Vestry Minutes: April 23, 2023

April 23, 2023

For a pdf of the full vestry packet, including all reports and financials, please click here

Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Bob Bess – Senior Warden, Rick Schultz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Amanda Alvarez, Mary Anderson, Mary Beth Butler, Jen Duncan, Bryan Hedrick, Liz Jordan, Melissa Kurkul (via Zoom), Becky Snell-Bolerjack

Also Present: Gary Wilkinson, Finance Committee Chair

Not Present: Glenda Morehead, Clerk

A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, April 23, 2023, in the West Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector at 12:02 PM.

Eagle Scout Proposal

Mr. Ethan Holland presented a proposal for his Eagle Scout project. Holland’s written and oral presentation detailed his plans for cleaning and repainting the surface of the Labyrinth and adding plantings to its border. His booklet is attached and made a part of these minutes. DJ Mitchell moved the vestry approve Holland’s project. Liz Jordan seconded the motion, and the motion carried

Consideration of Minutes

Dick Seeber moved the Vestry approve the minutes of the March 26 meeting. Rick Schultz seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Finance Committee Report & Treasurer’s Report

Finance Committee Report: Gary Wilkinson presented the report, indicating that the parish is currently in a favorable position.

Interment Costs Discussion  about the costs for interment in the Memorial Garden was tabled until a later date.

Outside Audit: Wilkinson repeated that the parish audit will begin after the tax season is over.

Treasurer’s Report Accepted: DJ Mitchell moved the Treasurer’s report be accepted, Becky Snell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Jr. Wardens’ Report

Grubby Sunday: Dick Seeber thanked all who worked on Grubby Sunday.

Mower: St. Martin’s owns a large industrial lawn mower which remains unused since the agreement with Fever United to mow the property for 10 years. Options include selling it with proceeds to go the General Fund, or offering it to Fever. Dick Seeber will contact Fever about the matter.

Green Team Reactivation: Rex Angle and Chris Mullaney are willing to reorganize a Green Team to handle regular maintenance of shrubs and plantings. Bob Bess will contact them.

Playground/GaGa Ball Area: These areas have not been kept up and need to be weeded and re-evaluated. Vestry agreed that multiple fences in the playground are not needed.

Master Plan Update

DJ Mitchell presented the document “Thoughts on Next Steps in Building Renovation” which is attached to and made a part of these minutes. The proposal includes HVAC design and Parish Hall improvements and design drawings for church to 30% to ensure best stewardship of resources. Bob Bess moved that Mitchell be authorized to proceed as described with VLK Architects. Dick Seeber seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Sr. Warden Report

Bob Bess thanked participants in Grubby Sunday, the DeClerk funeral, and Easter celebrations. He stated better communication with the cleaning staff of expectations during high usage periods is needed. He asked that when Vestry members see an area that needs further attention by the cleaning staff they send a photo and description to the Junior Wardens. A new handheld mike is needed and will cost approximately $1,000.

Rector’s Report

Vestry Retreat Follow Up: Rector Alan Bentrup thanked members for attending the Retreat.

Curate Update: Bentrup said that he is waiting to receive more information from the Diocese.

Seminarian: Tony Kroll, a seminarian from Bexley-Seabury, Chicago, will be assigned to a field education course at St. Martin’s for one to two years starting in September.

Bishops’ Visits: On May 28 St. Martin’s summer schedule begins – one service at 9:15 AM. On that day Bishop Suffragan Kai Ryan will make an official visit to baptize, confirm, receive, and accept reaffirmations. One of those she will baptize is her great-niece. She will meet with the Vestry briefly after the service. Bishop Marianne Budde, Diocese of Washington, DC will also be with us that day and will confirm her niece.

Special Gift: Bob Garrity has given a gift of $25,000 to the church, with the allocation to be at the Rector’s discretion. Bentrup announced that he plans to allocate $20,000 to the emergency fund, $1,000 to the Eagle Scout Projects Fund, $2,000 to his discretionary fund, and $2,000 to cover the cost of interment of Jordan DeClerk. The Vestry endorsed the Rector’s plan and expressed St. Martin’s gratitude to Garrity for his gift.

Dick Seeber moved the meeting be adjourned. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried. The meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup at 1:23 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Butler
Clerk pro tem