August 16, 2015
Present: Gregory Anderson, Bob Bess, Charles Busey, Pat Hollifield, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Courtney Mullaney, Cyndy Sulots, Jim Wilson; Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Doug Watson, Treasurer.
Not present: Jack Bolerjack, Annette Duff, and Gil Kleinwechter.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, August 16, 2015, at 12:30 pm in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the rector.
Eagle Scout Plan Update Approved
Jacob Tiemann came once again to report to the vestry on his planned project to enlarge the outdoor worship area enough to provide space for a future outdoor labyrinth. All labor will be donated, but he expects materials to cost $1250.00; the cost of concrete alone is projected at $900.00. He will explore all possibilities for funding, but asked the vestry to approve his asking parishioners for donations. Courtney Mullaney moved the vestry approve the establishment of a Labyrinth Eagle Scout Program Fund, to which contributors can donate. Checks would be made to the church with the fund referenced in the memo line. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the establishment of the fund was approved. The presence of present or former junior wardens is necessary to ensure trucks delivering concrete adhere strictly to the route through the property laid out for them. Joel Walker volunteered to be one of those available for the duty. Jacob hopes to begin the project in October; his deadline for completion is March 23, 2016.
Use of Consent Agenda Begun
Vestry consensus is that a “consent agenda” would help with the flow of meetings. Since members receive all written reports prior to the meeting, any questions regarding the various reports could be addressed outside the meeting. Use of the consent agenda will expand in the future, as experience with the concept increases.
DJ Mitchell moved the consideration of minutes and youth ministry report be approved under the consent agenda. Charles Busey seconded the motion and the two items were approved.
Written Reports Attached
Treasurer’s Report, Youth Ministry Report, Grow the Church, Radical Hospitality and Newcomers, Communications Committee Reports.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. Gregory Anderson moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented, the motion was seconded by DJ Mitchell and the report was accepted. The Audit Committee will meet at 10 am on Saturday, August 22.
Investment Committee Report
DJ Mitchell reported that proposals had been solicited from 3 investment firms. The same questions were asked from each firm and Baird was the only firm that answered all questions to the committee’s satisfaction. The Investment Committee voted to accept the financial management proposal of Baird with Jim Hazel as the financial advisor for St. Martin’s. representatives from Baird will come and make investment proposals and recommendations to the vestry and then to the parish as a whole if desired. Gregory Anderson moved the vestry accept Baird as the financial management firm for St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion and the motion carried.
The rector went over plans to get more people committed in varying roles during the fall campaign. Emphasis will be placed on increased volunteering as well as increased pledges. The increase in pledge income will be shown in visuals as the campaign progresses. Pledge cards will be included in the newcomer bags which will be given out at the newcomer parties.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The rector reported that currently the enrollment for the fall semester stands at about 59 students. Megan Hickman will work on marketing our school throughout our area.
Grow the Church
Twelve zip code parties have been done, five more are scheduled with one pending. There will be a wrap-up party on Saturday, November 7, following the 5 pm service with the final one on November 22 following the 10:30 am service for all those who have been unable to attend any of the other parties.
Radical Hospitality and Newcomers
Newcomers: Flo Lowrey’s written report gave information on plans for the September 19 Newcomers Party requesting that funds be made available. The vestry reiterated its intention that these events be funded.
Radical Hospitality: Paula Maddon sends an email weekly to all vestry and church leaders on the work done by many groups to show St. Martin’s welcome and the various services provided to newcomers and church members. She does not plan to make reports for the vestry meetings.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker reminded vestry members that anyone wanting to hold a diocesan office can apply online. The Rev Tony Hiatt has resigned as dean of our deanery. Sub dean Elizabeth McPherson will chair the next meeting of the deanery at which a new dean will be elected. On Monday, October 26 St. Martin’s will host the deanery meeting. The proposed changes to constitution and canons with the modifications that have been made to them are now available on the diocesan website. The rector is a member of the diocesan Constitution and Canons Committee.
Buildings and Grounds
Edging to Keep Out Grass: The committee has determined that edging needs to be added around the grassed areas of the church. They propose that a bid be solicited from the Fort Worth Yardman. DJ Mitchell moved that up to $1700.00 be approved with the work to be finished by September. Jim Wilson seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Building Use Policy: A Building Use Policy is being created, and it will come to the vestry for approval when completed.
Junior Wardens’ Report
Fire Inspection Requirements: Gregory Anderson was the jr. warden present when the fire marshal did an inspection recently. He went over the violations she found in both church and education buildings. The various problems are being addressed and it is planned all will have been corrected when the next inspection is done. Fire inspections are done without prior notice. He plans to investigate whether the industrial sized stove hood currently in place is needed, since the industrial stove has been replaced. Code requires that the current hood must be professionally cleaned every six months at a cost of $250.00 per cleaning.
Water Bill Trend: At the request of the parish administrator Anderson studied the water usage bills and learned that current usage is below that of last year. He plans to plot the utility expenses over time starting with 2013 with the help of the financial manager. The vestry supports the move as an aid for better budgeting.
Rector’s Report
Retirement Party for Flo Lowrey September 20: The rector announced that there will be a party for Flo Lowrey on September 20, as she retires as head of Radical Hospitality and Newcomers. Paula Maddon, Becky Snell and Anika Barbarito will be assuming the duties Flo previously did. The party will be held in the blue hall – the West Parish Hall, starting at 12 pm.
Increase in Hours for Parish Administrator: The rector stated that the parish administrator, Anika Barbarito, is currently employed at 30 hours per week. Because of her increased duties he asked that the vestry authorize moving her to 35 hours per week starting September 1, 2015, with an increase to 40 hours per week starting January 1, 2016.
DJ Mitchell moved the hours of employment of the parish administrator be increased to 35 hours per week starting September 1, 2015, with an increase to 40 hours per week starting January 1, 2016. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Jim Wilson moved the meeting be adjourned, DJ Mitchell seconded the motion, and the meeting adjourned at 2:40 pm with prayer by Elizabeth Mason.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead, Clerk
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, September 20, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.
Children and Youth Minister/School Chaplain Report July 2015
Service Sundays Stats (Lunches Made/Delivered to Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County): June-100, July-100, August-100
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)Highlights
- EYC will continue to meet during the summer months on every second Sunday for Service Sunday (sack lunches for UGM).
- Teens meet on the fourth Sunday for Sunday Funday, a time for fun and fellowship. We were blessed to be invited to the Mason’s home for Sunday Funday on July 26. Fr. Scot led rounds of “Marco Polo” and he even did a cannonball! Great time, great fellowship for youth and gracious hosts made this a stand out event.
- Weekly Wednesday night EYC meetings return soon.
Summer Children’s Chapel Wraps Up
Summer Children’s Chapel is wrapping up for the summer. I am truly grateful for the wonderful support of the congregation. It’s inspirational to hear how each of our special visitors to chapel became involved in their current ministry. I appreciate their willingness to share their story with the children during chapel. Children are pausing to think and consider where they may be called to serve God in the church and beyond.
Vacation Bible School Wrap Up Meeting
A meeting to discuss Vacation Bible School(VBS) 2015 was held on August 9, inviting all to give feedback on the VBS held recently in June. A group of volunteers, parents and teens met to talk about the challenges and rewards of Vacation Bible School. The consensus of the group was that an evening VBS was exciting to try this year, but didn’t quite fit the needs of those we seek to serve. Many ideas were put forth and a return to a traditional five day morning VBS, geared specifically towards a younger group (4 year olds-2nd grade) was strongly supported. A separate program created specifically for tweens/teens was also suggested. Further information gathering will occur and a decision for next year’s program will be presented to the Vestry in October 2015.
Sunday school: Meet Benny
Sunday school returns on Sunday, August 30 during the 10:30 am service in the education building with a new friend to greet children and families. They will meet St. Benedict, or “Benny” as we will call him. This year children and teens will receive an introduction to Benedictine spirituality, presented in a simple way that is easy for the youngest child to the oldest teen to understand. Our young people will be asked to live out one of the “fives”: pray, give, worship, serve and love. Children will be able to grab leaves from a tree with one of the fives listed and find activities, questions and ways to live each day with purpose. The church website will feature a Benny area where families and individuals can find activities and ways to live life together with Christ at the center.
Backpack Blessings
On August 22 and 23 and August 29 and 30, backpack blessings will be offered at all weekend services to help anyone returning to school get a fresh start. A backpack tag will be given as a reminder to live life with purpose.
Union Gospel Mission
Looking ahead, we will be embarking on a new campaign starting in October through December 6 to collect toys for the new family wing that is opening at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County.
Communications Committee Report to the Vestry – August 2015
The committee met on August 2 and will meet again in September.
Update on IT plan/backups: Will Duff updated us on the new security procedures which include computer management, password protocol, and data backup. See attachment for details.
Website Issues: MaryBeth Butler joined us to talk about LGBT-friendly issues / opportunities on our website. Will address ideas brought forward at the next committee meeting.
Facebook Boosted Posts for School: Report attached.
Logo(s): The long (stretched out) and the short version have been approved.
Signs: Changes made in wording on playground sign have been approved. Gregory will get the sign made.
Historian and Archival update: Reports attached.
Style guide: Final approval was given to the style guide – see attached.
Video recording: Assistance still needed at the 10:30 Sunday service.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carl Snow, Chair, Communications Committee
Grow the Church Committee Report
Zip Code Parties which have been held:
April 18 – Elizabeth & Doug Mason – 76092 Southlake.
Additional host needed for 76092 (about 35 families still need to be invited. 11 families attended Mason’s party out of 47 families in 76092).
April 19 – Becky Snell – 76244 Ft Worth/Keller
May 2 – Kathy & Gary Wilkinson – 76244 Ft Worth/Keller May 9 – Marianna & Frank Folger – 76262 Roanoke Additional host needed for 76262 (about 40 families still need to be invited. 8 families attended the Folger’s party out of 48 families in 76262)
May 23 – Linda & Carl Snow – 76052, 76078, 76247 Haslet/Rhome/Justin
June 6 – Katy & Jeff Gott – 76248 Keller June 27- Helen Carr – 76244 Ft Worth/Keller & 76177
July 11 – Arlene & Blair Paul – 76137 Ft Worth/Watauga/Haltom City Additional host needed for 76137
July 18 – Christine Gehringer – 76179 Ft Worth/Saginaw Add 76131 to Christine’s list PLUS OTHERS OUTSIDE 76179
July 25 – Sue & DJ Mitchell & Kathy Watson – 76021/76022, 76039, 76054 Bedford/Euless/ Hurst
Additional host may be needed for 76021/76022, 76039, 76054\
August 1 – Heather Wilson – 76248 Keller – date chg’d from August 8
Additional host needed for 76248 (about 85 families left to be invited in 76248 to Heather’s party, so we may need to have a 3rd party. Katy Gott had 15 families attend out of 30 invited.)
Zip Code Parties To Be Held:
August 15 – Brooke & Greg Madsen – 76051 Grapevine
August 22 – Jeniffer Varley & Evie Larimore – 76034 Colleyville
September 26 – Cyndy Sulots – 76148 & 76180
September 5 – open September 12 – open
October 10 – Carol & Jim Fowler – 2nd 76262 party
Hosts needed for: 76182 North Richland Hills; 23 families + those not attending Sept. 26 76148 & 76180 party
Radical Hospitality & Newcomers report
Vestry Report for July 19, 26, Aug 2. and 9, 2015—Radical Hospitality and Newcomers
This report will be a summary of the weekly reports sent to you by Flo Lowrey and myself.
During this period there were 14 blue Communication Cards filled out by Newcomers to St. Martin’s, representing 21 people, and maybe more, as not all listed their children.
Welcome letters were sent to thirteen by email, and one by USPS.
Bread/Information sacks were delivered to those who provided physical addresses. Two did not provide addresses, and we have emailed requesting that information.
Twelve name tags were ordered.
We had great replies from several people, complimenting our friendliness and expressing surprise and appreciation for the home baked bread. People said they found us via internet and even by seeing our sign in front of our church by the soccer field. One said her son plays soccer for Fever United.
We had Newcomers who said they’d be interested in Men’s Activities (Holy Mowers and Holy Handymen,) Quiet Committee, Outreach, Daughters of the King, Acolytes, and Ladies Night Out, and those heads of ministry were contacted. Several have let me know they received positive responses. Getting people who say they want more information about St. Martin’s is great, but getting them involved is what keeps them coming. (I think!)
With Fr. Scot’s approval, I have decided to only submit further Vestry reports when there is something new or important to say. I know you read my weekly reports, and they are more detailed and personal, so there seems to be no reason to give you one more item to read at an already packed Vestry agenda.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Maddon
Radical Hospitality/Newcomer Facilitator