St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting
January 29, 2023
Present: Alan Bentrup, Rector, Amanda Alvarez, Mary Anderson, Bob Bess, Mary Beth Butler, Jen Duncan, Liz Jordan, DJ Mitchell, Rick Schultz, Richard Seeber, Becky Snell-Bolerjack
Also Present: Glenda Morehead
Absent: Bryan Hedrick, Melissa Kurkul.
A called meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, January
29, 2023, in the church room immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting The meeting was called for the purpose of electing church officers for 2023 and doing some initial planning for the coming year.
The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector who chaired the meeting.
Clerk Elected
DJ Mitchell moved Glenda Morehead be elected Clerk for the coming year. Bob Bess seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Senior Warden Appointment
Bentrup announced that he has appointed Bob Bess to serve as Senior Warden for the coming year.
Junior Wardens Elected
DJ Mitchell moved Rick Schultz and Dick Seeber be elected Co Junior Wardens for the coming year. Liz Jordan seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Treasurer Elected and Finance Committee Chair Announced
Bob Bess moved DJ Mitchell be elected Treasurer for the coming year. Rick Schultz seconded the motion and the motion carried. Gary Wilkinson will continue as Finance Committee Chair.
Vestry Person in Charge Weekly Schedule
Becky Snell and Mary Beth Butler will ensure vestry members have the updated lists of duties and schedule for the VPiCs.
Rector’s Announcements
Bylaws Update Necessary: The Rector announced that the current parish bylaws must be revised to comply with the requirements of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. He has appointed Glenda Morehead to chair the revision committee. Jen Duncan has also agreed to serve on the committee. Others who wish to serve should contact him. He will officially appoint the committee at the February meeting.
Vision, Core Values and Mission Statements: He believes that it is important to revisit the current Vision, Core Values and Mission Statements to determine if revisions are needed.
Vestry Meeting Schedule: All regular vestry meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Sunday of the month at 12 PM, with the exception of the February and April meetings which will be held on the 4th Sunday. There will be no July meeting
DJ Mitchell moved the meeting be adjourned, Mary Anderson seconded the motion and the motion carried. The meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup at 12:10 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead