St. Martin’s often has events that need to have tables & chairs set up ahead of time: receptions, fundraisers, funerals, etc. It doesn’t happen by magic – it happens when people like you make a little time in their schedule to come and help make it happen! Right now, we have just a few very dedicated people who set up for each and every event, but those few people could really use some help. Can you add your name to the list? If you think you would be able to come by once in awhile, usually on a Friday afternoon or Saturday morning, please let us know. Setting up doesn’t usually take more than about 30 minutes – the more people who come, the less time it takes!

How it works

We’ll put your name on an email list of contacts. When an event arises, we’ll send out an email to the whole group. Volunteer as often as you are able. Remember, many hands make light work, and we are grateful for every hand we get!

Put your name on the list

Please send an email to, or call the office at 817-431-2396 to be put on the set-up crew list.
Thank you for your help!