Vestry minutes – April 27, 2014 meeting


April 27, 2014
Present:  Bob Bess, Bob Blomstrom, Annette Duff, Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, Gil Kleinwechter, DJ Mitchell, Joe Panther, Elizabeth Mason, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; the Rev Michael Wallens, Interim Rector; the Rev Amy Haynie, Associate Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Guest:  The Very Rev Raymond High, Jr.

A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, April 27, 2014, at 12:30 PM in the West Parish Hall.
The meeting opened with prayer by the Bishop.  He was very pleased with the number of persons confirmed, and when he learned of some who were unavailable to be confirmed today, offered to come back “any time, any day of the week.”  He has already been contacted by people who have recommendations for rector of St. Martin.  The diocese is ready to give the Search Committee some names when they are ready to begin their work.  He emphasized that if parishioners have names to recommend, he needs to see them.  Canon Waggoner will be working with the Search Committee.
Minutes of the March 16, 2014, meeting were approved as distributed.
Christian Education Reports
Children and Youth Minister:  The report of Corrie Cabes, CYM, is attached.  The Associate Rector added that the confirmation retreat for youth was a very good learning opportunity for young confirmands.  6 kids attended, 4 of whom were confirmed today.  2 will be moving to CA and will be confirmed in their new church there.
Clergy Report:  The Interim Rector stated that adult classes are in the discussion stage.  People interested are looking at the possibilities for time for the classes.
Communications Committee
Gil Kleinwechter reported that Susan is attending an Episcopal communicators conference  with Katie Sherrod.
Annette Duff reported that the St Martin School Facebook page got out to parents, and there has been a very positive response from them.
Profile Committee
Jim Wilson, committee chair, announced that so far the Profile Committee has received 83 surveys from parishioners.  The surveys will be used to prepare the parish profile that will be given to candidates for rector.  Wilson will get the draft profile to Canon Waggoner by Thursday for her to share at the conference of deployment officers in May.  Statistically speaking enough surveys have been returned to provide an accurate sampling.  He is pleased with the range of ages and services attended, although more responses are needed from those under 18.  The cost to use Survey Monkey to create the survey was approximately $200.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker reported that the Commission on Ministry met yesterday.  Their only action regarded a confidential matter, so he could give no further information on the meeting.
St Martin Preschool and Academy
Karrie Marling, chair of the board reported that several members of the board attended the conference of the Association of Episcopal Schools on April 5.  They had the opportunity to hear about some of the successful programs in other Episcopal schools.  Most thriving schools credited their success to a good relationship between the school and church and a 5 day-a-week program which included before and after school day care. Marling said the response to the recent request to parish members for their help for the school was wonderful.  Many volunteered to help; two people with special skills volunteered to teach classes in their fields on a regular basis.  Although there may be some difficulties ahead for the school’s future, the board remains firmly dedicated to the future and success of the school.  Vestry members expressed their firm support of the board’s plans and the school’s future.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports.  (See attached.)  DJ Mitchell moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented.  The motion was seconded and carried.  First quarter contribution statements have been mailed out.
Interim Rector’s Report
Staff:  The Interim Rector reported that Anika Barbarito, the new administrative assistant, is a very cheerful addition to the staff, and was undaunted by the multitude of requirements for Holy Week, Easter and the Bishop’s visit.  Jarvis Savage, who had accepted the position of financial manager, has developed cancer, will be having surgery and has had to resign.  Talks are taking place with another person to fill that position.
Easter attendance:  Over 500 people attended the Easter services last weekend.
Associate Rector’s Report
Arkansas Youth:  About 12 college age persons from the Diocese of Arkansas slept in the parish hall on their way to an event.  They really loved our hospitality.
Episcopal Youth Event:  2 youth from St. Martin will be going to the summer EYE.  $800 was collected in the envelopes to assist with their expenses.
St. Francis Garden:  The area set aside for the cremains of pets is almost complete.  It is located outside the Memorial Garden.
CREDO:  From May 13-19 she will be going to a CREDO gathering in Alabama for the recently ordained.
Ministry at St. Martin Ending:  She announced that she will be leaving St. Martin when her current letter of agreement ends.  Her last Sunday with us will be June 1.  She is looking at 4 different opportunities at this time, 2 within this diocese.  Since the transition to her new position will probably not be immediate, she looks forward to the opportunity to spend time during the summer with her two boys.  A letter announcing her plans to the parish as a whole will go out no later than Friday as will an email announcement.  She is grateful for the support and personal growth she has experienced at St. Martin.
Senior Warden’s Report
The Senior Warden stated that progress is being made in the process toward a new rector.  The profile and search committees are doing their work at the level that is best for those volunteers involved.
In response to a question regarding moving vestry meetings to evenings, he said that past experience has shown that Sundays following the 10:30 service works best for most vestry members, but a possible change could be considered if needed.
Junior Warden’s Report
The Jr Warden reported that there seems to be a problem with the AC units in the church.  He will see that they get checked. The staff is looking into options for replacement of the rapidly deteriorating copy machine.  No refrigerator has been donated for the office kitchen, so he is looking into the cost of replacing the unit with a new, more energy efficient model.
Communication Card
The Senior Warden reviewed the procedure for dealing with the communication cards for the benefit for new vestry members.
Newcomer Celebration June 8
There will be a meal to welcome all newcomers following the 10:30 service on June 8.  Meat for the meal will be provided.  Parishioners (with the exception of newcomers) will be asked to bring a covered dish. Something to honor the newcomers will be done during the 10:30 service.
Ron Hitchcock outlined a proposal for a labyrinth on the floor of the East Parish Hall (See his attached report.)  Cyndy Sulots moved the Vestry approve the creation of a labyrinth in the East Parish Hall as proposed by Ron Hitchcock and his committee, funding for materials of up to $5000 to come from the Memorial Fund.  The motion was seconded and carried.
Grow the Church Ministry
Elizabeth Mason reported that she and the Interim Rector had met and made preliminary plans for implementing this new ministry.  The book, Holy Currencies, will be used as a reference for the committee’s work. Aubrey Hardman, chair of stewardship, agreed to co-chair the committee with Mason.  The plan is to get representatives from all current ministries – programs that will attract outsiders – and those interested in other possible outreach ministries.
On May 18 there will be Town Hall meetings about the parish profile.  If possible, the Grow the Church Ministry will be highlighted at the Town Hall.
The meeting adjourned at 3:05 PM with prayer by Elizabeth Mason.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Please note:  Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, May 18, 2014, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.

Children and Youth Ministry Report

I am thrilled to be reporting on new things in children and youth ministry! Serving the young people of this parish is my absolute love and I am happy to report that things are going swimmingly!
Good Friday Children’s Service
On Good Friday, the youth led a service for young children and their families. The teens became characters such as Peter, Mary Magdalene and the boy with the loaves and fishes. This interactive service had children thinking and responding about the amazing love of Jesus. To top off this service, children shared bits of hot cross buns and families lingered in the pews afterwards.
EYC Weekly Meetings
The EYC have been gathering each week for fellowship, fun and faith formation. Lately, we have enjoyed games in the fields, brainstormed outreach plans and looked for hidden Stations of the Cross in a scavenger hunt. We look forward to a summer packed with home communion, hitting the pool and doing some “serious good” in the community with outreach!
St. Martin’s Academy Chapel Program
On Wednesday and Thursday mornings, you will find me leading a rock concert in the church. Just kidding! I am leading 60 students and teachers in praise, worship, music and dancing. I teach a children’s creed, the Lord’s Prayer and I follow the liturgical calendar in a simple fashion. These students leave St. Martin’s packed with prayers that will stay with them even in tough times. They will know that the Episcopal Church is a warm and welcoming place where they began a life of faith. I invite the Vestry to attend the end of the year performance where the students will perform a VBS song with me on May 29. Look for a reminder email.
Fun Faith Field Day
Sunday School for children will wrap up with Fun Faith Field day on Sunday, May 18. We will spend some time in the fields with preview VBS games and lots of surprises!
Summer Chapel
On the first Sunday of the month, we will continue to have family worship Sunday with a focus on youth and families. On the other Sundays, the children will head off to chapel with me and my merry band of teen chaplains for our own prayers, creeds, bible stories and more!
VBS will be held on June 16-20 at St. Martin’s. I have invited Episcopalians from across the diocese to be a part of what makes us so special at St. Martin’s. VBS is an amazing outreach program that will touch the lives of over 100 children. In addition to VBS, we will add an outreach component that will help us share God’s love to the community.
I’m keeping this report short because I am in the midst of a Confirmation retreat, planning VBS and finishing up Sunday school. I appreciate your support and covet your prayers as I continue to work to serve the children and families at St. Martin’s.
Corrie Cabes
Children and Youth Minister