Vestry Minutes: March 20, 2022
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Minutes: March 20, 2022
Present: Alan Bentrup, Paula Jefferson, Jim McManic, Jen Duncan, Keen Haynes, Bob Garrity, Linda Seeber, Melissa Kurkel, Dj Mitchell, Mary Anderson, Amanda Alvarez, Rick Schulz,
Absent: Bob Bess, Joe Stark
The meeting was called to order at 12:15 by Rev. Alan Bentrup
Opening Prayer offered by Alan
Treasurer’s Report/Budget Committee Report – DJ Mitchell
- See the attached report
- DJ announced that a outside audit will probably take place next year if the diocese agrees. Will need to make allowances for the cost factor.
- Discuss the need for a capital needs list of improvements
- Mary Anderson made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Keen Haynes seconded
Senior Warden Report – Keen Haynes
- No report was needed
Junior Warden Report
- No report was needed
Paula Jefferson
- Reported a big response to Stephen’s ministry.
- Lenten Meditation is going well.
- Mention the Wednesday Lenten Series
- Spoke about Hillsboro and the 150th anniversary celebration that will happen at the end of the month.
Rector’s Report – Alan Bentrup
- Discussed the meeting with the architects and a handout was given to the vestry with information.
- He is still working with Fever and creating a long-term plan.
- Vestry Meeting was changed for April to the 10th
- Eagle Scout Project was discussed. Scout is interested in building a gaga ball court. Vestry members had questions and there was a discussion about the project.
- Vestry made a motion to accept the Vestry Stewardship Covenant that was created during the retreat.
- Keen Haynes made a motion to allow 4 Saints to email a letter to the parish members. Melissa Kurkul seconded. Vestry voted to approve.
- Easter offering will be designated for Christian Formation. A small portion will be designated to Stephen Ministries to offset costs.
- Announced that Bob Bess is spearheading the Communication Taskforce.
Closing Prayer and Blessing – Alan Bentrup
Adjourned at 1:30
Respectfully submitted
Mary Anderson – Vestry Clerk