October 20, 2019
Present: Bob Bess, Mary Beth Butler, Keen Haynes, Brandy Heckel, D.J. Mitchell, Christopher Mullaney, Kristy Pemberton, the Very Rev. Ron Pogue (Interim Rector), Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Julie Sutton, Ben Taylor
Absent: Sharon Dudek
Also Present: Gary Wilkinson, outgoing St. Martin-in-the-Fields School Board chair and incoming Finance Committee chair; Caleb Tiemann, Kirsten Tiemann
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, October 20, 2019, in the East Parish Hall. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 1:17 pm.
Consideration of Vestry Minutes from September 15, 2019
Minutes from the August 18 meeting were approved as distributed.
Eagle Scout Project Proposal
Caleb Tiemann said that he would like to do his Eagle Scout project at St. Martin’s and asked what projects were needed. Christopher Mullaney will meet with Tiemann to review potential projects. The Vestry invited Tiemann to return with an official proposal for review.
Treasurer’s Report
Financials Accepted: .DJ Mitchell presented the September financial report. Heckel moved acceptance, Mullaney seconded and the motion carried.
Draft Budget: Mitchell presented the first draft of the 2020 budget.
Finance Committee Report
Wilkinson, committee chair, presented the report on behalf of the Finance Committee (other members: Bob Bess, Heckel, Sue Mitchell, D.J. Mitchell, Snell, and the Interim Rector. Committee recommendations to the Vestry are as follow:
- Move amounts in select temporary restricted funds to the general fund.
- Authorize a Thanksgiving offering.
- Encourage parishioners to increase their remaining 2019 pledge payments to 2020 pledged amount.
- Encourage the school to change its name (to “preschool” rather than “school.”)
The Vestry voted to approve each of the recommendations.
School Report
Wilkinson reported on behalf of the School. Enrollments remain lower than projected, which will cause a budget shortfall for the year. Possible corrective actions include changing the name from “school” to “preschool” – one that is more suitable for internet searching with a possible logo change and offering an extended-hours program. Mullaney moved approval of both, Mitchell seconded, and the motion carried.
Stewardship Committee Report
The Consecration Sunday events were successful. Preliminary results included:
(for comparison 2019: 114 pledges for $356,011
2020 Pledges Received to Date
68 pledges for $268,800
Of these, 34 were increased pledges
9 were the same as in 2019
5 were decreased
20 were new pledges.
68 previous pledgers have not been heard from yet.
Snell reported for the Stewardship Committee (Snell, Heckel, Seeber). Reminder mailings will be sent to all members who have not responded on October 21 and 28. Vestry members will be asked to hand-write brief thank you notes to all who pledge.
The Vestry concurred that Spring Creek Barbecue did a great job and were very professional and affordable. Furthermore, it worked well to have both Sunday services combined into one. It was suggested that the same pattern might be repeated on the Sunday of the Annual Parish Meeting 2020.
Report of the Candidate Qualifications Review Committee
Julie Sutton reported for the committee (Sutton, Butler, Dudek, Mullaney). A draft document is being compiled for Vestry nominees to complete. It will include expectations of vestry members. It will also require an additional biographical sketch that covers experience or expertise relevant to Vestry service. The form will be presented to nominees on November 3. A similar but briefer form will be created for nominees for Delegates and Alternates to Diocesan Convention 2020.
Future Meeting Dates Scheduled
Regular Vestry Meetings: The Vestry agreed that future meetings will be started at 12:30 pm. For 2020, meetings will be held on the third Sunday of each month, except for the June meeting which will be held on the 28th.
2020 Annual Parish Meeting: The Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 26, 2020, following the 10:30 service.
2020 Vestry Retreat: The 2020 Vestry Retreat is scheduled for February 28/29, 2020, location to be announced.
Godly Play Room
Seeber and Snell reported that the Godly Play room has been used for storage which is inappropriate. The Interim Rector has directed Parish Administrator Anika Rinker and Children’s Minister Liza Goodner to have these items removed.
Memorial Garden Update
Snell provided a document on the Memorial Garden. A copy is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Contract records are incomplete and supplies need to be purchased. The Interim Rector appointed a Task Force led by Snell and including Heckel and Butler to investigate the situation. He has also instructed Financial Manager Albert Alvarez to assist.
Announcements and Upcoming Events
October 27 Trunk or Treat, Blood Drive
November 3 All Saints Sunday
December 1 Advent 1
December 8 Advent Fest
February 10 East Deanery Meeting, 7:00 pm at St. Stephen’s
Junior Wardens’ Report
Mullaney said that there have been some sprinkler issues.
Senior Warden’s Report
Keen Haynes had no report.
Interim Rector’s Report
Ground Rules and Guidelines Adopted: Mullaney moved and Mitchell seconded the adoption of the “Ground Rules for Church Meetings” and “Guidelines for Dealing with Criticism” supplied by the Interim Rector. The motion carried and copies are attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Coffee Hour Procedures: The Very Rev. Pogue noted the new procedures for Coffee Hour, which are posted in the kitchen, and said that stick-on name tags are provided in strategic locations for visitors and members who don’t have their name tag.
Executive Session
The Vestry entered Executive Session at 3:47 pm and exited the session at 4:18 pm.
Vote on Position of Curate
Mitchell moved and Mullaney seconded that:
The Very Rev. Pogue offer full-time employment at St. Martin-in-the-Fields to the Rev. Christopher Thomas from December 2019 through the end of Thomas’s initially contracted half-time curacy in July 2020, and that
The Very Rev. Pogue begin the process of finding a curate to begin in Summer 2020, with youth ministry to be part of the designated call.
The motion carried.
Adjournment and Closing Prayer:
The Meeting was adjourned at 4:20 pm with prayer by Ben Taylor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Butler, Clerk