February 19, 2017
Present: Adam Jarrett, Jim Bedell, Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, MaryBeth Butler, Courtney Mullaney, Ike Ogbue, Linda Seeber, Linda Snow, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden; Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
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Not present: Kathy Wilkinson.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, February 19, 2017, in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened at 12:34 PM with prayer by the Rector.
Minutes Approved
Jim Bedell moved the minutes of the January 15, 2017 vestry meeting be approved as distributed. Adam Jarrett seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Linda Snow moved the minutes of the January 22, 2017 vestry meeting be approved as distributed. MaryBeth Butler seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Jim Bedell moved the minutes of the January 29, 2017 vestry meeting be approved as distributed. Courtney Mullaney seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Linda Seeber moved the minutes of the January 29, 2017 Annual Meeting be approved as distributed. Jim Bedell seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the January financial reports. (See attached.) Treasurer DJ Mitchell stated that there he did not prepare any notes regarding the financials, since the focus of the notes is analysis of the year to date and projections for the future. He will resume the practice probably with the March financials. Joel Walker moved the vestry accept the financials as presented. Charles Busey seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Music for Services
The rector announced that in the recent survey conducted regarding music during services a large majority of those at each service prefers having music. The search committee for a new choir director/organist has interviewed a candidate for the position and was very impressed with the person. He plans to contact the individual later in the day to offer him the job. Since the person will provide music only on Sundays, the automated organ program will be utilized for the Saturday service.
Authorization Changes on Baird Accounts
St. Martin’s financial advisor, the Rev. Jim Hazel recommends that the senior warden be one of the persons authorized to make changes to any accounts held by Baird Associates. Joel Walker moved that Gil Kleinwechter (previous Senior Warden) be removed as a person authorized to authorize changes on the R. W. Baird account, that Linda Snow, Senior Warden, be added as a person authorized to authorize changes on the R. W. Baird account and that DJ Mitchell, Treasurer, and Susan Mitchell continue as persons authorized to make changes. Baird shall obtain authorization from at least two of these persons before making any changes. Ike Ogbue seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Parochial Report Approved
Linda Snow moved the vestry approve the Parochial Report for 2016 for forwarding to the diocese. Jim Bedell seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Canons require that the report be sent each year by March 1.
Prayer Shawl Ministry Established
Ike Ogbue moved the vestry establish a Prayer Shawl Ministry which is authorized to accept contributions to said ministry until and unless voted upon to the contrary by a future vestry. Nancy Wieden seconded the motion and the motion carried. The vestry also approved the fundraiser planned by the ministry for late Fall 2017. (See request attached.)
EYE Italian Lunch Fundraiser
Courtney Mullaney moved that the vestry approve the proposed EYE Italian Lunch Fundraiser with all monies collected to be used to fund attendance at the upcoming Episcopal Youth Event and for youth ministries of our church. Nancy Wieden seconded the motion and the motion carried.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The rector announced that a survey conducted recently among parents showed interest in extended care on school days – before and after school – to accommodate working parents. The extended care program is slated to begin in April or August.
Summer Activities for Children
Vacation Bible School will be held June 12 – 16 from 9 AM to 12 PM.
Fever United will hold a Soccer Camp June 19 – 23 from 9 AM to 12 PM..
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker provided the following information from the Diocese of Fort Worth:
4Saints Food Pantry: The food pantry is now open for business. The grand opening event was held on Thursday. Food is needed by the pantry as well as volunteers to fill the various jobs involved in food organizing and distribution. Current hours are Fridays only from 12 PM to 2 PM. The goal is to have enough food and volunteers to expand the hours of operation.
Presiding Bishop to Visit: The Most Rev. Michael Curry will visit the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth April 6 – April 8, 2017. The complete schedule for his visit is not available as yet. Church leaders, lay and clergy, are encouraged to attend all events possible.
Racial Reconciliation Training: The training will be held May 12 – 13. All church leaders, staff and vestry are to attend.
Parishes Encouraged to Appoint a Chancellor: All parishes in the diocese are strongly encouraged to have an in-house chancellor to assist in legal matters.
Junior Warden’s Report
Striping of the Parking Lot: Joel Walker moved the vestry accept the lowest bid received for the striping of the parking lot, that from Stripes Parking Lot Service, Inc., at their reduced pre-Easter discounted price. (See attached.) Jim Bedell seconded the motion and the motion carried. MaryBeth Butler, who is an officer of the company, recused herself from the discussion and vote on the matter.
Tree Trimming Update: Jr. Warden Charles Busey spoke with an expert arborist with Aspen Landscapers who advised that no trimming or pruning is needed at this time; he recommended that the subject be revisited in May or June. Busey will reconsider the subject in that time frame.
Ongoing Gutter Concerns: Busey is looking into possible options to seal the gutters to stop the continuous leaks experienced in our buildings due to the gutters.
Phone Service Provider Change: Jack Bolerjack moved the vestry approve the change in phone service provider as proposed in the analysis by the parish administrator. (See attached.) Linda Seeber seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Soccer Fence Installation: Constance Smith of Fever United has offered to have the soccer fields enclosed by a fence with Fever United to pay the entire cost. Joel Walker moved the vestry approve the installation of the fence pending approval by the necessary governing bodies with Fever United to pay all costs including any necessary licensing fees and permits. Ike Ogbue seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Senior Warden’s Report
AED Training: Senior Warden Linda Snow stated that further research is needed as to when and how training will take place.
First Aid Kits: Supplies in all first aid kits are up to date and when necessary are replenished.
Coffee Hour Service: Snow explained that one Sunday each month a vestry member is in charge of the coffee hour. The coffee hour schedule was emailed to every member of the vestry previously. She went over the instructions for set-up, serving, cleanup and money handling.
Picture Directory: Snow will direct the project of a parish pictorial directory in addition to her senior warden duties. The project will take place in May.
Rector’s Report
Ministry Liaisons: The rector reminded vestry members of their liaison assignments and outlined for them their duties in that capacity. Their first liaison reports are to be presented at the April 23 vestry meeting. Written reports are to reach the clerk by April 19 so that they can be included in the electronic packets sent out to vestry members prior to the meeting. Wardens are not assigned liaison responsibilities. The following are the liaison assignments:
Stewardship – Ike Ogbue Education – Youth – Courtney Mullaney
Worship – Jim Bedell Pastoral Care – Kathy Wilkinson
Communications – MaryBeth Butler Outreach – Nancy Wieden
Education – Adult Joel Walker Radical Hospitality – Linda Seeber
Education – Children – Adam Jarrett Facility and Property – Jack Bolerjack
Committee Appointments: The rector announced his appointment of the following committees:
Standing Committees:
Parliamentarian – Glenda Morehead; Investment Committee – DJ Mitchell, chair, Linda Snow, rector, Sue Mitchell; Finance – Rector, chair, Linda Snow, DJ Mitchell, Ike Ogbue; Stewardship – Ike Ogbue, chair and vestry liaison, Linda Snow, rector, Sol Gieser, Glenda Morehead, Outreach – Rector, temporary chair, MaryBeth Butler, Susan Kleinwechter, Joy Malmgren, Delia Schilder, Nancy Wieden, vestry liaison; Communications – Chuck Ambrose, chair, rector, communications director, MaryBeth Butler, vestry liaison, Broke Casey, Courtney Mullaney, Linda Snow.
Temporary Committees (ad hoc)
Music Search Committee – rector, chair, Jim Bedell, vestry liaison, MaryBeth Butler, Diane Draper, Sue Mitchell, Linda Snow; Youth Minister Search Committee – rector, chair, Lauri Ambrose, December Champion, Aaron DeClerk, Adam Jarrett, Courtney Mullaney, vestry liaison, 1 or 2 youth representatives.
Vote On and Letter of Support for Candidacy of Ayo Omoniyi: Canons require that a vestry vote and signing of a letter of support is required for every step in the journey toward ordination of an individual. Jim Bedell moved the vestry vote to continue the support of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church for Ayo Omoniyi in his application to become a Candidate for Holy Orders. Ike Ogbue seconded the motion and the motion carried. The letter of support was signed and attested and will be forwarded to the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth.
Announcements/Upcoming Events
EYE Italian Lunch – March 5 12:15 PM
Vestry Meeting – March 19 12:30 PM
Vestry Retreat – March 25 10 AM – 1:30 PM
Bishop’s Visit and Confirmations – April 2
Ministry Liaison Reports – April 23
St. Martin’s School Bingo Night Fundraiser – April 29 6 PM
Vacation Bible School – June 12 – 16 9 AM – 12 PM
Fever Soccer Camp – June 19 – 23 9 AM – 12 PM
The meeting adjourned at 3:45 PM with prayer by Charles Busey.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, March 19, 2017, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.
Prayer Shawl Fundraiser Request
The Prayer Shawl Ministry requests the approval of the Vestry for a Fundraising Event in late Fall of 2017. This would consist of a “Boutique type” event held in the small Parish Hall after the 10:30 AM service on one ––maybe two Sundays. Items that would be up for sale will be made by members of this Ministry.
All proceeds from this event would go into the Prayer Shawl Ministry Account for the purchase of yarn, gift bags, tissue paper, cards and postage as needed.
Thank you for your attention concerning this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Wilkinson
Prayer Shawl Director