sheep-goat-wrapup-figures-600x400It’s official: St. Martin-in-the-Fields is giving goats, a large flock of them, 28 to be precise. You stepped up to help others in faraway places have a better life.  Thank you for your generosity! It is transformative.

Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.
— Matthew 25:40

You generously gave $856.50 for sheep and $1384.50 for goats in this friendly competition, for a total of $2241. Our church’s Sheep vs Goats Lenten outreach project will give this flock of goats through Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD), the international relief and development agency of The Episcopal Church, through their Gifts for Life program.

What can our flock of goats do?

Goats live 8-12 years, so our gifts can have a long-term impact on a family as a stable source of food and earnings. With reproduction, a goat gift can transform lives and outcomes through generations. Hunger can end for a family. Economic opportunity can grow, and along with that, better health and education.
And your gifts made that happen for 28 families. For generations.

What does ERD do with our goat gift?

Globally, hunger and poverty affect over a billion people. In many places, agriculture is the cornerstone of the local economy. ERD will use our flock to give families and communities healthy animals to boost their productive power and well-being. ERD not only provides healthy animals that are appropriate for the area, they provide education tailored to a specific location, teaching animal health and animal husbandry.

What do we do now with our goat gift?

Now we pray. Prayer for people in need is an essential part of Christian faith. It brings us into communion with God, where our hearts can be tuned to the needs of others — especially those who are suffering. Please continue to pray daily for the people in need of animals that we will give, for our partnership with ERD, and for our hearts to be transformed in serving others.

Most merciful God, we remember before you all who go without nutritious food and clean water, and those who make due with less than their share. Help us to provide for them from your abundant creation, and guide us so that our gifts might be sustainable throughout generations. Grant this, dear God, for the love of your Son, Jesus Christ, who gave thanks to you, broke bread, and shared with all who were hungry. Amen.

God you created us and call us to be in this world, part of your creative force. In Christ you teach us the way of salvation. Help us to live radically in this world. Send your Spirit upon us that we might be instruments of your peace.

Holy God
Holy and mighty
Holy Immortal One
Transform us
That we might transform the world.

Lord, when was it that…
We saw you hungry and gave you food?
We saw you thirsty and gave you something to drink?
We saw you a stranger and welcomed you?
We saw you sick and took care of you?
We saw you in prison and visited you?
“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” –A reflection on Matthew 35:37-40