Vestry Minutes – 2/18/2024

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting February 18, 2024

For a pdf of financials, please click here

    Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Rick Schutz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Bob Bess, Carlie Briggs, Shawn Casey, Eloise Frye, Bob Garrity, Bryan Hedrick, Elizabeth Jordan, Glenda Morehead – Clerk, Gary Wilkinson – Finance Committee Chair.

    Also Present: Tony Kroll, Linda Seeber.

    Not Present: Gavin Tomlin – Curate, Mary Beth Butler – Senior Warden. 

    A meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, February 18. 2024, in the West Parish Hall.

    The meeting opened with prayer at 12:00 PM by the Rector who chaired the meeting.

    Consideration of the Minutes

    DJ Mitchell moved the minutes of the January 21, 2024, vestry meeting, the January 28, 2024, Annual Meeting and the January 28, 2024, called vestry meeting be approved as corrected. Rick Schutz seconded the motion and the motion carried.

    Finance Committee Report and Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report

    Finance Committee Report: Gary Wilkinson reported the following from the committee’s meeting via Zoom yesterday:

    Update on High Yield Savings: As a business St. Martin’s cannot set up a high interest savings account. They are only available to individuals. Treasury Coupons are available that yield more than 5%. An account can be set up with Baird to accept the Treasury Coupons. The committee recommends this approach to the vestry.

    Stewardship Plans: Bennett Cepak stated that in the 2024 pledge campaign 66% of pledges came in on paper, only 34% via the website. The committee recommends that for 2025 pledge cards be used again.

    Possible Redistribution of Baird Funds: Bryan Hedrick has analyzed our investments in Baird. A redistribution of funds into more high-yield accounts would have the potential for more income for St. Martin’s. A recommendation to the vestry will be forthcoming soon.

    Bob Bess moved the vestry approve the recommendations of the committee. The recommendations were approved.

    Treasurer’s Report Accepted: DJ Mitchell moved the report be accepted as distributed. Bob Bess seconded the motion and the report was accepted.

    Housing Allowance Resolutions Adopted:

    DJ Mitchell moved the vestry adopt the following resolution:

    Whereas the Rev Alan Bentrup is employed as a minister of the gospel at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller, Texas, which does not provide a residence for him, the vestry resolves that of the total compensation of $123,492.00 to be paid to the Rev Alan Bentrup during 2024, that $42,000.00 be designated a housing allowance within the meaning of that term as used in Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,

    And be it further resolved that $42,000.00 of compensation is designated as housing allowance for this and all future years, unless otherwise provided.

    Bob Bess seconded the motion and the resolution was adopted.

    DJ Mitchell moved the vestry adopt the following resolution.

    Whereas the Rev. Gavin Tomlin is employed as a minister of the gospel at St. Martin-in-the- Fields Episcopal Church in Keller, Texas, which does not provide a residence for him, the vestry resolves that of the total compensation of $68,508.00 to be paid to the Rev. Gavin Tomlin during 2024, that $30,000.00 be designated a housing allowance within the meaning of that term as used in Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

    And be it further resolved that $30,000.00 of compensation is designated as housing allowance for this and all further years, unless otherwise provided.

    Bob Bess seconded the motion and the resolution was adopted.

    Junior Wardens’ Reports

    The written report is attached and made a part of these minutes.

    Replacement of Outside Signs: The outside signs need to be changed. The wording will be determined and the work can be done for around $200.00. The vestry endorsed the replacement of the signs.

    Installation of Remote Control of Worship Screens: Rick Schutz and Bob Bess are researching the cost, source for, and other details for making the worship screens movable as needed. 

    Senior Warden’s Repot

    The written report of Senior Warden Mary Beth Butler is attached to and made a part of these minutes. She has reminded vestry members to sign up for VPiC duties. 

    Curate’s Report

    Curate Gavin Tomlin has gone to take the eucharist to a hospitalized member of the congregation. 

    Rector’s Report

    The Rector’s written report is attached to and made a part of these minutes.

    Vestry Orientation: Bentrup reminded vestry members they function as the Board of Directors of St. Martin’s. He plans to use the recently revised “Vestry Resource Guide” as a study guide in orientation. It is important to remember the adage “The vestry speaks with one voice.” St. Martin’s vestry members are the leaders of the church. They are not all expected to think alike. If they disagree with any decision of the vestry, they can and should vote in opposition – during the meeting. But when the meeting is over, they remember that the decisions are those of the vestry as a whole. He asked that vestry members read the first 2 chapters of the guide before the next meeting. 

    Master Plan Update

    DJ Mitchell reported that bids have been received from three contractors who qualify for consideration to do the first phase of St. Martin’s reconstruction. The committee will meet February 21, 2024 to consider the bids, make a decision and bring a draft contract to the vestry for their consideration at the next vestry meeting.

    DJ Mitchell moved the meeting be adjourned, Elizabeth Jordan seconded the motion and the motion carried. The meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup at 1:00 PM 

    Respectfully submitted, Glenda Morehead Clerk