Vestry Minutes – 8/20/2023

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting August 20, 2023

For a pdf of financials, please click here

Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Gavin Tomlin – Curate, Bob Bess – Senior Warden, Rick Schultz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Amanda Alvarez, Mary Anderson, Mary Beth Butler, Brian Hedrick, Melissa Kurkul

Attending on Zoom – Becky Snell-Bolerjack, Liz Jordan Also Present: Gary Wilkinson – Finance Committee Chair Not Present: Jen Duncan, Glenda Morehead – Clerk

The regular meeting of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry was held on August 20, 2023 in the small parish hall after the 9:15 service. Meeting was called to order in prayer by the Rector at 10:37 am. The Rector also appointed Tina Morehead as Clerk for the meeting.

Eagle Scout Candidate: Mitchell Dudek, Troop 589 and parishioner at St. Martin, presented his proposal for his Eagle Scout project. He wishes to install an outdoor video screen with speakers on the outside wall of the parish hall that faces east, thus providing an outdoor movie space to be used by St Martin’s groups. His project booklet is on file. Dudek would like to report on his project to the congregation at the 9:15 service on 8/27/23 to request project donations. Any funds left over will stay in St Martin’s Scout Funds to assist in future projects. Dick Seeber moved that Vestry approve the project, DJ Mitchell seconded; motion carried, and project was approved.

Consideration of Minutes June 19, 2023

DJ Mitchell moved that minutes be approved as corrected, Mary Beth Butler seconded; motion carried and corrected minutes will be filed.

Finance Committee Report & Treasurer’s Report

Finance Committee Report: Gary Wilkinson presented the report, indicating that the parish continues to be ahead of budget plans through the summer months. Income continues to outpace expenses.

Update on review by third party CPA: No problems have been reported by the CPA in Lubbock. Gary will email the Vestry in the next 2 weeks after receiving the final report. Treasurer’s Report

DJ Mitchell reviewed the Treasurer’s Report that is part of the Vestry Packet for the meeting. Mary Anderson moved that the Vestry accept the Treasurer’s Report, Bob Bess seconded the motion; motion carried.

Junior Wardens’ Report:

See written copy of the report included in August Vestry Packet. Highlights and updates not included are as follows:

Going forward, the Green Team will alternate their focus each month between the Memorial Garden and the playground.

AC problem in Godly Play Room needed a new circuit board which has been installed. The front door to the Sanctuary has been repaired.

Senior Warden’s Report:

Presented as written and included in August Vestry Packet.

Rector’s Report:

Items of note as listed with the following additions: Sunday Schedule of 2 services with Formation in between “on the 30’s” will commence September 17, 2023.

Security plans and policies will be updated shortly. The Security Committee is being called by the Rector to review and change current plans as needed to match EDOT requirements.

Unfinished Business:

A dead tree in the Memorial Garden has been removed; however there may be a second tree needing to be removed. Junior Wardens to work with Mary Anderson and Memorial Garden committee to make sure the area is safe.

The updated keypad lock has been installed on the door to the Memorial Garden, replacing the old lockset and deadbolt that no longer worked.

AC repairs discussed in the June Vestry meeting have been carried out.

New Business

Master Plan update: DJ Mitchell has reviewed the Due Diligence Report provided by VLK Architects and has responded to them with multiple red line items. There are problems in where AC units will be positioned throughout the buildings to facilitate maintenance and upkeep; also, the report does not provide any updates or corrections of air conditioning for kitchen.

Junior Wardens will solicit bids to purchase and install a window air conditioner in the kitchen and have been approved to make that happen within their pre-approved budget amount.

The revised/corrected agreement with EDOT for Curate Gavin Tomlin was reviewed. Bob Bess moved to approve, DJ Mitchell seconded; motion carried and corrected agreement will the signed by the Vestry and returned to the Diocese by the Rector.

Credit Card for Curate: Bob Bess moved that the Vestry approve a church credit card for Curate Gavin Tomlin’s use for his approved expenses, Mary Anderson seconded; motion carried and a card will be ordered.

The meeting was closed in prayer by the Rector and adjourned at 11:25 a.m.