Vestry Meeting Minutes December 15, 2019

December 15, 2019
Present:  Bob Bess, Mary Beth Butler, Keen Haynes, Brandy Heckel, D.J. Mitchell, Christopher Mullaney, Kristy Pemberton, the Very Rev. Ron Pogue (Interim Rector), Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Julie Sutton, Ben Taylor.
Absent: Sharon Dudek
Also Present: Linda Snow, Historian, Liza Goodner, Children’s Minister, Gary Wilkinson, Finance Committee Chair
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, December 15, 2019, in the East Parish Hall. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 12:41 pm.
Consideration of Vestry Minutes from November 17, 2019
Minutes from the November 17 meeting were approved as distributed.
Vote for Christmas Offering to be Applied to Outreach
On December 5 Interim Rector Pogue sent an email message to Vestry members requesting consideration that the Christmas offering be dedicated to current Outreach ministries. On December 6, 2019, the Vestry was notified that 8 members had responded in agreement, with no negative votes, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Mitchell presented the Treasurer’s report, including the following resolution regarding housing allowance for Rev. Christopher Thomas.
Housing Allowance for Christopher Thomas
Whereas, Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code permits a minister of the Gospel to exclude from gross income (in computing federal income taxes) a church-designated allowance paid to him as part of his compensation to the extent used by him for actual expenses in owning or renting a home; and
Whereas, the Reverend Christopher Blake Thomas is compensated by St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church exclusively for the services as a minister of the Gospel; and
Whereas, St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church does not provide Christopher Thomas with a rectory, it is hereby
Resolved, that the total compensation paid to Christopher Thomas for calendar year 2020 shall be $57,502, of which $20,000 is hereby designated to be a housing allowance; and it is further
Resolved, that the designation of $20,000 as a housing allowance shall apply to calendar year 2020 and all future years unless otherwise provided.
Mitchell moved acceptance. Mullaney seconded and the motion carried.
Finance Committee Report
Endowment Fund: Future action on the Endowment Fund will be on the February 2020 vestry agenda.
Next Financial Committee Meeting Scheduled: Next Finance Committee meeting will be Saturday, January 11 at 3 pm in the Chapel. The 2020 Budget will be finalized.
School Report
Wilkinson presented the school report. Cash flow is currently positive with a total of 53 enrolled students. Work is ongoing to include “preschool” in internet marketing materials.
Report of the Candidate Qualifications Review Committee
Sharon Dudek Resigns: Sharon Dudek’s resignation letter (attached to and made a part of these minutes) was accepted with regret. Mitchell moved that Clerk Butler be asked to write to her expressing thanks for her service. Pemberton seconded and the motion carried.
The resignation leaves one year of a Vestry term to be filled, along with the three three-year positions open. The Committee will work to ensure the slate is appropriately filled.
Update on Godly Play
Liza Goodner said that the room is clean and ready for use, and that Godly Play will be presented on each Sunday except the first, which is Family Worship with no separate Sunday school.
Parish Meeting
A single service will be held at 10:30 on January 26 to encourage members to stay for the meeting afterward. Ann Luttrell will be asked if she is willing to chair the event. Food assignments will be made alphabetically.
Junior Wardens’ Report
Work Planned for the Near Future: Bess said that tree service and electrician have been contacted for necessary work and proposals are in hand. Light ballasts replaced will be switched to LED.
Handicapped Seating Relocated: Pews have been moved so that the wheelchair accessible seats are near the front on the gospel (left) side. Signage is needed to reserve the spaces.
Fever United Water Bill Payments: Snell asked about the status of water payments from Fever United Soccer club. A possible written agreement was suggested. Mitchell agreed to handle the matter.
Senior Warden’s Report
Haynes said that he is serving as a member of the Diocesan Commission on Outreach and gave details and deadlines regarding submission of grant applications. Grants should be for sustainable projects that enhance community relationships. All grant applications originating in St. Martin’s should be submitted through the Outreach Commission of St. Martin’s.
Interim Rector’s Report
Pogue announced that each of the seven Commissions established to manage parish functions now has a Convener in place (a chart is attached to and made a part of these minutes.) He will be meeting with Conveners on January 9, 2020.
Pogue noted that St. Martin’s has an extraordinary number of first-time visitors and that an article he wrote this week on his blog addresses ways that the parish may welcome and connect these people. A copy of the article is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Executive Session
The Vestry entered Executive Session at 2:20 pm and exited at 2:56 pm.
Letter of Agreement for Rev. Christopher Blake Thomas
Bess moved approval of the proposed Letter of Agreement. Sutton seconded and the motion carried.
Called Meeting Scheduled
The Vestry will have a special called meeting on Sunday, January 12, following the 10:30 service, at the home of DJ and Sue Mitchell, 409 Brazil, Hurst. The meeting is called for the purpose of meeting with Canon to the Ordinary Janet Waggoner to review the process of establishing a Rector Search Committee.
Adjournment and Closing Prayer:
The Meeting was adjourned with prayer by Julie Sutton at 2:57 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Butler, Clerk