As clerk of the vestry I have been authorized by the interim rector and the senior warden to provide the following report of the recent vestry gathering. Full minutes of the meeting will be posted after their approval at the next regular vestry meeting. In the meantime if you have questions or want more information, contact any vestry member.
On Saturday, September 20, the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields met in retreat at the home of Susan and Gil Kleinwechter. The Interim Rector led the retreat from 10 AM to 3 PM. Vestry members prayed together frequently throughout the day. They engaged in get-acquainted exercises, discussed Spiritual Grounding, Focus on Vision and Mission, and Challenges Self and Others – all habits of Health Promoting Church Leaders according to Peter Steinke, and considered how St. Martin meets Steinke’s profile of a Healthy Mission Focused Church. The regular September Vestry meeting took place following the retreat.
Ayo Omoniyi came to share with the Vestry his progress in response to a calling to the permanent (vocational) diaconate. He went through the discernment process in Diocese of West Texas. He began his studies with 3 years at Texas Tech but was unable to complete his degree due to illness. He desires to continue his journey toward ordination and has met with Bishop High who has recommended he study at Iona School in the Diocese of Texas. The Interim Rector will appoint a discernment committee who will meet with Omoniyi and report back to the Vestry with their decision regarding his continuing his journey.
A new ministry begins at St. Martin-in-the-Fields on October 16. The focus of the ministry will be support of veterans and their families – any veterans needing such support, both from within the congregation and from outside the parish. It is hoped that veterans and others within the parish will feel called to offer their help to those in need. Initially the group will meet one Thursday each month; childcare will be provided. A brain workshop – providing information on brain injury, concussion and other head trauma – will be held on October 11 in connection with the group but will be open to all who wish to participate.
The shortfall on pledge receipts improved somewhat in August – due in part to the 5 Sundays in the month. The Helping Hands campaign began September 1 and will continue throughout the month. Response has been encouraging so far.
The Vestry received the positive report of the audit committee who reviewed the 2013 financial records of St. Martin-in-the-Fields. As required by canon the Vestry voted to accept the audit before it is forwarded to the diocese.
The Interim Rector and Senior Warden will meet and select those who will be asked to form the Transition Committee. The Senior Warden will then appoint the committee.
The Vestry agreed that the playground must be improved for the benefit of the school. The Senior Warden will meet with the school and advise them the Vestry has voted to purchase whatever is necessary to improve the playground and whatever else is needed to bring it up to code.