Flower Dedication

Worship in our church is an experience that involves all the senses, and the flowers that we see around the Lord’s table draw us closer to God. We offer the opportunity for anyone to give altar flowers, Christmas flowers, or Easter flowers to the glory of God and in memory, thanksgiving, or celebration for people or events that are important to you.

Donation information and financial contributions for flowers must be received at least 1 Sunday prior to the date you desire in order to add the dedication to the bulletin.

Your flower gift can be made a couple of ways:

  • Use the online form. Using this form will allow you to pay online as well. Or you can skip the online payment and submit cash or a check later.
  • When you are at church, you can fill out a flower donation form in the office and return it to the parish administrator with your payment, or put it in the plate during worship. Donation forms can be found on the bulletin board outside the church office, or just ask an usher! Write “flowers” on your check or on your payment envelope

Flowers for worship ($25) – Flower dedications are printed in the bulletin each weekend. Please give your dedication at least two Sundays before the date you desire. We MUST know your name and dedication date, and also your our memorial, celebration, or thanksgiving note.

Flowers for Easter ($10) – The deadline for donations/dedications of lilies is Wednesday, April 13, 2022. Easter lily dedications are printed in our Easter bulletin.

Flowers for Christmas ($10) – The deadline for donations/dedications of poinsettias for Christmas is Monday, December 20, 2021. Poinsettia dedications are printed in our Christmas Eve bulletin.