Vestry minutes – April 17, 2016 meeting

April 17, 2016
Present: Gil Kleinwechter, Charles Busey, Gregory Anderson, Jack Bolerjack, Elizabeth Mason, Linda Snow, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden, Kathy Wilkinson; Scot McComas, Rector; Carol-Lynn Walker, Deputy Clerk; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
Special Guest: The Rt. Rev. Sam Hulsey, Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth.
Not Present: James Bedell, Courtney Mullaney; Glenda Morehead, Clerk.
A regular meeting of the vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, April 17, 2016, at 12:30 pm in the chapel. The meeting opened with prayer by the rector.
Remarks by the Bishop
The rector introduced the bishop who then addressed the vestry. Among his remarks were the following:

  • The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, will visit the diocese in the future.  The details have not been settled as yet.
  • St. Martin’s has a wonderful school to be proud of.
  • All our bishops are frustrated by the lawsuit.
  • He asked what Bishop Mayer could do for us – there were no answers.

Vestry Ministry Liaison Reports
The rector explained our ministry liaison program.

  • He asked the vestry members to introduce themselves and explain what ministries they work with.
  • Each person introduced themselves and presented a brief explanation of the ministries involved (see reports submitted).

Treasurer’s Report
D J Mitchell presented the treasurer’s report. Gregory Anderson moved the report be accepted as presented. Joel Walker seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Vote on Advances to the Benevolence Funds
The vestry had previously approved emergency transfers into the clergy benevolence funds, said transfers to be approved at the next regular meeting.
The treasurer proposed the vestry change the previous policy to allow an advance of up to two months into the clergy benevolence funds before a vestry vote is required to approve the transfers. An amendment was presented that the policy be in effect until changed or rescinded by vestry vote. Gregory Anderson moved the vestry adopt the proposed changes to the policy as amended. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion and the motion carried.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The rector presented the following information:

  • Several people at Kellerfest showed interest in our school. They were provided with additional information.
  • Enrollment for next year is over 55 students.
  • Details for the coming school fundraiser were presented.

Jr. Wardens’ Report
The jr. wardens reported that only general maintenance items were worked on. Two of the 3 leaks have been fixed.
Senior Warden’s Report
Senior Warden Gil Kleinwechter reported that he and the Communications Director have met with Mike Young from Computer CPR to discuss our infrastructure, network and computer security, backups and other concerns. Young will be preparing a proposal for their review in the near future. After reviewing his proposal they will bring their findings and recommendations to the vestry. It is hoped that the results will be ready for the May vestry meeting.
Rector’s Report
The Rector reported on KellerFest – it was a success – see the school report.
Upcoming Events Presented:
KellerFest has been completed.
Confirmations with Bishop Hulsey have been completed.
The school fundraiser is scheduled for April 30.

  • There will be no on-line auction this year.
  • A list of items to be auctioned off has been sent out.

Stop Hunger Now program will be on September 24.

  • 60 volunteers will be needed to make many meals.

Festival in the fields is set for Oct 15.

  • The Brotherhood of St Andrews and the Daughters of the King will coordinate and present the festival.
  • Kathy Wilkinson requested funding for start-up costs.

Clean Up after Coffee Hour
A discussion took place about who was to clean up after coffee hour. Vestry consensus is that clean up is the responsibility of the group or individuals responsible for hospitality that week.
Lunch and Prayer for May Meeting
Jack Bolerjack is to bring lunch for next meeting, Cyndy Sulots will do the closing prayer.
Vote to Adjourn and Closing Prayer
Kathy Wilkinson moved the meeting be adjourned. Nancy Wieden seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The meeting closed with prayer by Gil Kleinwechter.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol-Lynn Walker
Deputy Clerk