter to the bishop and the diocesan commission on ministry.
Same Sex Marriages – “The I-30 Plan” and Others: The bishops of the dioceses of Dallas and Fort Worth have agreed on “The I-30 Plan.” Same sex marriages cannot be performed in the Diocese of Dallas, however under the I-30 plan, same sex couples who have received their priest’s permission to marry may do so in the Diocese of Fort Worth. Bishop Mayer has asked a number of parishes to allow these couples to marry in their facilities. All couples wishing to be married in an Episcopal Church must meet the same requirements. Priests from the Diocese of Dallas may preach and celebrate at the ceremonies in Diocese of Fort Worth, but the actual marriage must be performed by a Diocese of Fort Worth priest. St. Martin’s as a parish has been asked to respond whether we will allow such marriages in our church. Although the decision to allow same-sex marriages rests solely in the hands of the Rector, our rector asked for vestry input. By secret written ballots the vestry voted to approve same sex marriages under the I-30 Plan and to approve same sex marriages in other circumstances.
Upcoming Events / Announcements
Vestry Retreat April 2 – 10 AM – 2:30 PM, Kleinwechter home
KellerFest April 15 – 16 (Vestry members signed up to times in the St. Martin’s Booth)
Confirmation April 17 – the Rt. Rev Sam Hulsey
School Fundraiser April 30
Festival in the Fields October 15
Vote to Adjourn and Closing Prayer
Jack Bolerjack moved the meeting be adjourned, Nancy Wieden seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The meeting closed with prayer by Gil Kleinwechter at 3:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead

St. Martin’s Episcopal School Report February 2016

Current enrollment: 75
Staff: 10
New hire Feb 1 (intern): Emily works Mon & Wed in class 18 months–2 year olds (Ms. Jackie’s class)
Re-enrollment packets went out Feb 1 and were due Feb 16…..31 students re-enrolled this far.
5-6 new families toured the school in last 2 weeks.
Lots of exciting growth.

Communications Committee report to the Vestry – February 2016

The committee met on February 14. Those in attendance were: the Rev. Scot McComas, Susan and Gil Kleinwechter, Brooke Casey, Linda and Carl Snow.
Outside and Inside Banners: Outside banner for the school is complete and installed. No inside banners at this time. However, pictures of the vestry members to be mounted on the wall across from the bathroom in the office area.
Episcopal Church Bumper Stickers: Due to inquiries about obtaining bumper stickers for the Episcopal Church we are looking into an online store that sells them.
School Phone Number Confusion: Numerous phone calls have come into the office that were meant for the school. Much of this caused by not knowing that the school has a separate number. A decision was made to investigate purchasing 100 refrigerator magnets with the schools phone number to give out to parents to be put in their phones.
Live Streaming of Sermons: Due to inquiries from parishioners who are unable to attend services, we discussed live streaming thru the internet. Many areas need to be investigated including: numerous license issues, new equipment (1 or 2 video cameras and audio mixer table) to insure quality of the video and sound, an internet streaming service, a workspace for equipment. All of this equipment would be able to be moved to the new church’s sanctuary.
Respectfully submitted,
Carl Snow, Chair
Communications Committee
Junior Wardens’ Report – February 2016
We changed all the air filters in both buildings.
We met with the contractors for bids on labyrinth
Lights added to choir loft (gift from Jim Wilson and LC Crowley)
Water bills are much lower
–Gregory Anderson and Charles Busey

Senior Warden Report – February 2016

We are off to a great start for the New Year. I believe we will have an exciting year ahead of us and I am looking forward to working with everyone. Here are the highlights so far:

  • Finalized and Approved 2016 Budget – In January we finalized and approved the 2016 budget. Many thanks go to Diana Panther, DJ and Sue Mitchell, Jack Bailey and the Finance Committee and Fr. Scot for their hard work in achieving a balanced budget. We met our goal of tithing to Outreach and in this case doubling the amount. Well done!
  • Annual Parish Meeting – The end of January saw the annual parish meeting. We departed from printing and providing large packets of information that is often discarded after the meeting. I have received several positive comments on how the meeting was conducted so we will do this again next year. I would appreciate the vestry providing any suggestions for improvement.
  • Open Carry Position – In a unanimous vote of the vestry members present at the January 17, 2016 vestry meeting (one member not present) the following was approved:
    • We will comply with the laws of the state of Texas that does not permit weapons on the church premises.
    • We will not post the signage outlined in 30.06 and 30.07 that prohibits handguns on the premises.
    • Town Hall for the parish to present the position and allow for public comment. The position was well received.
  • Newcomer’s Dinner – We had another successful newcomer’s dinner. We had 28 newcomers, 33 vestry and staff, for a total of 61 people.