St. Martin’s has sponsored scouting since the mid 1990’s and is proud to continue the tradition! We are an open and welcoming community where all are welcome. Our scouting programs are open to boys and girls and we would love to have your family join us!
Cub Scout Pack 937
Cub Scouts are for boys and girls starting Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.
Pack 937 was newly formed in 2018 and continues to grow! The pack has enjoyed numerous outings, family campouts, pack advancements, and much support and leadership from the parish of St. Martin’s and Troop 937. The Cubs have gained life long experiences and friendships by various activities such as camping, hiking, fishing, visiting the fire department, and even doing a little fundraising. The pack looks forward to another amazing start of the year with pack expansion for the 20-21 school year in full swing! Cubs will participate in various activities with Troop 937 with Adopt a Street, (clearing litter off streets) and most recently, the Good News Garden project at St.Martin’s, and many more fun and adventurous activities!
While it looks a little different this year, the mission still remains the same: Family Focused, Value Driven, Do your Best, and Have Fun doing it! Pack 937 welcomes boys and girls! From the BSA: Cub Scouting nurtures leadership and character growth, strengthens families, helps develop interests and skills, provides adventure, creates fellowship, promotes diversity, teaches duty to God and country (a scout is Reverent), and last but not least- is FUN! If you have a Kinder-5th grader that is interested in joining the Pack, please contact Cubmaster Christopher DeClerk at Annual program dues are only $75 and we have scholarships available. Nobody will be left behind!
Pack 937 Upcoming Events:
September 13 2020, Noon-2pm- physically distanced pool party and calendar scheduling day: bring your child, swim, and roast and eat hot dogs and s’mores over an open fire! While there, mark your calendar for upcoming pack events including the Raingutter Regatta and Pinewood Derby, camping, hiking and joint events with Troop 937. Please contact Cubmaster Christopher DeClerk at to rsvp!
Den and Pack meetings will be scheduled at the pool party.
October 17-18: Family Campout at Hickory Creek: Oct. 17-18th. We will enjoy the outdoors separated with families in their own tents separated from one another. We have two 75’ deep campsites reserved with water and electricity, across from a restroom, so definitely family friendly. In the evening we’ll roast hot dogs and s’mores over an open fire, sing songs, tell stories, and see some great skits that the scouts put on. Sunday morninfg we will show our reverence to God in an outdoor service. It will be a weekend to build memories that will last a lifetime! Contact Cubmaster Christopher DeClerk for more information and to rsvp!
Upcoming… Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, Spring Campout, and Blue and Gold Banquet.
Scouts BSA Troop 937:
Scouts BSA is for youth in sixth grade until age 18 or for fifth graders who have completed their Arrow of Light.
Troop 937 was established in the mid 90’s and has grown into a very successful and close knit troop. At Troop 937, we recognize the many demands youth face today. Part of its success can be attributed to supporting a balance between Scouting and the various other responsibilities including academics, athletics, music, theater, church, family and simple down time. We encourage the boys to participate in most troop meetings and our monthly activities. However, we understand that there will be schedule conflicts and other commitments. Troop 937 is made up of neighboring communities of Southlake, Keller, Colleyville, Grapevine, Roanoke and Trophy Club. As a result of our unique geographic mix, the troop develops lasting inter school friendships that would not ordinarily occur. Our troop welcomes diversity in youth and leaders. Although we currently do not have a Girls BSA program, we would love to start any time there’s interest!
Upcoming events:
Eagle Project: Jordan D. Labyrinth Border Install Day (Aug 29 2020 8:00AM)
Eagle Project: Jordan D. Labyrinth Border Install Day 2 (Aug 30 2020 8:00AM)
TROOP MEETING Via Zoom (Aug 30 2020 4:00PM)
Game Night Via Zoom (Sep 4 2020 8:00PM)
TROOP MEETING via Zoom (Sep 13 2020 4:00PM)
Swim Test (Sep 13 2020 6:00PM)
Swim Test (Sep 16 2020 6:30PM)
KAYAKING CAMPOUT – Lake Grapevine (Sep 19 2020 8:00AM – Sept 20 2020 Noon)
For more information about Scout Troop 937, please contact Assistant Scoutmaster Christopher DeClerk at or Chartered Organization Representative Liza Goodner at liza.goodner@stmartininthefields.
Scouting Pictures
Click here to see the latest photos on Flickr!