The Rev. Scot McComas preached after the Gospel reading of Mark 4:26-34. In this Bible passage, Jesus asked the question, “What parable can we use for the kingdom of God?” and Jesus gave the parable of the mustard seed. This tiny seed grows and puts forth large branches to provide habitat and shade.
Father Scot gives history of The Episcopal Church’s General Convention, and the relevance of its actions to our church and to the world. Scot will serve as an elected deputy to General Convention in July, and points us to understand that such service is part of his ordination vows. Scot shares about our small diocese here in Fort Worth; we may be small, yet we have a great capacity for love and to help foster change.
Scot also speaks to current events. He calls out the use of Scripture to prop up unjust government action, points us toward other passages in the Bible, such as in Leviticus, that remind us to welcome the stranger and take care of the foreigner, and he encourages us to consistently read the Bible through the lens of God’s love for all.
Lastly, Father Scot speaks about family separation of undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers at our border: “Putting children in detention is morally wrong. Period.”
He invites us to consider the witness that the Church as a body and Christians as individuals MUST bear when faced with immoral actions, even when our voices seem small.
Scriptures for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost