You are the salt of the earth.
You are the light of the world.
When people call someone “salt of the earth” it has a moral quality to it. It means they are good, trustworthy, honest people. It means their yes means yes. It means their handshake is as good as their signature. It means that they are the most likely to be featured in a Chevy truck commercial wearing jeans, boots, and cowboy hat stomping through the dirt, rain, and mud.
But in our Gospel today, that salt of the earth and light of the world is not a moral or character judgment on the part of Jesus.
Jesus is describing function, not status.
And he was talking to and describing the group, not individuals.
So it probably should have been…
Y’all are the salt of the earth.
Y’all are the light of the world.
Jesus’ words are as true and applicable today as they were two thousand years ago. “Y’all are the salt of the earth…. Y’all are the light of the world.”
There are profound implications to being named salt and light.
Salt and light transform things.
Salt and light reveal things.
And we are called to transform human activity in such a way that it reveals God in this world.
It means we are to help people taste and see that the Lord is good!
So what does that look like? What does that mean for us? It’s really pretty practical and tangible.
It is looking another in the eyes, speaking a kind word, and acknowledging them as created in the image and likeness of God.
It is generosity with your compassion, time, and money to care for and make a difference in the lives of the poor, the hungry, the homeless.
It is starting a conversation and rebuilding a relationship when what you mostly feel is indifference, pain, or anger.
It is faithfulness and commitment to others shown by listening, slowing down, rearranging your schedule, and valuing presence over efficiency and productivity.
It is choosing a life of self-giving rather than taking and acquiring, vulnerability rather than defensiveness, and intimacy rather than isolation.
It is loving God, your neighbor, your enemy, and yourself.
There are probably as many expressions and manifestations of salt and light as there are people.
Ultimately though, they always look like the life of Jesus Christ.
Where is the sal
t and light in your life? What does it look like? How does it show up?