St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Minutes December 19, 2021
Present: Chris Mullaney, Bob Bess, Linda Seeber, Joe Stark, Keen Haynes, Melissa Kurkul, Amanda Alvarez, Bob Garrity, Jim McManic, Rev. Alan Bentrup, Rev. Paula Jefferson and Mary Anderson
Absent: DJ Mitchell, Julie Sutton
12:30 – Opening Prayer – Joe Stark
Minutes from November meeting were approved as read
Treasurer’s Report – Gary Wilkerson
- Gary presented the monthly budget/spending report for DJ Mitchell. A copy of the report is attached.
- Outlined the financial plan to finish 2021.
- Chris Mullaney made a motion and Linda Seeber seconded and the vestry voted to accept the budget
Financial Committee Report – Gary Wilkinson
- Stewardship has increased to 87 pledges and $349,000 in pledges
- Discussed some ideas for creating the budget for 2022.
- January 8th will be the first meeting to begin work on the budget for next year
- Chris Mullaney made a motion and Keen Haynes seconded it and vestry approved the financial committee report.
Senior Warden – Keen Haynes
- In need of more delegates nominated for convention
- Annual Meeting is 1-30-2022
- Added vestry members to VPIC duty for January
Junior Warden – Bob Bess and Chris Mullaney
- Chris announced he will begin recruiting for Holy Mowers
- Bob reported that they are continuing work on tile to finish in the Sunday School buding.
Curate Report – Rev.Paula Jefferson
- Reported about pastoral care
- Announced the return of Stephen Ministry
- Update about Hillsboro and their ministries
- Human Flourishing returns the week of 1-9 after a short hiatus
- Discussed a possibility of a Lenten Series.
Rector’s Report – Rev. Alan Bentrup
- Presented Housing Resolutions for both rectors. Vestry voted and approved.
- Asked to begin meetings going forward at 12:15.
Closing Prayer – Joe Stark
Mary Anderson – Vestry Clerk