Vestry Minutes: April 18, 2021


Present: All Present:  Chris Mullaney, Bob Bess, Mary Anderson, Linda Seeber, Jim McManic,  Amanda Alvarez, Melissa Kurkul, Joe Stark, Keen Haynes, Bob Garrity, DJ Mitchell
Absent: Julie Sutton
Also Present: Paula Jefferson, Sue Mitchell, and Gary Wilkinson

Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Field Episcopal Church was held Sunday, April 18, 2021 virtually via zoom meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 12:35 p.m.

Vestry Minutes from previous months were presented.  No corrections were needed.  DJ Mitchell made a motion to approve the minutes for the February Meeting and Chris Mullaney seconded.  Voted to accept.  DJ Mitchell made a motion to accept the March minutes and Linda Seeber seconded.  Vestry voted to accept.

Treasurer’s Report: DJ Mitchell

  • A few expenses were higher this month – computer for administrative assistant, maintenance work at the church, Worship and Programs.
  • Pledges were off about 6,000.
  • Submitting documents for PPE Loan Forgiveness
  • Easter offering was about $ 4,660.00
  • Scout project contributions a little over $1,000.

Treasurer’s Report Approved:

Finance Committee – Gary Wilkinson

  • 2020 Financial Review will be completed by a committee.
  • Bob Bess made a motion to proceed with selecting a committee.
  • Discussed question of solar panels being installed on the parish hall.
  • Next meeting will be May 15, 2021.

Rector search committee: Sue Mitchell

  • April 19th is the final candidates interview
  • Committee will meet to see if they can whittle down the number of candidates, but Sue stated that all the candidates were strong.
  • Mock interview w/Canon Waggoner is still on the agenda.
  • Ron mentioned the Transition Committee and whether to add new members or create a new committee. Sue said she would present to the search committee and report back their deicison.
  • Discussed compensation package and presented to the vestry.

Junior Warden:  Bob Bess and Chris Mullaney

  • Reported 35-50 people were at the spring workday at church. Completed a lot of different jobs.

Senior Warden:  Keen Haynes

  • Recognized Jr. Wardens for their spring workday turnout.
  • Would be sending out the draft of the compensation package for the new rector.

Chris Mulaney:

  • Chris will publish the Holy Mowers Schedule this week.

Curate’s Report: Paula Jefferson

  • Shared information from the Regathering Committee. Paula presented a tentative plan with dates for regathering.  Tentatively set for May 16th if all the reports look like it will be safe.
  • Announced Human Flourishing was starting a new book this week.
  • “Reimagining” EYC – preparing letters to members to populate a council about how to change and improve EYC in the future.
  • Discovery Weekend (Virtual) – 10 people attended and was a very positive weekend.

Rector’s Report:

  • Announced the Enviromental Team has added four new members to the team. The team will be touring the church and church grounds and report to the parish about the changes.
  • Personnel Committee was formed with Christopher DeClerc to head the committee w/Mary Beth Butler and Dan Waggoner. The committee will be reviewing the policies that are in place regarding personnel.

Vestry went into executive session to discuss a personnel matter.

Chris Mullaney made a motion and DJ Mitchell seconded it to approve a motion to extend the letter of agreement for Paula Jefferson for the full two years.  Vestry voted and approved.

1:30 – Bob Bess gave the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned.