As clerk of the vestry I have been authorized by the interim rector and the senior warden to provide the following report of the recent vestry meeting. Full minutes of the meeting will be posted after their approval at the next regular vestry meeting. In the meantime if you have questions or want more information, contact any vestry member.
Flo Lowery, chair of the event, reported on plans for the Newcomers Celebration on June 8, Pentecost Sunday. Newcomers will be recognized and their presence among us blessed during the 10:30 service. Lunch will follow the service. Barbeque and all the trimmings will be provided, bread bakers will provide desserts and the bread deliverers salads. Over 100 attendees are expected. Vestry members will each host a table, and newcomers will be assigned to tables. Brochures about the Grow the Church Ministry will be available at the event. Newcomers will be encouraged to choose a ministry that seems to call them.
The vestry received updates on events at St. Martin’s Preschool and Academy since the departure of Catherine Stehlik, long-time director. Cindy James has agreed to serve as interim director. She and the teachers are busily planning for the final days of this school year and enthusiastically planning for next year. Linda Seeber is in charge of showering all the teachers with flowers, meals and gifts to show our gratitude for their dedication to the education and wellbeing of their students. The vestry reiterated the support of St-Martin-in-the-Fields for our school and its future. The communications committee reported that the new website for the school is now online at
The shortfall on pledge receipts continues and doesn’t seem to be improving. The interim rector said that starting with today’s services stewardship minute announcements will be made at all services prior to the collection.
As announced at the last meeting Jarvis Savage, who had accepted the position of financial manager, has cancer and had to resign. An individual has agreed to fill the position starting June 16.
The office now has a new copy machine. The office refrigerator has not been replaced yet. The phone system is currently being upgraded, and the phone for the school is tied into the church system.
Senior Warden Bob Bess remarked that one unexpected fact coming out of the parish-wide survey was that many people find it much more difficult to become a part of the various ministries of St. Martin than we like to think it is.
The playground equipment poles that had been bent from severe weather have been straightened.
Annette Mayer who is currently engaged in supervised pastoral training at St. Alban’s, Arlington, feels called to remain in that ministry for another year. She remains a St-Martin-in-the-Fields seminarian and a member of our parish. St. Martin has a long history of supporting our seminarians in their journey toward ordination. The vestry firmly intends to continue that same support to Mayer and to Lisa Neilson, our other current seminarian.
An up to date operations manual is needed for St. Martin, listing pertinent information on all equipment, including location of original contracts, serial numbers, date of purchase, resource number for repairs, etc. An effort to create such a manual will be undertaken in the near future.