Vestry Minutes: April 17, 2022

St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Vestry Minutes: April 17, 2022

Present: Alan Bentrup, Paula Jefferson, Jim McManic, Jen Duncan, Keen Haynes, Bob Garrity, Linda Seeber, Melissa Kurkel, DJ Mitchell, Amanda Alvarez, Rick Schulz, Bob Bess, Joe Stark

Absent: Mary Anderson

The meeting was called to order at 12:30 by Rev. Alan Bentrup

Opening Prayer offered by Alan

March Minutes approved

Treasurer’s Report/Budget Committee Report – DJ Mitchell

See the attached report

Gary Wilkinson is looking into an affordable audit with David Lowder’s assistance.

Reports approved.

Senior Warden Report – Keen Haynes

VPIC assignments filled for May.

Junior Warden Report– Joe Stark and Rick Schulz

Liability issue with addition of a gaga ball court and Pickle ball was discussed.

It was suggested we review our liability insurance policies.

Sprinkler repaired for the Good News Garden.

Assistant Rector– Paula Jefferson

Report attached.

Rector’s Report – Alan Bentrup

Staffing change with Joe Henry has resigned and taken a new job in Dallas.

Divine Purpose statement was approved.

Finalizing agreement with Fever.

Eagle Scout Project was discussed.  No updates for the gaga ball court project.

Master plan  is progressing with input from committee.

Closing Prayer – DJ Mitchell

Blessing – Alan Bentrup

Adjourned at 2:00

Respectfully submitted

Linda Seeber for Mary Anderson – Vestry Clerk