Communications Committee
The Communications Committee works to extend our church’s evangelism into the digital, online world. Members work to manage our website, social media, and to best use all communications methods. If you are called to digital evangelism, or a good writer/editor, or a passionate storyteller, or a photographer, or a digital designer, or interested in social media, or if you are a geek looking for a place to belong, this is the group for you!
The Communications Committee’s impetus for extending communications beyond the doors of our church comes from Acts 5:20, where the angel who freed the apostles from jail told them, “Go, stand in the temple courts, and tell the people the full message of this new life.”
Committee members work behind the scenes to develop the website and new communications methods, to and equip and encourage staff and ministry leaders in their communications.
Get Involved! Shoot an email to Chuck Ambrose at chuckambrose