St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Minutes
August 19, 2018
Present: Mary Beth Butler (member & clerk), Christopher DeClerk, Sharon Dudek, Keen Haynes, Ike Ogbue, Becky Snell, Linda Seeber, Linda Snow, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden; Scot McComas, Rector; Christopher Thomas, Assisting Priest; D.J. Mitchell, Treasurer; David Lowder, Guest; Flo Lowery, Guest.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, August 19, 2018 in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector at 12:20 PM.
Linda Snow moved that Mary Beth Butler be elected as Clerk of the Vestry. The motion carried.
The Rector led the vestry in a bible study using Ephesians 4:25, 29, 31 and 5:1-2.
Welcoming Ministry – Guest: Flo Lowrey
Flo Lowrey outlined her proposal to revitalize and lead the bread ministry as part of the Welcoming Ministry. She will thank and reorganize the bread bakers, all of whom will use a common recipe. Lowrey was thanked by the Vestry for her willingness to manage this important ministry, of which she has been a part for many years.
Welcoming Ministry Report
Mary Beth Butler said that Mary Parmer’s book “Invite Welcome Connect” gives excellent guidance for this ministry. Several members of St. Martin’s attended a workshop she gave a few years ago, and realized the “Connect” portion is where we need the most attention. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
Vestry Resource Guide
The Rector led a discussion of Chapter 6 of “The Vestry Resource Guide.” This concludes the group’s review of the book.
Consideration of Minutes
Minutes of the July 15, 2018 meeting were approved as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report
DJ Mitchell led a review of the financials as presented. Along with the standard reports usually presented, he included a 2019 budget mock-up arranged by priorities, recommending that this would be a useful way for the congregation to align spending with future vision. He also presented a draft of Bylaws and recommended that they be reviewed, revised as needed, and adopted so that work on the endowment can go forward. Joel Walker moved approval of the Treasurer’s Report. The motion carried.
Consideration of Scout Popcorn Fundraiser for PRAY Emblems
Christopher DeClerk presented a request for the Boy Scout troop to be permitted to sell popcorn at the church to help fund the PRAY Emblems. Sharon Dudek moved acceptance and the motion carried.
Consideration of Trunk or Treat Fundraiser
Linda Snow moved that a budget line be added for the annual Trunk or Treat Fundraiser. The motion carried.
Vote to approve Audit Committee Report
The Report of the Audit Committee for 2017 and its recommendations for changes were presented. Ike Ogbue moved approval for this document for forwarding to the Diocese. The motion carried. David Lowder, who serves as the Diocesan Treasurer, remarked that larger churches are required to secure an external audit at a cost of approximately $9000. We are fortunate to have a volunteer committee to serve in this capacity.
Rector’s Report
- Coffee Hour: The Rector led a discussion of how to best prepare coffee for attendees of the early service. It was agreed that the 8:30 Vestry Person-In-Charge would start the coffee in the big urn so that it will be ready for the Bible Study that meets between services.
- School Classrooms: The Rector reported that the school needs another classroom, and there is a proposal to locate it in the current Youth room. The Youth are willing to share this room. Because there seems not to be enough light in the room, a window needs to be cut in the room. Jr. Warden Seeber will get prices for the window installation.
The Stewardship Committee continues to prepare for the 2019 pledge campaign. Christopher DeClerk presented the result of research he carried out on various solutions that would add electronic giving options for members.
Junior Warden Report
Linda Seeber remarked on her written report, presented prior to the meeting. The report is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Mary Beth Butler presented a recommendation for “Slow/Children Playing” signs to be installed at the church entrances. It was agreed that 2 large signs will be posted at driveways and one small sign will be attached to the first light post with metal straps. Butler will order materials and she and Becky Snell will handle installation.
Senior Warden Report
Sharon Dudek presented a sample of the T-shirt that she proposes for a fundraiser. Becky Snell moved the vestry approve the fundraiser with the income to go to the operating fund. The motion carried.
Other Topics for Discussion
The Rector announced the resignation from the vestry of Jim Bedell due to time constraints and Ike Ogbue, who is moving to Seattle. These positions need to be filled, along with the position vacated by Kathy Wilkinson. The Rector invited Linda Seeber to contact the people who ran for Vestry in January to see if they would be interested in being appointed; she agreed.
Announcements/Upcoming Events
October 6: Pet Blessing 5 pm; drive-thru Pet Blessing 5:45 pm
October 28: Trunk or Treat Youth & Children’s Fundraiser 12:00 pm
November 4: Stewardship Ingathering Luncheon 12:00 pm
The meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM with prayer by Keen Haynes.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Butler, Clerk
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, September 16, EAST Parish hall.
lunch provided by Linda Seeber closing prayer: Joel Walker