Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) Bob Bess moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried. The Treasurer announced that the safe deposit boxes of Liberty Bank are being moved to Liberty’s new location. St-Martin-in-the-Fields has a safe deposit at Liberty, but a thorough search did not result in the key’s being found. Bob Bess moved the adoption of the following resolution:
Whereas Diana Panther is the treasurer of St-Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
The Vestry of St-Martin-in-the-Fields hereby authorizes Diana Panther, Treasurer of St-Martin-in-the-Fields to access the current safe deposit box of St-Martin-in-the-Fields at Liberty Bank and to obtain and access a new safe deposit box for St-Martin-in-the-Fields at the new location of Liberty Bank.
Finance Committee Report
Lisa Neilson, committee chair, reported the following from the Finance Committee meeting: Gary Grant will report to the Vestry in September on the committee discussion of endowments. Paula Jefferson led the discussion of generally accepted accounting principles. From the discussion the committee moved the following actions be taken by the Vestry: (The motions being made by committee no seconds were necessary.)
That the replacement air conditioner unit, which meets the criteria of a capital expense, be paid for out of the building fund. The motion carried.
Dick Seeber, committee chair, reported on the progress of plans for the event September 29. His chart of responsibilities and activities is attached and made a part of these minutes. He asked for and the Jr Warden agreed that treatment for fire ants will be done on the property at the appropriate time to ensure they will not be a problem. He asked for and the Rector granted him permission to speak to all 3 church services telling of plans and opportunities to participate and serve. He is preparing a “continuity notebook” for use in the future if the Festival becomes a regularly scheduled event. In the notebook are included all ideas presented during discussions by the committee.
Stewardship Committee
Blessing of Relationship: The Rector announced that on September 22 at 1:30 PM Kariann Erickson and Anne Connaghan will have a blessing of their relationship using the rite approved by the General Convention.
Nursery Procedures: The Rector reviewed the Policies and Procedures for Childcare and Childcare Workers with revisions he has made to the document. There were some suggested revisions proposed by the Vestry. Bob Bess moved the revised Policies be accepted with the changes as discussed. The motion was seconded and carried. The Rector reminded everyone that anyone with concerns regarding the Nursery is to bring them to him.
Executive Council Meeting: The Executive Council of the Diocese of Fort Worth will meet at St-Martin-in-the-Fields September 15, 10 AM to 2 PM. Steve Anderson will coordinate the hosting for the day. All Vestry are requested to serve in one of the 3 times people will be needed. Those helping with set up need to arrive at 9 AM, midday hosts at 11:45 and tear down people at approximately 3 PM.
On her work on a diocesan level: She is organizing a mission trip for adults and older youth. Registration opens Monday for Diocesan Convention in Stephenville November 2 and 3. The Holiday Inn Express is the best location for lodging for the convention. Individuals will need to make their own reservations using a credit card. St-Martin-in-the-Fields will handle all aspects of the ordination of Henry Penner on November 2. She wants the youth who go for the ordination to form the core group for the youth lock-in at convention that night. By the time of convention we should know who will be our next Provisional Bishop. Various plans are being considered for partnering churches with buildings with those who have no buildings. No decision has been made at this time.
She will be attending the Diocese of Texas Clergy Conference October 22-24. Diocese of Texas will cover her expenses, and Bishop Ohl has approved her going.
The Diocese is changing the background checks; the company that previously did them at no charge has gone out of business. There are three levels of checks available. The cost for volunteers is $15 per person; Vestry, Treasurer and money counters, and Altar Guild $38 per person; all employees $80 per person. Knowing that most congregations will find it a hardship to pay for every person in each category, she has proposed the following be checked: all employees, Senior Warden, Jr Warden, and head of the Altar Guild. 1 adult of each Sunday School or youth grouping. The stated levels of background checks are guidelines only, not requirements at this time.
Senior Warden’s Report
The Senior Warden reported that he hopes to have the letter of agreement ready to bring to the September Vestry meeting. DJ Mitchell is close to finalizing the letter. Once that is done the Senior Warden will meet with the Rector and the Bishop to see if it meets with their approval. The Senior Warden stated that the Finance Committee will work toward a 3 year budget when it plans the budget for next year.
Junior Warden’s Report
The Jr Warden announced that the floors in the Parish Hall have been done. The man who has done the floors for several years stated that he finds it hard to justify the cost of his work because the floors are always in such good shape when he is called in to do them.
Monday the installation of the Memorial Garden fence begins, work to be completed by Labor Day.
The placement of park benches and a cross to form an outdoor worship space is the Eagle Scout Project of Devin Raymer. A total of 4 active Scout Projects are being done at this time. The Jr Warden thanked the Senior Warden for all his help during the past year.
The meeting adjourned at 2:37 PM with prayer by Pat Hollifield.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead