February 17, 2013
Present: Bob Bess, Annette Duff, Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, DJ Mitchell, Joe Panther, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; Jim Reynolds, Rector; Amy Haynie, Parochial Associate; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Not present: Steve Anderson, Gary Grant.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, February 17, 2013, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The Rector opened the meeting with prayer and a meditation on the introduction in the Vestry Resource Guide by the Presiding Bishop.
Seating of New Vestry Members
The Rector announced that he has received the resignations of Richard Cabes and Brian West for personal reasons. He reminded Vestry members that the practice of St-Martin-in-the-Fields in such cases is to replace the resigning members with those persons who received the next number of votes in the most recent Parish Annual Meeting. Both Pat Hollifield and Joel Walker have agreed to serve. By general consent Pat Hollifield will serve the 3 year term of Richard Cabes, and Joel Walker will fill the remaining two years of Brian West’s term.
Festival in the Fields
Dick Seeber reviewed the expenses and income for Festival in the Fields 2012 (See attached.). A request was made to the Finance Committee for $2000 “seed money” for a Festival in 2013, but the Committee was unable to provide funding. DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry endorse Festival in the Fields for 2013 and advance Festival in the Fields $2000, in hopes we get it back. The motion was seconded and carried.
Communication Card Procedures
Flo Lowery distributed revised instructions for handling the communication cards (formerly known as visitor cards) after services. She thanked all those who handle the cards. She will have a copy of the instructions available with the supplies for counting money. She will also be emailing them to all Vestry, ushers and others who might be handling the cards after services.
Website Improvement
Susan Kleinwechter provided information on the history and growth of our current website and the procedures necessary to change to a new website as she and Gil propose. The changeover will take about 2 months from beginning to completion. The Senior Warden announced that money is already set aside in the budget for the website, and the expected cost of the change is less than funds budgeted, so additional funding is not needed. After the changeover the Vestry will want to monitor feedback on a regular basis to ensure the website is doing the job needed.
Christian Education
Corrie Cabes, CE director, introduced herself to new Vestry members, remarking she is the “go-to” person for Christian Education for children and adults. Her complete report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer announced she will be giving the “owners” of line items in the budget financial reports on their area of responsibility on a monthly basis. She will be providing to Michele the monthly comparison of pledge income budgeted to pledge income received for the period for inclusion in the bulletin.
She reviewed the Treasurer’s Report for January. (See attached.) DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Parochial Associate’s Report
The Parochial Associate reported that the Drive Through Ashes on Ash Wednesday was very successful. 41 people came to receive the imposition of ashes in that manner. She requested that if anyone heard any negative comments, they refer the individuals to her directly.
Bishop High has his staff meetings on Thursdays, so the Thursday Holy Eucharist service is being discontinued. During lent she will be doing a book study on Tuesdays, followed by a Eucharist. Friday evenings will have soup supper, Stations of the Cross and a study focused on how to practice religion in the home.
The diocesan court case is still at the Texas Supreme Court level. Their decision, however they rule, will go back to Judge Chupp.
The planned Event for the Youth of Province 7 will be held at University of Dallas July 8-13.
Clergy of the diocese have decided a diocesan middle school event is needed in Summer 2013, patterned after the provincial event.
Rector’s Report
The Rector announced he has appointed the following committees for the coming year:
Finance: Jack Bailey, chair; Bob Bess; Aubrey Hardman, Paula Jefferson and Treasurer Diana Panther. Stewardship: Aubrey Hardman, chair. (Hardman will no longer be working on the website committee.) Building Security: Pat Hollifield, chair.
Radical Hospitality: Flo Lowery, chair.
Mission and Outreach: Joy Malmgren, chair; Ron Hitchcock, Linda Seeber, and Becky Snell. The Rector is continuing all the work necessary in his personal life to get ready for retirement.
Senior Warden’s Report
The Senior Warden shared some of his intentions during the transition time ahead. He wants everyone to feel that he is approachable and that the Vestry all pulls together. He hopes to be the leader the Vestry needs. He suggested Vestry members read especially the section of the Vestry Resource Guide that deals with transitioning to a new Rector. He expects the Search Committee will be larger than some may expect, and that the process will take longer than many expect. He will meet with Bishop High the afternoon of Thursday, February 21. He will have more information after that meeting.
Building Security Update
Pat Hollifield reviewed some of the facts that have come to light as he continues investigation to determine our needs for building security monitoring. There is general agreement that all entrances need to be monitored.
Sound System Update
Jim Wilson asked that everyone making announcements or acting as VPiC use the microphone when speaking to the congregation. The system continues to be “tweaked” as needed.
The Rector encouraged all Vestry members to attend the Diocesan Leadership Conference March 2 at St Luke’s in the Meadow 9 – 3:30.
The meeting adjourned at 2:26 PM with prayer by Linda Seeber.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Vestry Report for February Big Thanks!
-Thanks to the Vestry for your support of Christian Education this past Fall. I am anticipating a busy Spring and your continued participation and support is VITAL to the parish. You are the leadership of the church and when you actively participate in Christian Education, an important message is sent. Your involvement tells each person that walks through our doors that they are important and that their own personal journey of faith is something we are deeply committed to nurturing.
How YOU can Help-
-Christian Education does not end when we reach adulthood. Adult Sunday School, “Living the Liturgy,” which digs deeper at the lectionary needs your help! Annette Meyer and Lisa Neilson have been leading a marvelous discussion on Sundays in the Chapel from 9:45am-10:15am. This class will take a break during Lent but will start up again after Easter with a big campaign for the Spring.
I am asking for your support to get this class the spotlight it needs to reach adults in the parish. Stop in on Sundays and see what this class is all about. Then TALK about it. Plug it to the parish when you are the Vestry person in charge. I want Adult Ed to be HUGE at St. Martins! This class will move to the West Parish Hall this Spring for more visibility.
Spring Program Highlights— Soup, Study and Stations
-Friday Nights in Lent are going to be very busy at St. Martin’s. We will start with a light soup dinner at 6pm in the West Parish Hall. From 6:30pm-7:30pm, classes for adults and children/youth will be offered. Mother Amy Haynie will host a book study on Sabbath in the Suburbs, a call to reclaim holy time for busy families. Lego Mentors Sarah Pannell and Jacob Tiemann will host “Lego Bible Stories: Building the Bible Brick-by-Brick” based on The Brick Bible. The evening will end with Stations of the Cross in the Sanctuary. I would like to see Vestry members each week, greeting everyone and participating in the classes. Want to bake bread? See me.
-Taking a different approach to Adult Confirmation and Youth Confirmation. Both classes will offer retreat formats. Youth Confirmation will be led by Mother Amy Haynie and Corrie Cabes at Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. Adult Confirmation will be held by Mother Lauren Gough.
Lenten Project- AWAKE MY SOUL
We are joining forces with St. Elisabeth’s in Fort Worth to help a family in need. A weekly parish challenge will be issued to donate items ranging from canned goods to school supplies. We will walk a prayerful journey, led by Deacon Henry Penner. This would be a great opportunity for the Vestry to support. Talk to Deacon Penner or Corrie Cabes for more information.
Fine Arts
On May 18th, a fine arts gallery will be held at St. Elisabeth’s. This gallery, reflecting on the liturgical calendar will draw artists and musicians from across the diocese. Deacon Tracie Middleton (St. Stephen’s), Deacon Cindy Ruiz (St. Elisabeth’s) and Corrie Cabes are leading this project with the help of Susan Kleinwechter and the diocesan communications team.
Looking Ahead –
Vacation Bible School, our largest outreach ministry will be held June 24-28th.
EFM-Education For Ministry, through the Seminary of the South is coming to St. Martin’s this Fall