During Advent, families in our church and school were given the opportunity to participate in a “Reverse Advent Calendar.” Following our patron saint’s example, St. Martin’s fed and nourished those in need. Instead of receiving little gifts or trinkets each day, many of you chose to place a non-perishable food item in a box each day of Advent and brought those boxes to church by Christmas Day. Those items added up to 667 lbs. of food that were then delivered to 4Saints Food Pantry on December 27 by Deacon Ayo Omoniyi & his children, along with Don Mayer, volunteer manager for 4Saints. In all, 4Saints received just over 1,333 lbs. of food from around the Diocese of Fort Worth. St. Martin’s donations accounted for half of that amount!
We thank all of you for your meaningful participation. Look for more outreach opportunities to come in the new year!