Our Radical Hospitality group warmly welcomes newcomers to worship and to the community of our church. Members greet, bake and deliver bread to guests, and work to connect newcomers to groups and ministries in our church. We are intentionally inclusive, welcoming, respectful and nurturing.
We have a team of greeters who strive to make our visitors welcome as they enter our doors. The congregation as a whole extends a warm welcome when we “pass the peace” during the service. A greeter or another member of the congregation endeavors to escort our guests to the parish hall for refreshments following the service; our Coffee Hour is a time of meeting and greeting in a relaxed, family atmosphere.
All are welcome at Christ’s table. Helpful instructions are given to make our guests comfortable in coming forward to receive Holy Communion or a blessing.
Members of the Bread Ministry deliver freshly-baked bread and information about St. Martin’s to guests who fill out a Communication Card found in the back of the pew. The delivery is most often made on the Sunday afternoon of the guest’s visit.
We follow up with welcoming emails and postal letters and calls to our guests. Requests for information by our guests are given to the appropriate ministry leader so that answers can be provided as quickly as possible. We add newcomers to our Contstant Contact mailing list and church database and order nametags.
All members of the congregation are automatically part of the Radical Hospitality team. The responsibilities are easy to fulfill. Speak to your neighbor at the peace; walk across the aisle and shake the hand of someone you don’t know. All you have to say is, “The Peace of the Lord.”
Welcome one another, therefore, as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. ~Romans 15:7
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. ~Peter 4:8-9
We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together for the truth. ~3 John 1:8
Get Involved: Like to meet new people and provide a warm welcome? Have we got a deal for you! Greeters serve one Sunday a month for about 30 minutes before the service and 30 minutes after the service. It is a truly rewarding experience. We are always looking to expand the team. Contact Mary Beth Butler at marybethbutler@gmail.com.