Vestry minutes – November 17, 2013 meeting
November 17, 2013
Present: Steve Anderson, Bob Bess, Annette Duff, DJ Mitchell, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; the Rev Michael Wallens, Interim Rector; the Rev Amy Haynie, Associate Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; the Rt Rev Rayford High, Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth, Guest.
Not present: Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, Joe Panther; Diana Panther, Treasurer
Absent: Gary Grant.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, November 17, 2013, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Bishop.
Conversation with the Bishop
The Bishop stated that he and Canon Janet Waggoner will be available to help the Vestry of St-Martin-in-the-Fields during the search process. He reaffirmed his belief that St. Martin is a great place with great potential – a parish in which it would be a pleasure to serve. He thanked all present for their service for the parish. He recommended the online publications Vestry Papers, found at, as good sources regarding Vestry matters in any parish. He was asked to list some of the “best practices” to grow a parish in a highly populated area. He responded that the first contact with any church comes in the worship service. The worship service should be the best it can be with each person participating doing the best job possible; music should be good and singable; efforts should be made to make the service go smoothly. He will ponder the question and get back to us. He thanked everyone for the hospitality shown today and is looking forward to returning for Spring confirmations.
Minutes of the October 20, 2013, meeting were approved as distributed.
Christian Education Report
The written report of Corrie Cabes, CE director, is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Communication Report
Annette Duff reported that the changeover of email went smoothly. There needs to be better coordination of communication. The Rector asked that a representative of the Communication Committee attend the weekly staff meeting at 1 PM on Wednesdays. Better communication among groups is needed in particular to lessen calendar conflicts (the “double-booking” of space, leaders being expected to take part in multiple gatherings taking place at the same time, etc).
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker announced that St. Martin will have 4 members on the Commission on Ministry – Richard Cabes and Joel Walker are continuing, the Rev Henry Penner and Joe Malmgren are new members on the commission. The COM has an interview in December with an individual who is starting the 3 – 3 ½ year journey to ordination.
Bob Bess stated the stewardship follow-up process will start as soon as he analyzes the comparison between those who pledged in 2013 and those who have not yet pledged for 2014.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was given in written form only. DJ Mitchell moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Nominating Committee
Steve Anderson, chair of the committee, announced the committee has nothing to report at this time.
Interim Rector’s Report
Building Use Policy: The Interim Rector is working on compiling a current building use policy with one of the goals being to help avoid scheduling conflicts. Joel Walker has found a copy of a previous building use policy which he will provide to the Interim Rector.
Parish Council Meeting: He reviewed some recommendations that came out of the recent meeting with heads of guilds and organizations. A Vestry member needs to be working with each parish organization; this individual would report back to the Vestry on the organization’s activities. The Mission and Outreach Committee needs to include Evangelism. The organizational chart that came out of the meeting includes all parish organizations with the exception of the Transition Committee. The Transition Committee will be a long term group which will discuss what’s going on now and be available for the new Rector, who will determine when their service is no longer needed. The Interim Rector will appoint the Transition Committee as well as the Profile and Search Committees.
Vestry Retreat: He has a friend in Maryland who is very experienced in advising vestries. The individual will be attending a meeting in Albuquerque in April, and a retreat with St. Martin’s Vestry is scheduled to take place while he is in the area.
Fever Soccer Football Club: Constance Smith, director and founder of the Fever, the soccer club that uses our fields, has a goal of getting the club’s members and their families to come to St. Martin. The club is made up mainly of African American, Hispanic and Asian members. They have already done a number of service projects for St. Martin and hope to do more in a long term relationship with the parish.
Upcoming Conferences: He asked that all parish members who are available attend the Changed Conference Workshop in Frisco February 9 – 11 and the THE Conference on Evangelism, Stewardship and Formation May 2 – 4 at Camp Allen in Diocese of Texas.
St. Martin Preschool and Academy Planning Meeting: There was a gathering on November 5 to begin the process of formation of a School Board. The (Interim) Rector, Senior Warden and School Director are ex officio members of the School Board. Participants at the meeting reviewed the requirements for School Board membership and suggested names for the board members who are appointed by the Rector. The following have agreed to serve on the St. Martin School Board and have been appointed by the Interim Rector: Brian Long, Karrie Marling, Annette Duff and Linda Seeber. He is contacting one other person. The Board will meet December 3 at 7 PM. The Interim Rector plans to attend the School staff meetings on Wednesday mornings.
Associate Rector’s Report
Diocesan Activities: The Associate Rector announced that she and the Bishop have agreed that as of the recent court hearing, her diocesan inreach job is finished. She is on the wrap-up committee for the recent 2013 convention. Our deanery is in charge of all diocesan convention 2014, and she will bring to our deanery the information she learns at the wrap-up meeting.
St. Martin Information for the Fever Games: She has some plastic real estate boxes that will be attached to the backs of the soccer signs, giving information on the services and activities of St-Martin-in-the-Fields to all who come for the soccer games.
Keller Holly Days: St Martin will have a St. Nicholas float in the Holiday Parade on Bear Creek Pkwy, Keller, December 6. The parade starts at 6 PM and St. Martin participants will gather at 4 PM. Participants are to wear red or green tops if they wish to walk alongside the float and hand out gold-foil wrapped candy in the shape of coins – the traditional gift of St. Nicholas. Those planning to participate are to contact her.
Senior Warden’s Report
The Senior Warden shared information regarding 2 proposed non-budgeted expenditures for the remainder of 2013. He postponed discussion and decision on the matters until the December meeting. Input is needed on the subjects from the Treasurer and the Finance Committee before a decision is made.
Junior Warden’s Report
Roof Repair Claim: At the recommendation of the insurance adjustor the Jr Warden will be turning in a bid received for replacement of the entire roof plus coverage of the damage to the interior and attic areas.
Watering of Soccer Fields: The Fever Soccer Club wants to take over responsibility for watering the soccer fields. To do so they want to tie in to our water meter system at the street and pay the cost (approximately $2000) resulting from the work. DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry authorize the Jr Warden to proceed with negotiations regarding the property with the goal of reaching a contract which would then be brought back to the Vestry for consideration at the December Vestry meeting. The motion was seconded and carried.
Outside Signage: There was discussion re changing the outside signage for St-Martin-in-the-Fields. DJ Mitchell moved the Senior Warden and Jr Warden be authorized to investigate the most reasonable approach to outside signage as soon as possible. The motion was seconded and carried.
Gift Policy Resolution
At the last Vestry meeting DJ Mitchell was tasked with preparing a possible Gift Policy for St-Martin-in-the-Fields. He presented the Gift Policy in resolution form. Joel Walker moved the Vestry adopt the Gift Policy resolution as presented. The motion was seconded and carried. The resolution is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Columbarium Transfer
There are currently no firm policies in effect regarding transfer of columbarium spaces between individuals. DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry approve the transfer of a columbarium space from Paula Steves to Jim Wilson and LC Crowley as agreed between the parties. The motion was seconded and carried. Jim Wilson, as a party to the transfer, recused himself from the vote.
St-Martin-in-the-Fields Tee Shirts
The Associate Rector gave information on ordering St. Martin tee shirts to wear in the Holly Days parade. The design and cost will be provided on the manufacturer’s website.
The meeting adjourned at 3:31 PM with prayer by Joel Walker.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, December 15, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.
Christian Education Report
November 2013
Sunday School Update:
In November, Sunday school resumed age-specific curriculum (Godly Play, re:form and RefLectionary) for youth and children in the east parish hall at a new time between the 8:00am and 10:30am service from 9:30am-10:15am. Since the time change, Sunday school attendance for children and teens has dramatically decreased. I have called a meeting this month with all Sunday school volunteers and Fr. Mike to discuss the current Sunday school schedule.
Adult Education, led by Fr. Mike, is currently being held in the west parish hall from 9:30am-10:15am, with a morning gathering time starting at 9:15am with coffee and conversation and has drawn a great crowd each Sunday.
Wednesday Study: This group recently began a book study on Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Official Prayers by Anne Lamott.
Looking Towards December–
Advent Fest 2013: Plans are in full swing for St. Martin’s Advent Festival to be held during coffee hour in the east parish hall on December 1st. All are welcome! Make an advent wreath, grab a cookie and hot chocolate and learn about this blessed season. Vestry member Linda Seeber will be offering a children’s Christmas store where children can shop for family and friends during this event!
St. Nicholas Visit: St. Nicholas will visit St. Martin’s Preschool and Academy on Dec. 4th and 5th to spread God’s love and his message of the importance of giving. All are welcome to attend this special chapel service in the sanctuary at 9:25-9:50am.
Elves Feast: A couple of sneaky elves are planning a feast to celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve in the east parish hall. After the 5pm family service, join in the merriment with special Christmas goodies in the east parish hall! I will be looking for bakers and those willing to bring some treats to make this event a success!
In His Service,
Corrie Cabes
Director of Christian Education
Gift Policy Resolution
WHEREAS, St. Martin in the Field appreciates and welcomes the spirit of giving inherent in each donor’s prospective gift or donation (herein after referred to as “Gift” or “Gifts”) and thanks each donor for their thoughts and intentions;
WHEREAS, St. Martin in the Field must affirmatively vote to accept all Gifts offered to it, subject to the strictures of law and the Tax Codes of the United States of America and of the State of Texas and may decline acceptance of any Gift if such Gift detracts from the purpose, goals, character, integrity or independence of our church;
WHEREAS, St. Martin in the Field will make all Gifts available to aid in carrying out the mission of our church, subject to the affirmative vote of its Vestry, and consistent with the laws of the United States of America and the State of Texas;
WHEREAS, The Vestry of St. Martin in the Field (herein after referred to as “the Vestry”) recognizes its responsibility to be a good steward of the Gifts entrusted to it;
1. Unrestricted cash Gifts will be accepted and recorded by the Treasurer of St. Martin in the Field (herein after referred to as “the Treasurer”) at the direction of an affirmative vote of the Vestry;
2. Restricted Gifts or Gifts designated for a particular use will be accepted and recorded by the Treasurer at the direction of and after an affirmative vote of the Vestry only if the Vestry has previously established a fund (herein after referred to as “Fund” or “Funds”) into which the restricted or designated Gift may be placed in a way consistent with the wishes of the donor;
3. Funds established by the Vestry will include the General Fund, the Restricted Capital Fund, the Unrestricted Capital Fund, the Memorial Garden Fund or other Funds as my be established from time to time by an affirmative vote of the Vestry;
4. If the restrictions or designations placed on a particular Gift are not consistent with the limitations and purposes of a particular Fund, a member of the Vestry, as directed by the Senior Warden of the Vestry, will inform the donor, and if agreement cannot be reached as to what Fund the Gift can be directed, the Gift will be returned to the donor;
5. At the time the Vestry receives notice of a non-cash Gift (e.g., stock, various kinds of securities, insurance products, automobiles, furniture, animals, jewelry and real estate), such Gift cannot be encumbered in any way and will be subject to verification of ownership by the donor and an affirmative vote of acceptance the Vestry;
6. All non-cash Gifts shall, under the direction and guidance of the Vestry and as quickly as reasonable possible, be liquidated and the receipt of cash from such act of liquidation shall be given to the Treasurer for deposit into an established Fund, as designated by the donor and accepted by the Vestry; thus establishing the non-cash Gift’s fair market value for both St. Martin in the Field and the donor;
7. All costs related to the liquidation of a non-cash Gift will be deducted from the cash derived from the liquidation of the non-cash Gift;
8. Acceptance of all Gifts will be acknowledged by the Treasurer in a written letter to the donor and will state, among other things, the value of the cash Gift or, in the case of a non-cash Gift, the value of said Gift as established through the process of its liquidation; and,
9. The Vestry will at all times safeguard a donor’s privacy and other confidential information related to his or her donation and will make public the donation only with the express written approval of the donor.