Vestry Minutes February 16, 2020

February 16, 2020
Present:  Bob Bess, Keen Haynes, Bob Garrity, D.J. Mitchell, Kristy Pemberton, the Very Rev. Ron Pogue (Interim Rector), Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Chris Mullaney.
Absent: Julie Sutton.
Also Present:  Linda Snow, Historian; Gary Wilkinson, Finance Committee, Rex Angle and Sue Mitchell, Co-Chairs of the Rector Search committee.
Since we have a meeting with the Bishop on February 25th and our vestry retreat is at the end of the month, Father Ron suggested we meet briefly to approve last month’s minutes and discuss the Rector Search committee.  Such meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, February 16, 2020, in the East Parish Hall. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 12:15 p.m.
Consideration of Vestry Minutes from previous meetings:
Minutes from the January 19th vestry meeting were approved as distributed.
Minutes from the January 26th search for co-chairs were approved as distributed.
Minutes form the annual meeting on January 26th were approved as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report
All were given copies of the approved budget and treasures report.  All of the approved budget items are on schedule, we do not anticipate any shortages until after June of this year.  Depending on how things look, things like the cleaning crew, Music Minster and Youth Minister will looked at and any concerns will be addressed on a monthly basis.
Treasurer’s Report Approved: The January Treasurer’s Report was presented by Mitchell.  Snell moved acceptance and Bess seconded. The report was accepted.
Finance Committee Report
No report presented; Gary Wilkinson addressed the internal audit being done as an internal group vs an outside firm.  We all agreed that when the time comes an internal group will be the best vs spending money on a non-budget item.  Gary and DJ will get external bids for the 2021-year audit.
School Report
Gary Wilkinson reported that school attendance remains unchanged
Finance Committee Report and School Reports Approved:  The January Finance and School reports moved to acceptance by Bess and Pemberton seconded.  The reports are accepted
Rector Search Committee Report
Rex Angle and Sue Mitchell presented the recommendations for the Search committee.   They are as follows:
Co- Chairs as previously approved are Rex Angle and Sue Mitchell.
Members; Tom Bolerjack, Jerry Burkett, Lisa Efthymiou, Courtney Mullaney, Mark Pulliam, Janna Soesbe and Cathy Tolliver.
Angle explained that over 19 applications were submitted and that Canon Waggoner approved selections.
Mitchell moved to accept the Search committee, Seeber seconded, all approved.  Chris Mullaney abstained due to conflict of interest.
Announcements and Upcoming Events
February 23                Mardi Gras pancake and talent show
February 28-29           Vesty Retreat and SMIF
Junior Wardens’ Report
Bess said that an electrician will be hired to handle items such as replacing ballasts, fixing the parking lot lights and the Parish Hall porch lights. Thanks was extended to Dick Seeber for fixing the door closer at the church entrance.
Senior Warden’s Report
Firearms Policy Changed: Haynes presented the resolution adopted at the recent diocesan convention regarding carrying of firearms in churches. After discussion and agreement to modify the verbiage to fit St. Martin’s, Bess moved that St. Martin’s replace its existing policy with the following:
“Whereas under Texas SB 535, which goes into effect on September 1, 2019, firearms can be carried legally at any church, synagogue, or other established place of worship in Texas;
Whereas the 77th General Convention in resolution 2012-D003 requested every parish and every diocesan place of work to declare their establishments as Gun Free Zones;
Whereas the members, parishioners, and visitors to the facilities owned or controlled by the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth have a legitimate need and interest to be reasonably protected while in those facilities;
Be it resolved, by the 37th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, that the following policy shall be adopted:

  1. It is not permissible for any person, except those specifically included in (3), to carry a firearm on the property of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church and School.
  2. This policy includes clergy, staff, students, volunteers and visitors, except those specifically excluded in (3) below.
  3. This policy does not apply to the following persons:
  4. A person with a valid and current Security Officer Commission as defined by the Texas Occupation Code Chapter 1702 and issued by the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas;
  5. A peace officer who holds a permanent peace officer license issued under Texas Occupation Code Chapter 1701; or
  6. A ranger or officer commissioned by the Texas Public Safety Commission and the Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety.”

Mitchell seconded and the motion carried. Haynes also shared a communication from the Diocese about active shooter trainer training. Pogue asked the Junior Wardens to explore alternate options with the Southlake Police Department.
Interim Rector’s Report
Organization for Mission and Governance Chart: The Very Rev. Pogue asked for comments on this document, which is a work in progress. It was agreed that St. Martin’s School will be included under the Administrative heading. He asked Vestry members to consider names of parishioners who may be a good fit for work on the various commissions. A copy of the chart is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Thank You from the Rev. Christopher Thomas:  Pogue read a card from Rev. Thomas expressing gratitude for care provided by the congregation following the illness of his friend Randolph Lacy.
Christmas Eve Services: Christmas Eve services will be held at 3:00, 5:00, 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. Exact format of the first two services, which are intended for children and families, is being determined.
Executive Session
The Vestry entered Executive Session at 1:41 pm and exited the session at 2:08 pm.
Adjournment and Closing Prayer:
The Meeting was adjourned with prayer by D.J. Mitchell.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Butler