April 21, 2013
Present: Steve Anderson, Bob Bess, Annette Duff, Gary Grant, Pat Hollifield, DJ Mitchell, Joe Panther, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; Amy Haynie, Parochial Associate; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Not present: Aubrey Hardman; Jim Reynolds, Rector.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, April 21, 2013, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Parochial Associate. In the absence of the Rector the Senior Warden chaired the meeting.
Request from the Rev Gough
The Rev Lauren Gough requested $300 for expenses for the upcoming adult confirmation retreat – $200 to go as an honorarium to New Hope Lutheran Church, where the retreat will be held, and $100 for food. She will ask participants at the retreat for contributions. The budget line from which the expenses will come having been determined, no Vestry vote was required.
Mission and Outreach
Joy Malmgren announced the committee is making plans for the following:
For the summer they will try to encourage everyone to participate in a church-wide reading of Same Kind of Different Like Me – a book about Union Gospel Mission. They may try to plan a fundraising event in connection and ask people to do a day of service at the Mission.
There are tentative plans for something for soldiers in July.
Minutes of the March 17, 2013, meeting were approved as distributed
Christian Education Report
The written report of Corrie Cabes, Director of Christian Education is attached and made a part of these minutes. She specifically highlighted her meeting with the Bishop. She also asked that Vestry members plan to attend and help greet people at the Art Event, Saturday, May 18, 5 – 7 PM, St. Elisabeth’s Episcopal Church, Fort Worth.
Security System
Prior to the meeting Pat Hollifield sent Vestry members copies of the 3 proposals he has received from security system companies for professionally installed systems. Costs ranged from just under $10000 to over $13000. The Christian Ed Director has researched the possibility of having volunteers do the work. Joel Walker moved the Vestry authorize Corrie Cabes to do what is necessary to have a security system installed at a cost under $2000. The motion was seconded and carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) DJ Mitchell moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Parochial Associate Report
The Parochial Associate reported she spent 3 days in Albuquerque at a Church Building Fund meeting last week. There was a presentation on power, authority and leadership in the church. She would like all St-Martin-in-the-Fields leaders to see the presentation when it is available online.
There is a deanery meeting Monday evening at Covenant UMC, Arlington.
Tuesday at 2 PM Jonnie Estes will be interred in the Memorial Garden. Her daughter is donating a tree for the Memorial Garden. Her funeral will be Sunday, May 5 at 2 PM.
The Province 7 Youth Event plans are working well. Operation Kindness and Mission Arlington have been added to the projects available to the youth in attendance.
St-Martin-in-the-Fields and a Dallas church are having a youth confirmation retreat together.
Her letter of agreement with St. Martin is due for renewal. Bishop High intends that clergy in our diocese be paid at a reasonable rate, and St. Martin will be the first with letters of agreement coming up. The Parochial Associate and Senior Warden will work together on her letter.
Senior Warden’s Report
The Senior Warden read the resignation letter from the Rev Lauren Gough. She thanked the Vestry for the stipend paid her for the past months, and stated that she no longer needs the help. She plans to continue working in the parish, to serve at services, teach or assist in whatever capacity is desired. The Senior Warden stated that her travel expenses will be covered when she is acting in a pastoral capacity for St. Martin.
He read a note from Michele King thanking the Vestry for her new desk and carpet.
He gave an update on the ongoing situation with Tarrant Appraisal District. They have asked for a firm date construction will start on the land at issue. Our reply stated that we cannot provide a firm building date due to ongoing legal issues. Tarrant Appraisal has until April 30 to respond.
He asked that all Vestry members plan to attend the meeting with Bishop High following the 10:30 service and reception for the Bishop and the newly confirrmed on May 5.
Junior Warden’s Report
The Jr Warden announced that he plans to continue utilizing the services of the current cleaning company.
He stated that it is time for the Green Teams to begin their work. He will assist Joel Walker, chair of the Green Teams, to get teams set up and assigned times.
Doug Watson has agreed to work with the Jr Warden on administration of the Memorial Garden.
The meeting adjourned at 1:50 PM with prayer by Steve Anderson.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, May 19, 2013, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.
Christian Education Report
April 2013
Easter-On Easter Sunday, children and families gathered in the “fields” at St. Martin for a festive egg hunt. Led by the youth of St. Martin’s, this event featured professional photographers Gil and Susan Kleinwechter, a flowering cross and many happy children!
This event showcased the wonderful work of the EYC at St. Martin’s. They diligently met to stuff over 1000 eggs and served as crew leaders, planning the location of the hunt and helping the younger children gather eggs. A new tradition began as Mark Kleinwechter retired his trumpet and passed the “torch” to Michael Stehlik, who regally sounded his trombone to mark the start of the hunt!
Egg Hunt 2014: I am pleased to announce that we will be partnering with Sunny Bunny, a company who provides meaningful employment to those with disabilities and distributes stuffed Easter eggs.
Special thanks to these Vestry Members: Steve and his wife Mary Anderson for the lovely Easter reception, Bob Bess and Becky Snell for helping with clean up and Linda Seeber for her donation of candy for the eggs. Thank you to all that attended!
AWAKE MY SOUL Update: St. Martin’s and St. Elisabeth’s are continuing the work started during Lent, helping a family in need. In addition to the donations of food and household items, this family has received generous donations of furniture and a large anonymous donation that will go towards the repainting and repair of their house. Deacon Cindy Ruiz said that we have restored hope in this family. Due to this ministry, family members are now dedicating themselves to furthering their education with new vigor and purpose. The donation of a computer and printer from Kari Ann Erickson, along with Microsoft Office, donated by Will and Annette Duff, will help their children with schoolwork. Opportunities for our parish to join other churches in the diocese on work projects for this family will begin this Summer and Fall. We will also continue to think of this family during the Christmas season with a special “Angel Tree.”
Confirmation for Youth and Adults: Adult Confirmation will be led by Mother Lauren Gough for adults wishing to be confirmed, received and those wanting to renew their confirmation vows.
Diocesan Wide Youth Confirmation Retreat: 19 Confirmation candidates, will take part in a Confirmation Retreat on Friday, May 3rd-Saturday, May 4th. We are presenting the Youth with Call on Me, a prayer book for youth and prayer shawls, hand stitched by Vestry member Linda Seeber and her group of St. Martin’s seamstresses! Our congregation will be asked to submit prayers to be given to the adult and youth Confirmation Candidates for the next two weeks. This joyous journey will peak with a visit from Bishop High on Sunday, May 5th, confirming candidates at the 10:30am service. We talked about how blessed we are to have so many young children and youth at St. Martin’s. I am so excited to tell you that he is going to give a sermon for youth and children on this day!
“Living the Questions”: Living the Questions is an amazing curriculum, sweeping the nation with many Episcopal Churches buzzing as they use this fresh approach to look at who we are as Progressive Christians. In addition, St. Martin in the Fields in London, a leader in Christian Education, has recently offered this series! St. Martin’s in Keller can also be a beacon, providing a source that promises the continuation of our Baptismal covenant through education. Living the Questions is a triumphal exultation of our Episcopal Heritage and other Progressive Christian faiths. This challenging series demands us to use our tradition, scripture and reason to further the kingdom of God in a world where exclusive faith practices are all too common.
More About Living the Questions: This new Adult Sunday Morning Christian Education series was canceled by Father Reynolds due to two recent break-ins and theft and a lack of a security system, necessary to ensure the safety of technology equipment that would be needed for this class. I want to thank Vestry Member Pat Hollifield for leading the research for a new security system. I am pleased to announce that a group of concerned parents have offered to install a security system, free of charge. Members of this group have successfully installed systems at churches before. All that is needed is the purchase of the equipment from COSTCO, Wal-Mart, etc. as Pat Hollifield and the Vestry see fit. I respectfully ask that this be swiftly approved. My work in Christian Education is being drastically affected with what I am able to offer to our growing congregation.
Diocesan Fine Art Gallery: I am seeking five members of the Vestry to help Usher and Greet at this event. Please let me know who can help! What is exciting about this event is the participation of artists and musicians from across the diocese. The Liturgical Calendar becomes a prayerful circle, with powerful works of art and a special Liturgy created for this event. The Bishop has marked his calendar! Please do the same:
Saturday, May 18 from 5-7pm at St. Elisabeth’s Episcopal Church, 5410 Black Oak Lane, Fort Worth.
Meeting with the Bishop: I was delighted to meet with the Bishop on April 12th in the Diocesan Office. He made time to discuss my vision as the Director of Christian Education and had wonderful insights about bringing people to St. Martin’s and our exciting future as we call a new rector. He specifically challenged me to work with the Vestry to create more of an Episcopal identity with St. Martin’s Preschool and Academy. We discussed many ways of doing this and I look forward to meeting with the Senior Warden and Vestry about increasing our efforts. As one of the school chaplains, I have made it my mission to make St. Martin’s church feel like a welcoming place for the families of the school, but with your help I know we can do so much more!
This could be accomplished through:
Mentoring Programs
Coffee with Parents/Education Programs
SAES-Southwest Association of Episcopal Schools
School Board
EfM: Education for Ministry, a program through the University of the South, equips lay-persons to be informed and knowledgeable in their daily ministry. Look for an inquirer’s meeting on May 26th, led by the Reverend Judy Upham, an experienced Fort Worth EfM Mentor.
Labyrinth: “A Path of Prayer” will be a six week series for Wednesday Night Live. Participants will be guided by Mother Amy Haynie in project-based learning, with the final outcome of a labyrinth project behind the Memorial Garden. This project will expand and be the heart of Lent in 2014.
FUN FIELDS FAITH DAY: A morning of fun, faith-filled games marks the end of Sunday School on May 19th. Sunday School resumes in the Fall.
VBS: Many hands will make God’s work come alive to children and their families this June 24th-28th from 9:30am-12:00pm. Look for work nights and many planning sessions as we prepare for our largest outreach ministry of the year. Start thinking of how you will be a part of this ministry!
In His Service,
Corrie Cabes
Director of Christian Education