As clerk of the vestry I have been authorized by the senior warden to provide the following report of the recent vestry meeting. Full minutes of the meeting will be posted after their approval at the next regular vestry meeting. In the meantime if you have questions or want more information, contact any vestry member.
At the convention of the Episcopal diocese of Fort Worth which ended Saturday two members of St. Martin-in-the-Fields were elected to positions – Joel Walker was elected to the Standing Committee and Becky Snell was elected to the Disciplinary Board.
DJ Mitchell is drafting a Playground Usage Policy and will have it ready for presentation to the Vestry for approval at the regular December Vestry meeting.
The Finance Committee will prepare the budget for St. Martin-in-the-Fields for 2015 which will be voted upon at the regular December Vestry meeting. The approved budget will be introduced to the parish at the Parish Annual Meeting.
The Nominating Committee made its first report of candidates for Vestry and delegates to convention. Bob Bess, Charles Busey, Mev Matulevich, Chris Mullaney and Gary Wilkinson are nominees for election to the Vestry. More candidates for Vestry and a complete list of nominees for diocesan delegates will be solicited. Elections will take place at the January 25, 2015 annual meeting.
Bob Blomstrom has resigned from the Vestry and he and his family have left St. Martin-in-the-Fields. They go with our thoughts and prayers in the hope they will find peace and opportunities for service in a new church home.
Nicolas Chasteler, a member of Troop 937, the scout troop sponsored by St. Martin-in-the-Fields, presented an Eagle Scout project to the Vestry. The project involves completing the pathway to the outdoor worship area with pavestones and surrounding the worship area with a decorative stone border. He plans to have the project completed no later than the end of February 2015, weather permitting. The Vestry approved his proceeding with his plan.
The Search Committee has completed its work. The Senior Warden is currently in conversation with the candidate presented by the Search Committee. He hopes to be able to announce soon that a contract has been signed by him, the candidate and the bishop. No further information is available at this time.