December 20, 2020
Present: Bob Bess, Bob Garrity, D.J. Mitchell, Kristy Pemberton, the Very Rev. Ron Pogue (Interim Rector), Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Keen Haynes, Christopher Mullaney, Julie Sutton
Absent: Ben Taylor, Christopher DeClerk
Also Present: Paula Jefferson, Sue Mitchell and Gary Wilkinson
This special meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Field Episcopal Church was held Sunday, December 20, 2020 virtually via zoom meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 12:30 p.m.
Consideration of Vestry Minutes from previous meetings:
Minutes from the November 15, 2020 meeting were approved as distributed, one revisions, Snell asked that instead of saying that the church staff and pastoral care staff will be praying for all the needs of the congregation during Covid, that we make sure we mention that we will continue to reach out to those in need.
Treasurer’s Report:
All were given copies of the budget and treasures report.
- Revenue, pledges continue to be slightly ahead of plan as of this month.
- Expenses are all on track, a few areas are slightly above budget but others are below. There has been a pledge to help offset some of the increased costs of Covid related expenses.
- Still no news on the PPE loan
Finance Committee Report:
The committee met on December 19, 2020
- The budget is on its third revision and is just waiting on final YTD numbers to see where we can start for 2021. The January meeting will finalize the budget.
- There are still 22 pledges outstanding, so far $429k has been pledged and the budget is $454k. It is possible we will be voting on a 6-month budget to get us started like we did in 2020.
- Snell asked for clarification on what the impact is exactly for the PPE loan. Clarification was given.
- The thanksgiving offering brought in $6k and the Christmas offering has not come in yet.
- It was suggested that the vestry approve Christmas gifts for the staff. The amount would be $109.00 for 5 staff members including Zander, minus Father Ron. All approved. DJ and Sue Mitchell will arrange for the gifts and the distribution.
- All PDFs are being sent to the vestry to approve the housing resolutions. Mitchell moved to accept, Bess 2nd, all approved.
Financial and Treasurer’s Report Approved:
All approved the reports as presented.
Rector search committee:
Sue Mitchell reporting
- The final profile is coming soon and will be ready for the January Vestry meeting. They are still waiting on the drone video and commentary by Chuck Ambrose.
- The new website is still under construction. Snell asked that an organizational chart be added to the website for easy viewing. The staff is on the website, it was suggested that it be labeled clearly for new visitors to find.
- We are setting up an account on the Rector search website so we can post our need.
- The vestry will view and approve the final compensation package for the new rector before it is sent to the diocese for approval.
The vestry would like to thank all of the members for their time and prayers that have gone into this, we know countless hours have been spent and precious time away from family. You all are very much appreciated.
All acknowledge the receipt of the draft profile.
Senior Warden update:
Haynes reported.
- DJ Mitchell and Haynes submitted the clergy compensation plan to Canon Waggoner. Further compensation conversations will be had with the Bishop.
Junior Warden update:
Bess reported
- The roof is complete. After the shingles were removed substantial damage was found to the decking and it all had to be replaced. The bid was an additional $17k to replace and the insurance company approved the supplement and has already paid for the work to be completed. An additional vent was installed, and a new gutter system.
- The new Ring doorbells have been installed on the East and West doors and are now operational. Father Ron, Paula Jefferson and Sue Mitchell all have access to the app to assist Bess in monitoring.
- 4 out of the 5 TVs have been installed and are operational. All of the wires have been ran and organized for less chaos in the attic. The remaining TV will be installed in the choir loft but we need to get direction from Joe on where he wants it.
- Zander is helping with odd projects around the church and it has been so helpful. He has helped replace the damaged ceiling tiles and other floor tile issues.
- The Fever have donated a new sprinkler controller and have replaced the purple martin house. They will also install reflectors to help others see the bar ditch.
- Chuck Ambrose has gone above and beyond to help with all of the wiring as well as continued live streaming of the services. The DeClerk family has been such a blessing as well. Thank you all for the help you provide for us.
- May thanks to Gabriela Gordon for all of the hard work on the grounds. So much has been done for the labyrinth, the memorial garden and overall clean up around the church.
- Mullaney asked for help with rounding up help during the spring for the Holy Mowers and to help clean up the grounds. He is open to ideas on how to get folks plugged in to help. It can be a daunting task and we need help.
- Suggestions were made to re-hire the company that used to keep the playground clean and weed free. Father Ron suggested that we re-institute the building and grounds committee. It was also recommended that we ask for people to volunteer for specific time slots, like 6 months instead of an open-ended term. We may get more volunteers this way.
- Mullaney will write up detail instructions on how the Holy Mowers handle the grounds to assist in our volunteer efforts.
The vestry extends our gratitude for all the hard work given to St. Martin, this is truly Gods work being done, and we notice.
Curate Report:
Paula Jefferson reporting.
- 2 funerals have been held in the past month.
- We are adding a blue advent service on Wednesdays.
- The Eucharist visitor program is going great, more sign up sheets are being added.
- Pastoral care committee, the offices will be open Christmas week to pick up communion kits. The days for this will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only and will be staffed by the Pastoral Care team.
- Suggested zoom meeting with The Fever so we can join together for common projects.
- Father Ron advised the vestry that Zander worked really hard to put together an office for Paula, we are so thankful.
- The new book for the Human Flourish ministry will be Love is the Way by Bishop Curry.
Interim Rector’s Report:
- The space in the school areas are being utilized again, including the prayer shawl ministry. Shelving has been moved around to accommodate everyone.
- The final drafts of the Charters are ready and will be added to the website soon.
- VPICs for February are scheduled.
- Father Ron asked for the Vestry to approve the final Endowment document, Mullaney moved to accept, DJ Mitchell seconded, all approved and recommended to be published for the January Annual Church meeting.
Adjournment and Closing Prayer:
The Meeting was adjourned with prayer by Father Ron
Respectfully submitted,
Kristy Pemberton