Vestry Minutes – April 23 with Vestry Ministry Liaison Reports

April 23, 2017
Present: Norma Barbier, Jim Bedell, Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, Courtney Mullaney, Ike Ogbue, Linda Seeber, Linda Snow, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden, Kathy Wilkinson; Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
Not present: MaryBeth Butler.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, April 23, 2017, at 12:15 PM in the East Parish Hall.  The meeting opened with prayer by the  Rector.
Approval of Minutes
Joel Walker moved the minutes of the March 19 meeting be approved as distributed. Jim Bedell seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Kathy Wilkinson moved the minutes of the March 25 meeting be approved as distributed. Jim Bedell seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Kathy Wilkinson moved the minutes of the April 9 meeting be approved as distributed. Jim Bedell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report Accepted: The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports.  (See attached.) Joel Walker moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Jim Bedell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Votes on Budget Changes: At the recommendation of the Treasurer the following motions were passed:
Joel Walker moved that the Organist/Music Director and the Supply Organist budget line items be combined. Ike Ogbue seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Courtney Mullaney moved that the expense category in the budget called “YM Mission Trip” and the category called “Youth Mission Trip” in the Temporarily Restricted Fund Activity and Balances report be changed to “YM Mission and EYE Conference Trips.” Ike Ogbue seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
The Treasurer announced that a report will be presented at the May meeting regarding funding for the replacement of the gutters as recommended by the Jr. Warden. He also announced that the clergy benevolence funds will be combined into one account.
Audit Date to Be Changed: The rector stated that the audit of St. Martin’s previous year financials needs to be done in July. The report of the Auditing Committee must be prepared in time to be approved by the vestry at a vestry meeting before it is forwarded to the diocese by the canonical deadline of September 1. Selection of Auditing Committee members will begin shortly.
Endowment Consideration: Consideration is being given to setting up an endowment fund for St. Martin’s. Our financial advisor, Jim Hazel, has previously offered the assistance of his team when St. Martin’s is ready to proceed. DJ Mitchell will contact Hazel with the idea of inviting him to come and speak to the vestry in that regard in the very near future.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The written report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Diocesan Information
The written report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Racial Reconciliation Training Update: The times for the Racial Reconciliation training on May 12 – 13 are not available at this time. The training will take place at St. Luke’s in the Meadow Episcopal Church. The training is strongly recommended for all those in church leadership positions.
Bishop to Move: The bishop will be moving his residence to Abilene sometime in the future.
Vestry Ministry Liaison Reports
The written reports of the vestry liaisons to the following ministries are attached and made a part of these minutes:
Adult Education Ministries, Children’s Ministry, Communications Committee, Hospitality, Outreach, Pastoral Care, Worship Committee, and Youth Ministry.
Junior Warden’s Report
Replacement of School Building Doors: Jr. Warden Charles Busey recommends acceptance of the bid from Vortex for replacement of the doors on the west side of the building with the change of clear glass windows rather than the mirror glass listed on the current proposal. Linda Snow moved the vestry approve acceptance of the Vortex bid with uniform doors including clear glass windows on the west side of the school building at a cost not to exceed $5.000.00, funding to come from the Emergency Fund. Jim Bedell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Playground Changes: School Director Serin Stanford submitted a proposal with suggestions on options to redo the base and borders on the playground (see attached). Charles Busey, Neil Rinker and Norma Barbier will assist in researching the matter and provide recommendations on how to proceed with any changes.
Resolution of Thanks for the Soccer Field Enclosure: Charles Busey moved the vestry adopt the following resolution:
On behalf of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church the Vestry wishes to express our profound gratitude to Constance and Willard Smith and Fever United for the gift of the enclosure which now surrounds our fields. The enclosure is a symbol of the commitment of us all to preserve the fields not only for use by those who come today but all those in the future. We thank you.
Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Senior Warden’s Report
The written report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Newcomers Dinner: A newcomers dinner is currently on the church calendar in May. The vestry discussed the matter and decided instead to honor those new to the church in parish-wide gatherings during the year. The dinner currently listed on the church calendar will be removed.
Rector’s Report
The written report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
The meeting adjourned at 2 PM with prayer by Joel Walker.

April 2017 Monthly Written Reports

 St. Martin’s Episcopal School
School Report:  enrollment for next year: 50. Current enrollment: 72. – Scot McComas
Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church came into our diocese for a visit on April 6, 7, and 8. On Friday, April 7, he had meetings with the clergy and laity of the diocese.  That day finished with a fund-raiser held at Colonial Country Club. Saturday concluded with a mass at University Christian Church which was attended by many people from around the diocese. – Joel Walker
Senior Warden’s Report April 2017
I have not brought up CPR class to Anika due to how busy she is during the Easter Season, but I will talk to her this week. The pictorial directory is moving along well.  We filled up the first three days we had for pictures, May4th – 7th.  So we have 2 new days May 12th and 13th   If you know anyone who has not signed up please encourage them to sign up the more we have the more complete our directory will be. – Linda Snow
Rector’s Report
Rector Report:  none, still looking for Outreach Chair. – Scot McComas

Adult Education Ministries

EfM – Education for Ministry Classes have been going on primarily according to schedule. The addition of two fourth-year students from another community has made this possible.  Both those students will have completed the course in June.  In the upcoming year (September 2017) there will be a need to find at least 2 other students, as the remaining group will have 1 second year, 1 third year, and 2 fourth students.  Recruiting will need to be done to fill spaces for first, second, and/or third year students.
Wednesday Morning Study – The Group finished a study of the book “Falling Upward” by Richard Rohr, and followed that with a series of recorded presentations on subjects from the book.  The group will be starting a new book on April 26.

Worship Committee

Worship committee has not had another meeting since the last one that I had reported on. Organist Search Committee, an organist has been hired on a part time basis (to worship services on Sunday morning and a Wednesday evening Rehearsal. That is all to report. – Jim Bedell


Since January/Interim Chairman: Scot McComas – Need lay chairman
Well water: Raised $3000.00 for ERD/Clean Water, 3/5 of a well,   6-week campaign
Refugee ministry: Soon to publish household items for refugee apartment. Will be a sign-up for what you have or can donate on short notice. Church cannot accept or store items. Will be a delivery from you on a short notice.
4Saints Food Pantry: On-going project /specific items only…see sheet in Narthex for needs.
Rise Against Hunger: Meal packaging…10,000+ meals coming up September 30th/10:00 a.m.
UGM: personal items/on-going project.
Nancy Wieden / Outreach Liaison

Youth report

Youth ministry at St. Martin’s is a vibrant part of this church. Strong support from parents and parish will help youth ministry continue to flourish. Sunday School and monthly Sunday Funday events will be on break during summer months.  It would be helpful for there to be an organized attempt to notify parents of the plan for transition and a way to keep youth engaged and strong kick-off in August/September if the plan is not to have a youth minister over the summer.
Corrie says:  It has been a joy to serve the youth of this parish and I am grateful for the support from this church to help build a strong youth program. I pray that God will send a creative, energetic and loving youth minister to bring youth ministry to new heights.
Here are some events going on during summer months:
The Episcopal Youth Event (EYE17) is coming!This international youth event is held every three years and it’s a chance for teens to experience amazing worship and workshops created especially to feed young people’s faith. Teens come back transformed and ready to serve God in the world.This summer we will be sending 4 teens and one adult mentor to join teens and mentors from Trinity Episcopal Church. EYE17 will take place on the campus of the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, OK on July 10-14. *Support needed: prayer for our youth and adult mentors
City Week will be held on June 26-29 at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County. This intergenerational mission trip invites teens ages 12 years through adult to be a part of the rhythms of daily life at UGM. Volunteers get a chance to cook and serve food, lead chapel and work on meaningful projects that give them a sense of the complexity of homelessness. An information meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 3 from 6:30 pm – 8 pm in the school building.  Rhonda Ackley is the point person for this week. *Support needed: prayer, adults who can carpool, adults who can serve as daily mentors for teens. 
Service Sunday will offer a transition meeting on Sunday, April 30 at 12 pm in the school building.  This ministry needs a strong, organized leader to take over–is there someone in Outreach to lead? *Support needed: prayer, volunteers to take over small parts of the ministry and continued donations.
SURPRISE GOING AWAY PARTIES!!    After the 10:30 service on May 14th, we will have cake and the congregation will have an opportunity to tell her goodbye.  But we know the heart of Corrie is with her youth so we want to give them an opportunity to celebrate with her. Corrie is aware of this event.
Youth potluck–will be at the  5:00 Saturday service on May 13th and we would love for all the youth to join her with their families and later come together for a pot luck dinner in the parish hall. *Both events are being coorindated by Amy Pirk and Mary Anderson
Transition Plan:  Committee formed for identifying new youth minister.  First interview this Sunday at same time as vestry meeting.  –
April 2017 Children’s Ministry Report from Amy Pirk
Here’s what is what’s going on this quarter:
First up we have “Maker Fun Factory” vacation bible school, June 12-16 from 9:00-12:00 pm. The theme this year is centered around sharing the message with kids that God created each of them for a purpose! How great is that?!  We are preparing to host 100 VBS participants: 20 preschoolers and 80 elementary school children. Registration for the event is open and going strong, both on the participant side and the volunteer side, with many returning participants and volunteers from last year’s event returning. On the volunteer side of things, I am happy to report that all the crucial station leader positions are filled. What I am looking for now are more crew leaders (crew leaders travel with a group of five throughout the course of each VBS day, providing a calm presence, and keeping kids on task). I am needing 15 people to complete the crew leader roster. That said, I am not worried whatsoever that I will get these positions filled in the coming weeks.
You have asked me to specifically identity what Vestry can do to support children’s ministry, and the answer to that is simple: volunteer! If anyone on Vestry would like to volunteer to serve at Maker Fun Factory, they can register to do so HERE. I love to see Vestry members support our events with their physical presence. In addition to the need for crew leaders, I also need bodies in the kitchen to help prepare snacks for hungry kids.
The second big event for the summer is a Family Fun Day to be hosted by the DeClerk family July 23 from 2-5 pm. This will be a pool party and promises to be great fun for all to enjoy.
The last day of Sunday School is May 21 and we will be having an end of the year party to celebrate. I will be asking parents to provide a dish to share and we will have some games and crafts for children to enjoy as they remember their year spent learning that when you love God, and serve others, you change the world. Amen.
Summer Sunday Chapel will begin May 28 in the east parish hall.  Here kids will gather together to learn about the love of Jesus through interactive lessons, music, and crafts. Teens will be invited in each week to help.
One final mention: As an extension of my ministry, I started Band of Moms. The idea behind my starting this ministry was that when moms take time out to be with other moms–when they take time to nurture themselves with the company of other moms, when they take time to reflect in prayer, then children ultimately benefit. Band of Moms is going strong with 12-15 members regularly attending the twice a month meetings. We have both parish moms attending, as well as school moms.
That about sums it up! I am happy to answer and questions you might have. I look forward to a wonderful summer with the kids! God’s blessings to you, – Courtney Mullaney

Communications Committee Report – Mary Beth Butler / April 23, 2017

The Communications committee consists of Chuck Ambrose (Chair), Mary Beth Butler (Vestry liaison), Brooke Casey, Susan Kleinwechter (Communications Director), Carl Snow, Linda Snow, and Rev. Scot McComas. This committee meets on the Second Sunday of each month following the 10:30 service (around 12:15). It has been decided to delay the meeting start until 12:45 to allow members to participate in Service Sunday activities.
The committee is or has been working on the following initiatives:
New website: The committee has worked for several months on a new look and feel for the St. Martin’s website. Care has been taken to ensure that our branding is conveyed in this, as in all our output. The launch of the new site is planned for early May. Development site is
Office phone service: The office phone and internet service has been reviewed, extensively researched, and replaced by Charter Spectrum Business. This is faster service at a better price. With the internet equipment change, we have a new staff network and a guest network.
Social media guidelines: It was discussed and agreed that these were not needed.  The diocese has guidelines, and the committee members believe we are in compliance.
Business card welcome items: These are in process and are intended for members to carry and distribute to friends and community members to share about St. Martin’s.
Photo directory: The church will work with Lifetouch on a photo directory. Linda Snow is in charge of the effort and will be assisted by Mev Matulevich. Photos will be taken May 4-7 at the church, with a possible additional weekend for overflow. Volunteers are needed to assist with sign-up and at the photography event.
New Cameras to record/livestream services: These are under consideration.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Butler

Hospitality Liaison report/April 2017 – Linda Seeber/Sharon Payne

The hospitality team is in good shape with the guidance of Sharon Payne and her team. A few more volunteers are needed for bread delivery, especially on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Greeters for 10 am service have been changed from 4 people to 2.  There seems to be a lot of congestion at the entrance to the church and the ushers can be back up if needed to help.
Linda R. Seeber, Hospitality Liaison

Pastoral Care

E-Prayer Group Almost every day – and sometimes more than once a day – a prayer request is received from a member or an extended church member, or from the church office or clergy, for someone in need of healing, travel safety, for the departed, etc. These are sent on to the people who have requested to be on our e-prayer mailing list. If I have a problem I can always count on getting help from Susan Kleinwechter – Flo Lowrey
Al-Anon The Al-Anon group is doing well, meeting every Sunday at 4 PM.  There are regulars in attendance and many newcomers.  I feel we are a service to the community in helping families of alcoholics and families of those suffering from drug addiction.   Evie Larimore
Prayer Shawl Ministry The Prayer Shawl Ministry is alive and well.  Since January 1, we have donated 20 Prayer Shawls to those that are in need of comfort.  We have taken on an additional project—that of crocheting mats for the homeless.  The mats are made from repurposing plastic bags.  It is a worthwhile and rewarding endeavor.  Any donations of plastic bags would be greatly appreciated.    Kathy Wilkinson
Quiet Committee QC is very blessed to have incredible members with caregiver’s  hearts who are always right there to help out when needed.  Currently we have about 20 members and we are always looking for new people to help.
We continue to provide meals for those church families in need of a home-cooked meal and we have helped with food for three large funeral receptions in the past year.  Occasionally our committee can become overrun with requests during a certain time period.  In an effort to not burn people out, we occasionally find it necessary to supplement by buying food using our budgeted funds.  Thanks to the Vestry for budgeting those funds.
The leadership of Quiet Committee will be in transition very soon.  After serving as the ministry head for many, many, (many) years, I am retiring from QC at the end of March.  It has been my absolute pleasure to serve as head of this ministry…an absolute joy to work with the members.  I know that there is someone who will volunteer to head this committee very soon and they will do an incredible job.  Thank you, Kathy and thanks to the Vestry and to Father Scot for your continued support of this important ministry. – Kathy Watson
Driving Circle   No report
Daughters of the King   No report
Hope Group    No report
Respectfully Submitted, Kathy Wilkinson