Vestry Minutes: March 20, 2022

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Minutes: March 20, 2022

Present:  Alan Bentrup, Paula Jefferson, Jim McManic, Jen Duncan, Keen Haynes, Bob Garrity, Linda Seeber, Melissa Kurkel, Dj Mitchell, Mary Anderson, Amanda Alvarez, Rick Schulz,

Absent:  Bob Bess, Joe Stark

The meeting was called to order at 12:15 by Rev. Alan Bentrup

Opening Prayer offered by Alan

Treasurer’s Report/Budget Committee Report  – DJ Mitchell

  • See the attached report
  • DJ announced that a outside audit will probably take place next year if the diocese agrees. Will need to make allowances for the cost factor.
  • Discuss the need for a capital needs list of improvements
  • Mary Anderson made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Keen Haynes seconded

Senior Warden Report – Keen Haynes

  • No report was needed

Junior Warden Report

  • No report was needed

Paula Jefferson

  • Reported a big response to Stephen’s ministry.
  • Lenten Meditation is going well.
  • Mention the Wednesday Lenten Series
  • Spoke about Hillsboro and the 150th anniversary celebration that will happen at the end of the month.

Rector’s Report – Alan Bentrup

  • Discussed the meeting with the architects and a handout was given to the vestry with information.
  • He is still working with Fever and creating a long-term plan.
  • Vestry Meeting was changed for April to the 10th
  • Eagle Scout Project was discussed. Scout is interested in building a gaga ball court.  Vestry members had questions and there was a discussion about the project.
  • Vestry made a motion to accept the Vestry Stewardship Covenant that was created during the retreat.
  • Keen Haynes made a motion to allow 4 Saints to email a letter to the parish members. Melissa Kurkul seconded.  Vestry voted to approve.
  • Easter offering will be designated for Christian Formation. A small portion will be designated to Stephen Ministries to offset costs.
  • Announced that Bob Bess is spearheading the Communication Taskforce.

Closing Prayer and Blessing – Alan Bentrup

Adjourned at 1:30

Respectfully submitted

Mary Anderson – Vestry Clerk

Vestry Minutes: February 20, 2022

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting – February 20, 2022

All Members Present except Amanda Alvarez

Meeting was called to order/Opening Prayer

A Motion was made by Bob Bess to approve the 3 sets of minutes that were presented.  DJ Mitchell seconded.

All voted to approve the minutes.

DJ Mitchell – Treasurer’s Report

  • See attached document for a detailed report
  • The vestry discussed the deficit in the budget and DJ agreed to write a letter to the parishioners and ask if they would be able to increase their pledges for 2022-23.
  • Keen Haynes made a motion and Joe Stark seconded it to approve the Treasurer’s Report. All voted and agreed.

Gary Wilkinson – Finance Committee

  • Gary outlined the duties and responsibilities of the committee to the new members of the vestry.
  • Announced – City of Southlake will be sending a check to SMITF for an easement. The Finance Committee recommended that the deposit be put into the Emergency Fund.  Vestry voted and agreed.
  • Committee was notified that a parishioner’s employer will be sending a matching contribution to SMITF. The Finance Committee also recommended that any such deposits be deposited into the same fund as the parishioner’s contribution.  Vestry voted and agreed.
  • Gary announced the next meeting will be held March 19, 2022.
  • Rich Schulz made a motion and DJ seconded it to accept the finance report. All voted and agreed.

Senior Warden Update – Keen Haynes

  • Discussed the Deanery Meeting and the changes of officers
  • VPIC assignments were made

Jr Warden Update – Joe Stark

  • Good News Garden wants to build more planting beds if money is available.
  • Had a discussion about the choir loft and some ideas in the future for the choir placement.

Paula Jefferson

  • Discussed the continued success of:
    • Harry Potter series
    • Human Flourishing on ZOOM
    • Pastoral Care
  • Announced the Lenten Series that will begin on ZOOM @ 7:00 pm

Alan Bentrup

  • Discussed the upcoming vestry retreat
  • Fever United Proposal is in the works to allow them to take over the lawn care for continued support of the teams and their ability to use the church fields for practice
  • Announced
    • we will be using wine again
    • no masks required at 10:30 but masks will be required for 8:00.
    • During Lent there will be no music at 8:00 and at the 10:30 – no words on the screen to the hymns.

Closing Prayer

Respectfully Submitted – Mary Anderson, Vestry Clerk

Vestry Highlights for March 2015

Vestry Highlights 3-15-2015

As clerk of the vestry I have been authorized by the rector and the senior warden to provide the following report of the most recent vestry meeting.  Full minutes of the meeting will be posted after their approval at the next regular vestry meeting.  In the meantime if you have questions or want more information, contact any vestry member.

The March Vestry meeting continued the process of everyone getting acquainted with one another, as well as with their duties and responsibilities as the leaders of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church. Many things are different – not only are there new members on the Vestry, but a new Rector is in place after the interim time during which we had no permanent Rector. Although canons specify a Rector is the president of both the church and the Vestry, Fr Scot has asked Senior Warden Bob Bess to continue to chair Vestry meetings, giving him a chance to observe and ask questions like the other newcomers.
Flo Lowrey came to give information on the party planned for Newcomers on March 21 following the 5:00 service. The party will be quite large, and was made even larger with the addition of the 2 new members of the Mason household. As always, Flo has planned activities that will make all the new people feel welcomed and cared for. They will also be given help to decide in what way they can offer their talents and gifts to their church. Kathy Watson and her committee of practically perfect party preparation people will be in charge of what promises to be a sumptuous meal. Flo helped all Vestry members understand that one of their duties as leaders is to welcome all who come through the doors.
An AEDU (Automated External Defibrillation Unit) has been donated to St. Martin’s. Arrangements will be made to ensure all Vestry members are trained in its use. Since a Vestry Person in Charge is present at every service, that person is the logical person to call on when use of the unit is needed.
Jack Bolerjack and DJ Mitchell provided a quick lesson in the many steps required in completion of an Eagle Scout Project. Nicholas Chasteler is nearing the end of his Eagle Scout Project for St. Martin’s, and DJ will help him to ensure his final paperwork is all in order for him to receive the award.
The professional style stove in the parish hall kitchen is very difficult to operate. Jr Warden Charles Busey will bring a proposal for replacement of the unit to the next Vestry meeting.
There continues to be damage to the fields and grounds. In partnership with Fever United St. Martin’s will decide the most feasible way to solve the problem. Interest is increasing in better monitoring of the exterior. Gil Kleinwechter will analyze the options and return to the Vestry with a recommendation.
The Vestry went on record recognizing the name of our school as St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal School with the usage of St. Martin’s Episcopal School permissible in some instances.
VBS will be held in the evenings this summer for the first time in order to partner with Fever United Futbol. It is hoped that the new hours will attract more working families, more working volunteers and higher participation among older children.
The Rector is continuing the appointment of committees heads and members for the coming year: He will chair the Worship Committee, he and Gil Kleinwechter will head Stewardship, Annette Duff and Courtney Mullaney will co-chair the Communications Committee, Elizabeth Mason the Grow the Church Ministry, Gregory Anderson the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Linda Snow the Order of Daughters of the King. Other committee chairs and members will be announced later with a full listing of chairs to be included in the Directory of Ministries.
2015 Vestry members: the Rev. Scot McComas (Rector); Gregory Anderson, Bob Bess (Senior Warden), Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey (Jr. Warden), Annette Duff, Pat Hollifield, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Courtney Mullaney, Cyndy Sulots, Jim Wilson; Glenda Morehead (Clerk); Doug Watson (Treasurer).