July 28, 2019
Present: Mary Beth Butler, Christopher DeClerk, Keen Haynes, Brandy Heckel, D.J. Mitchell, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Julie Sutton
Absent: Bob Bess, Sharon Dudek, Christopher Mullaney, Ben Taylor
Also Present: Ayo Omoniyi, Deacon, Glenda Morehead, Parliamentarian, Linda Snow, Historian, Rhonda Ackley, Tony Ackley, Sue Mitchell, Dick Seeber
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, July 28, 2019 in the East Parish Hall. The meeting was opened with prayer by Deacon Omoniyi at 12:14 pm.
Consideration of Vestry Minutes from June 27, 2019
D.J. Mitchell moved acceptance of the minutes from the June 27 meeting. Mary Beth Butler seconded and the motion carried.
Editing of Vestry Meeting Minutes
Parliamentarian Glenda Morehead read a statement explaining the process by which she reviews draft minutes to ensure accuracy and proper format.
Treasurer’s Report
Mitchell presented the Treasurer’s report. Julie Sutton moved approval and Becky Snell seconded. The motion carried.
Stewardship Pledge Campaign
Keen Haynes asked for members to volunteer to be on the Stewardship committee. Rev. Pogue has asked to begin working with the committee prior to his official start date on September 1. Mitchell, Snell and Linda Seeber agreed to serve.
Ministry Fair (September 8, 2019)
Haynes said that the Ministry Fair would be held on the date above, along with a reception to welcome Rev. Pogue and his wife Gay. Haynes will not be present on that date, so Mitchell will coordinate the details of the fair. Snell will supply Haynes with contact information about ministry members and leaders.
Fundraiser Updates
In preparation for the Bingo! Fundraiser scheduled for September 28, Sutton distributed copies of a donation solicitation letter. The letter is attached and made a part of these minutes. Sutton has created a Google Sheets Document (SMITFBINGO_PotentialDonationList – link was sent to all Vestry members on July 28, 8:53 am), to which all Vestry members have been invited to contribute. The list contains 84 suggested donors. If a potential donor is approached, the result should be indicated on the Sheets document to avoid duplication. Each Vestry member is asked to solicit $100 worth of donated items for the event (gift cards or certificates or items for silent auction).
CPR Fundraiser is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 17. DeClerk will confirm this week.
Potential Eagle Project
DeClerk reported that a prospective Eagle Scout has proposed a project to clean up the area between the labyrinth and Memorial Garden. He moved that the Scout be allowed to raise funds by appeal to the parish. Mitchell moved acceptance, Butler seconded and the motion carried.
Stewardship Request by Scout
DeClerk said that a Scout member of the parish noticed use of plastic stirrers for coffee and asked that wooden stirrers be substituted to reduce environmental impact. Haynes agreed to ask parish administrator Anika Rinker to implement this.
DeClerk requested approval for Boy Scout Troop/Pack 937 to sell popcorn at church as a fundraiser. Snell moved acceptance, Mitchell seconded and the motion carried.
Junior Warden Report
Mullaney submitted a report to Haynes that lights were replaced and a new battery acquired for lawnmower. It was agreed that a Grubby Sunday is needed and Haynes will ask the Jr. Wardens to schedule, possibly on August 25.
Senior Warden‘s Report
Haynes said that a new Board Member and parish representative for 4 Saints Food Pantry be identified. Sutton agreed to take on this role with the goal of having a parishioner replace her by year end. Note that 4 Saints is also seeking a Director, a volunteer position requiring 15-20 hours per week. Applications are being accepted through August 1, 2019.
Dick Seeber offered to work in Outreach. He was accepted with thanks.
Hayes noted the need for two new outdoor flags due to the poor condition of the ones we have.
Linda Seeber has researched prices and will handle the purchase.
Guest Rhonda Ackley asked about restarting the Night in Bethlehem Advent program. It was agreed that this could be explored.
Mitchell moved adjournment, Sutton seconded, and the meeting was adjourned at 1:34 pm with prayer by Haynes.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Butler, Clerk