First Thursday Morning Eucharist

We are introducing a new tradition at St. Martin’s! Beginning in January, we will have a Eucharistic worship service on the first Thursday of each month. The service will be offered with special intention for those who have died during the past month. If you would like us to lift the name of a loved one, please email the name(s) to the parish administrator, Anika Rinker at Each service will begin at 11:15 am.

First Thursday Eucharists will typically be “said” services (i.e., we will not have music). If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to worship during the week, please join us.

The first service will occur on Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 11:15 am. We will celebrate the feast of The Epiphany and those 3 fellows who successfully followed a remarkable star.

All are welcome!