4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry

Get corny!
St. Martin’s is specifically collecting cans of corn each week for 4Saints. Other area churches are collecting other specific items. So lets get corny! Bring in cans of corn each week and place them in the wagon at the back of the church.
In addtion to corn, you can bring these items in regularly to church – we are always collecting!
4Saints is in need of food items that will greatly help the food pantry!
- 1-2 lb bags of rice
- 1-2 lb bags of pinto beans
- canned vegetables – especially spinach & carrots
- canned peas & beans
- canned fruit – especially peaches
- canned soup – except cream of mushroom (they have an abundance!)
- canned meats
- canned tuna
- 16 oz peanut butter – smooth
- pancake mix & syrup
- jelly, jam & fruit preserves
- granola bars, cookies, lunch box treats
- mayonnaise, Miracle Whip, salad dressing
- applesauce pouches
- soap & deaodorant
4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry is a food distribution ministry conducted in East Fort Worth by five parishes. Our purpose is to serve with dignity and humility the nutritional needs of those seeking assistance. We are a 100% volunteer organization and members of St. Martin’s regularly volunteer.
Please visit 4saintsfood.org/
Weekday Help and Friday Distribution
Every Friday, 4Saints distributes food to about 130 families from its new location at the Community Life Center, 2529 Mt. View Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76103 on the campus of Meadowbrook-Poly United Methodist Church on Meadowbrook Drive.
You can help on Fridays by assisting our clients shop for food or helping load the food into their cars. Just click the sign up button below. We start at 10 am and finish around 1:30 pm. Some volunteers stay the entire time, and some volunteers stay for an hour. You can visit the 4Saints website to find out more information, especially how to volunteer.
During the week, we need volunteers to help unload the food truck and restock the shelves for the Friday food distribution. There are generally several deliveries during the week, usually starting at 9:30 am and vary from week to week. You can contact Jim McManic through the church office at 817-431-2396 or jim.mcmanic@stmartininthefields.org for more information.
4th Saturday Distribution
In addition to Fridays, the Mobile Pantry distributes food to about 200 families every fourth Saturday of the month in the parking area located across from the Community Life Center. Volunteers arrive around 10 am to set up. We distribute food from 11 – 1. Please bring a refillable water bottle and a utility knife. There are volunteers from other churches, schools, organizations, and families – come and meet new friends! No registration required.
Pantry Relocation
4Saints’ now has a new home at the Community Life Center at Meadowbrook-Poly United Methodist Church, 2529 Mount View Avenue.
Our new location is located in the historic Meadowbrook neighborhood where the pantry first began operations in 2017. It’s fewer than two miles northeast of the temporary home the pantry has occupied on the campus of Texas Wesleyan University (TWU) since April 2021.
We are incredibly grateful to TWU and its president, Fred Slabach, for finding room for 4Saints over the past two years. Becoming part of the Polytechnic Heights neighborhood and getting to know TWU students, faculty, and staff has been gratifying. The new location gives 4Saints and TWU the room we both need to meet growing demand.
We hope and expect to remain with Meadowbrook-Poly UMC for three years as we work to build a permanent home in East Fort Worth.
Please continue to support 4Saints with your Red Envelope donations which we collect for quarterly, donating non-perishable food items and certain toiletries and diapers to fill up the 4Saints bin in the back of the church, and participating in the Reverse Advent food drive each December.

4Saints Food Pantry 2023 Impact Report
We hope the 2023 4Saints Impact Report is useful as you lean into the stewardship season as an example of how your congregation continues to embrace the Spirit and walk in its light in serving those who need us most.